✅ Daily English Vocab Word
1. SPLURGE (verb) पैसे उड़ाना
Meaning: to spend extravagantly or ostentatiously.
Synonyms: squander, fling, dissipate, disburse.
Antonyms: accumulate, hoard, conserve, preserve.
Usage: I feel like splurging on a new dress.
2. INCONCEIVABLE: (adjective) अचिंतनीय
Meaning: not capable of being imagined or grasped mentally; unbelievable.
Synonyms: implausible, improbable, incredible, incogitable.
Antonyms: plausible, reasonable, tenable, conceivable.
Usage: When I looked at my outrageous hospital bill, I blinked at the inconceivable amount.
3. REFRACTORY (adjective) दुराग्राही
Meaning: stubborn or unmanageable.
Synonyms: recalcitrant, obstreperous, insubordinate, intractable.
Antonyms: obedient, manageable, amenable, compliant.
Usage: Most teenagers go through a refractory phase where they don’t want to listen to authority figures.
4. DETENTE (noun) नरमी
Meaning: the easing of hostility or strained relations, especially between countries.
Synonyms: agreement, peace, amity, concord.
Antonyms: disruptive, antagonism, antipathy, hostility.
Usage: The policy of detente was scrapped and the objective was increasingly to roll back the Soviet Union.
5. CONTENTIOUS (adjective) विवादास्पद
Meaning: causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.
Synonyms: disputable, debatable, moot, vexed.
Antonyms: agreeable, nonbelligerent, pacific, peaceful.
Usage: This last piece of evidence is particularly contentious and likely to feature prominently in the appeal.
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1. SPLURGE (verb) पैसे उड़ाना
Meaning: to spend extravagantly or ostentatiously.
Synonyms: squander, fling, dissipate, disburse.
Antonyms: accumulate, hoard, conserve, preserve.
Usage: I feel like splurging on a new dress.
2. INCONCEIVABLE: (adjective) अचिंतनीय
Meaning: not capable of being imagined or grasped mentally; unbelievable.
Synonyms: implausible, improbable, incredible, incogitable.
Antonyms: plausible, reasonable, tenable, conceivable.
Usage: When I looked at my outrageous hospital bill, I blinked at the inconceivable amount.
3. REFRACTORY (adjective) दुराग्राही
Meaning: stubborn or unmanageable.
Synonyms: recalcitrant, obstreperous, insubordinate, intractable.
Antonyms: obedient, manageable, amenable, compliant.
Usage: Most teenagers go through a refractory phase where they don’t want to listen to authority figures.
4. DETENTE (noun) नरमी
Meaning: the easing of hostility or strained relations, especially between countries.
Synonyms: agreement, peace, amity, concord.
Antonyms: disruptive, antagonism, antipathy, hostility.
Usage: The policy of detente was scrapped and the objective was increasingly to roll back the Soviet Union.
5. CONTENTIOUS (adjective) विवादास्पद
Meaning: causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.
Synonyms: disputable, debatable, moot, vexed.
Antonyms: agreeable, nonbelligerent, pacific, peaceful.
Usage: This last piece of evidence is particularly contentious and likely to feature prominently in the appeal.
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