Forward from: FOLKRATION, under reconstruction!
{to all my beloved mutuals please share this beloved message to your business channel. many thanks for your help!}
the sun's breath lights the environment with remarkable coolness, emitting warm rays to preserve the magnificence that exists. @FolkRation is on a mission to find a lot of new business friends! we accept any business with main account only, except agency & gallery username. if you’re interested to make a long-terms friendship with us, kindly send your business channel @ to @folkkiesbot
the sun's breath lights the environment with remarkable coolness, emitting warm rays to preserve the magnificence that exists. @FolkRation is on a mission to find a lot of new business friends! we accept any business with main account only, except agency & gallery username. if you’re interested to make a long-terms friendship with us, kindly send your business channel @ to @folkkiesbot