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the sun exist starting in the direction of set. clear sky exist already dark. palace starts in the direction of turm in contact; ahead of whole quantity belonging to individual lights. beilieve; anticipate ability to draw attention; something that draws attention's temporal length of event or entity's existence, period in consequence of the fact that princesses in addition to, plus princes in the direction of rest. ta a degree our kingdom exist closed, okay, perceive with eyes you tomorrow.

Forward from: AESPAYS
[ to my dearest mutuals or anyone who saw it, can you forward this chat to your channels? i really appreciate, thank youu ]

💅 : beb gue mau rombak store biar makin kece tapi ga bisa buat setup Ba, mana duit gue di dana sisa 8k doang

🤳 : plizz deh jangan kudet amat 8k tuh udah bisa beli setup Ba di @cutshers liat deh catalogue nya lucu lucu dan kece designya juga ga pasaran

💅 : HAH? beneran harganya semurah ituu beb? 8k udah dapet 15 item?

🤳 : Ya iyalah karna lagi promo dan cuma Nerima 10 slot aja bayangin 8k Lo udah dapet 1 paket setup Ba tanpa cape cape buat sendiri

💅 : otw beli nih takut kehabisan slotnya kapan lagi kan Nemu setup Ba 1 paket cuma 8.000

🤳 : Iya deh iyaa jangan lupa check Regulations dan catalogue nya * Lo juga yang liat ini harus beli *

Forward from: kimoyino! 🎀 ;; open
for all my mutual ba please forward this to your channel, thankyou!

hello! @kimoyino is seeking for a new mutual ba, we accept all kind of bussines! feel free to chat @germanliz if you're interested in making friends with us ♥️

Forward from: miawufie, DISKONNN :D *.✧
~ wassup miaws! @miawufie lagi ngadain promo nih. pssst, slot terbatas, jadi jangan sampai ketinggalan!
๑. moodboard ready
๑. moodboard custom
๑. testimonial

pricelist :
moodboard ready 6 slide = 1.500 1.000
moodboard ready 9 slide = 2.500 2.000

moodboard custom 6 slide = 2.000 1.500
moodboard custom 9 slide = 3.000 2.500
(berlaku kelipatan!)

dijamin puas dengan hasilnya, admin fast respond & bisa langsung dikerjakan. tunggu apalagi? yuk order sekarang!
payment : gopay
☎️ : @jungkrymtal / @miawufiebot

Udahan hold nya, sekarang open lagi ya. Open semua catalog ya kecuali nokos whatsapp, nokos telegram dan coin nitroseen karena belum ada stocknya, kalau mau order  langsung aja isi format dicomsect masing masing catalogue yang udah disediakan, dan langsung gas send ke @Kjalang.

Hold dulu sebentar ya man teman, mungkin sampai jam 6 sore. Gua mau ibadah sekalian ngerjain tugas rumah, see you blablastt. Kalau lagi inrush chat aja ke @Kjalang, tetep bakalan diresp walaupun mungkin agak sedikit terlambat.

[For the mutual BA that I love or who saw this message can you forward this message to your BA channel?? Thank you so much.]

Hello, good afternoon to all. Metallic's amazing souls, say my warmest greetings to all of you. After a long journey, through all the obstacles and trials that eventually Store Metallic officially debuted on July 12, 2023.

In this store, metallic provides. Where all pricelists start from 50p-50k. And specifically to celebrate Metallica's debut, I will give a 10% discount for the catalog Jaseb sfs ma / reg, Upsubs ma / reg, Upreact, Upboard and Upcomment which is not stated means you don't get a discount.

               ༻⋆⋆────── 𓆩𖣲𓆪 ──────⋆⋆༺

𓆩𖣲𓆪 Regulation
         𓆩𖣲𓆪 Master Police
𓆩𖣲𓆪 Catalogue
         𓆩𖣲𓆪 Form Order
𓆩𖣲𓆪 Payment's
         𓆩𖣲𓆪 List Admin

These exist some princesses in addition to; plus princes who exist taking care from our kingdom. Pay close attention in the direction of following list from princesses in addit ion to; plus princes to a degree you don't pirit, vitality wrong.

ㅤ  ༻⋆⋆────── 𓆩𖣲𓆪 ──────⋆⋆༺

     𓆩𖣲𓆪 Owner : @Kjalang
     𓆩𖣲𓆪 co-owner : @Pbobrok
     𓆩𖣲𓆪 admin : @ username
     𓆩𖣲𓆪 admin : @ username
     𓆩𖣲𓆪 admin : @ username

Besides? nor yet princess and prince tashionable our kingdom. Provided that
nearby, here exist fraud by someone who copies princess and prince account in addition to; plus then commits fraud, ability to draw attention; something that draws attention exist beyond our responsibility. In what way or manner in the direction of check? click in contact; ahead of individual from dramatic princess and prince usernames above which exist similar, check chat section. Provided that nearby, here exist a previous chat, ability to draw attention; something that draws attention exist original prince and princess account. Provided that nor yet, the means a fraudulent account masquerading while, stay sale it sir and madam.

Are sir and madan already interested in something? and sir & madam want to order? sir and madam can fill out the form below to order goods from our kingdom for your needs.

ㅤ  ༻⋆⋆────── 𓆩𖣲𓆪 ──────⋆⋆༺

           𓆩𖣲𓆪 Name & Username ;
     𓆩𖣲𓆪 Mau beli apa ;
     𓆩𖣲𓆪 Berapa banyak ;
     𓆩𖣲𓆪 Total Pesanan ;
     𓆩𖣲𓆪 Payment ;
     𓆩𖣲𓆪 With qr ; Without / With
     𓆩𖣲𓆪 Inrush ; Yes / No

It you have filled out the form, you can send the format assisted by our bodyguard @Kjalang, to deliver your form to the palace. Please send to @Kjalang.

These exist some from payments about; in the direction of our kingdom, us provide a lot from payment in this place. In consequence of the fact that sure nearby, here personal choice exist a payment according ln the direction of what yau need.

ㅤ  ༻⋆⋆────── 𓆩𖣲𓆪 ──────⋆⋆༺

     𓆩𖣲𓆪 Dana.
     𓆩𖣲𓆪 Ovo.
     𓆩𖣲𓆪 Gopay.
     𓆩𖣲𓆪 Shopeepay.
     𓆩𖣲𓆪 Qr all e-wallet.

Exist nearby, here already a payment the fits what sr in addition to; plus madam need? provided that to a degree, what reason in the direction of order fashionable our kingdom evarything exist conplete in addition to; plus according in the directlon of what sir in acddition to; plus madam need. To a degre what exist you waiting in consequence of the fact that.

These exist dramat ic prices from some from our royal menus. Provided that you be in possession visited our kingdom in addition to; plus you exist interested fashionable something, ability to draw attention; something that draws attention whole quantity comes about; in the direction of a price. Dramatic following exist a breakdown from prices in consequence of the fact that whole quantity items from our kingdom.

> kami tidak menerima e wallet tujuan menggunakan qr maupun link.
> kami hanya menerima e wallet tujuan berupa nomor dan disertai dengan atas nama.
> jika e wallet anda premium, pastikan menambahkan note "convert@metallic" jika tidak menambahkan note tersebut, akan dipotong berjumlah 5k dari nominal convert.
> kami berhak menolak format dengan nomor atau sumber e wallet tujuan yang terdaftar sebagai penipu.
> wajib memberikan bukti pembayaran dengan jelas dan benar tanpa di crop maupun di edit.

> avail inrush no fee.
> tidak ada maximal convert.
> jika nominal tidak ada di pricelist boleh tanyakan di rc owner maupun admin.
> harap bersabar jika owner maupun admin belum merespon format anda dan jangan sesekali spam chat.
> format in comsect.
ㅤ  ༻⋆⋆────── 𓆩𖣲𓆪 ──────⋆⋆༺

To a degree, those exist some price details from our store. "Why exist ability to draw attention; something that draws attention too expensive?" because nearby, here exist goods nearby, here exist quality. Whole quantity dramatic goods us provide in this place exist from high quality, to a degree don't exist surprised provided that everything fashionable our kingdom exist expensive. Indicating contrast calm down, our kingdom personal choice often hold promos in consequence of the fact that whole quantity ladies in addition to; plus gentlemen.

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