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toast. She sat up and they ate from the same plate in bed
and shared a glass of orange juice.
"That was so good, thank you, Max. Since you cooked I'll
do the washing up."
"No you won't, you need to stay in bed and rest," he said
as he stopped her from getting up.
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"But I'm fine, really."
"Don't argue with me blondie," he said in a no-nonsense
Wrapping her arms around his neck she smiled. "Oh
alright, but only if you stay in bed with me."
Lowering her down onto the bed he grinned. "You've got a
deal." He then lowered his mouth onto hers and climbing
back on top took her again, this time he went slow,
pleasuring her until she could take no more and begged
him to make love to her.


played with the nipple and felt it hardening.
Tearing away from her mouth he kissed her neck, leaving
open mouth kisses as he moved down to take one of her
breasts in his mouth. Licking and sucking on the nipple
his hand traveled down to between her legs and his hand
began rubbing her sensitive folds and slipped a finger
inside. She was wet and moaning as she arched her back
letting him do what he wanted to her. His dick was hard
and throbbing, straining against his pants. He felt Kitty's
hand move down his chest to the top of his pants and
going further down inside grabbed ahold of him, her hand
gave a gentle squeeze as it moved up and down his shaft.
He heard her whimper when he got up to remove his
pants. Looking down at her his eyes traveled down her
body, taking it all in before getting back into bed and on
top of her as she opened her legs for him. The muscles in
his stomach tightened when she stroked him and
caressed his mouth with the tip of her tongue leaving a
wet path in its wake.
He then took her deeper into the heat of his mouth as he
kissed her.
The intensity of his kiss and the way he caressed every
inch of her she was mad with desire, her core throbbing
with wanting him inside her she moaned calling his name,
begging him to take her. "Max, oh God take me, take me
now before I go crazy." Her breathing ragged as she
clutched his shoulders, digging her fingers into his flesh.
She let out a muffled scream when she felt the blunt tip
of his manhood sliding into her and she raised her hips to
accept all of him.
Her eyes fluttered open when he stopped moving, though
he remained embedded in her. "Max, why are you
stopping?" she asked, her breasts heaving and she licked
her lips when she looked him in the eye.
"We can't do this," he answered.
"Why?" she cried out in frustration.
"I didn't bring any condoms with me, didn't think I'd need
Kitty wrapped her legs around his waist, not giving him the
chance to pull out. "I'm on the pill so it's alright."
He turned dead serious as he looked down at her, his dick
throbbing, needing some release. "You sure you want to
do this?" we hardly know each other."
She looked into his eyes, her own showing how much she
wanted and desired him. "I've never been this sure of
anything in my whole life, I want you." Reaching up she
kissed him with all the passion she had inside her.
Pinning her hands above her head he began thrusting
harder and faster deep inside her. He felt her convulse
around him, clamping down hard on his dick, her cry of
release rang loudly throughout the bedroom. Pounding
hard into her as he rode her he could hold out no longer
and let loose, like a volcano erupting he came long and
hard. Drained of all his energy he collapsed on top of Kitty,
his lips going to her neck he kissed and sucked, breaking
the skin.
Once he got control of his breathing and the thumping of
his heart slowed down he rolled off her and onto his side
where she moved in close and laid her head on his chest.
His arm automatically went around her and he stroked her
hair in a tender and loving gesture. "That was so
She smiled, she had never experienced such passion. He
was so forceful, so demanding and had her body on fire
like never before. His hands caressed and moulded her
body into a frenzy of heated desire, she actually saw stars
dancing beneath her eyelids. "Yes, yes it was," she
moaned softly against his dampened chest.
"Are you hungry?" he asked her.
"Starving," she replied.
"I'll go fix us something to eat, you wait here." Jumping
out of bed left the bedroom without putting anything on.
Kitty laid back under the covers and stretched, her body
had that tingling feeling, the kind you get when you've
had the best sex of your life. Fifteen minutes later Max
returned with a plate full of scrambled eggs, bacon, and



Kitty opened her eyes, her brain still foggy and was
startled to find she was wrapped in Max's arms. Her hand
was on his chest and her one leg draped over his pelvis,
the feel of his member touching her skin. Gasping she
pulled away and scurried to the far side of the bed and
sitting up covered her body with the sheet. She was
shocked to find she was completely naked and had no
idea what happened or how she ended up in bed with
Feeling the sudden movement of the bed Max opened his
eyes and saw Kitty curled up into a ball staring at him, a
horrified look on her face. "Feeling better?" he asked,
grinning at her.
"What am I doing here? why am I naked? oh God, we
didn't did we?" she cried out.
Sitting up he just had to laugh and tilting his head gave
her a seductive smile. "Would it be that bad if we had?"
Seeing her look of despair he shook his head. "No, you
can relax, we didn't make love. Do you not remember
what happened to you?"
Kitty rubbed her temple and thought, it was all starting to
come back to her. "The only thing I remember was falling
into the lake. After that, it's all blurry, but why are we in
bed together?"
I pulled you out of the water and brought you here where I
took off your wet clothes and dried you off and laid you
under the covers."
Her face turned red and she looked away. "That doesn't
explain why we're in bed together."
"To prevent hypothermia I had to use my body to bring
your body temperature up. If I hadn't you could have gone
into shock and died. I only did what I had to, it was
nothing sexual and I assure you I didn't take advantage of
you or the situation."
"But-I-I felt you touching me, all over," she stammered.
Max tried to hide the smile that crept up at the corner of
his mouth. "It was necessary to get you warm."
"Then wipe that smirk off your face," she snapped, feeling
her face becoming even redder than it already was.
Not caring that he was naked got out of bed, giving her a
full view of his front he picked up his sweatpants and
pulled them on. "Stay here, I'm going to heat up some
soup for you." He walked out leaving her with her mouth
hanging open. ****
Kitty was shocked at his boldness, the way he stood up
facing her, his member hanging there for her to see.
Sitting up she waited for Max to come back with some
food, her stomach was growling loudly. She felt so
vulnerable in his bed with only the sheet covering her and
when she heard him coming back pulled the sheet up
under her chin. Taking the soup he offered she finished it
off in seconds. "Thank you," she said, handing him back
the bowl. "And thank you for saving me."
Max sat on the edge of the bed. "What were you doing
walking on the ice like that? How could you be so
His words stung, making her feel worse than she already
did and she started to cry. "I didn't know I was on the ice
and don't call me stupid."
Setting the bowl down reached over and stroked her
cheek with his fingers. "I'm sorry, please don't cry." When
she looked up at him with those eyes filled with tears he
leaned over and kissed her. Then he stopped abruptly.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

He went to get up but Kitty grabbed his arm, leaning over
kissed him back. Their hearts were pounding as they
stared into each other's eyes for what seemed an eternity
before he took her face in his hands and his mouth came
down hard on hers. She wrapped her arms around his
waist, pulling him down on top of her as she sunk into the
He kissed her with passion and a hunger that had been
building for weeks now. He was like a man possessed the
way he savagely devoured her lips, his tongue slipping
inside her mouth as his hand ripped the sheet from her
body and moved over her breasts, using his fingers he

ninety years old. Yes, think about grandma, that should
stop me from thinking about Kitty. And it did for a few
minutes until he felt Kitty move and snuggled even closer,
all thoughts of grandma flew out the window and his
member came to life. So he slowly slipped her arms from
his neck and rolled onto his back, his one arm around her
the other behind his head. And damn if she didn't put her
arm around his waist and rested her head on his chest, a
small moan escaped her lips.
Oh fuck blondie, don't you know what you're doing to me?
Max whispered quietly under his breath.
It took some time before Max could tone down his aching
member that had grown hard and he was finally able to
fall asleep. All was quiet except the ticking of the clock
and their steady breathing as they slept peacefully in each
other's arms.


tighter, his hand moved over her as he gently rubbed her
back, moving down her rear to her legs and up along her
side. At first, she moaned and tried to protest but gave up
when he wouldn't loosen his hold on her.
It was getting late and Kitty was hungry, she knew she
couldn't avoid Max forever so she decided to go back to
the cabin, taking the route along the lake. She hadn't
realized how close to the water she was as it was
covered with snow. Didn't even know she was walking on
ice till she heard a crack and before she knew it she had
fallen through the ice into the freezing cold water and
screamed. It wasn't deep but she still was drawn under,
pulling herself up she grabbed on to the edge of some ice
and her vision blurred. She wanted to scream but her
throat closed up and it felt like a million pins were
pricking her whole body and knew she couldn't hang on
any longer. Then she heard a voice telling her to hang on
and a pair of strong hands were pulling her and she felt
herself being lifted up, after that she started going in and
out of consciousness.
Opening her eyes and through her blurred vision saw Max
hovering over her, felt his hands on her as he removed her
clothes. She tried to stop him but he held her down and
she had no strength left in her to fight him. She had never
been this cold in her whole life and didn't know what was
happening to her and in her confused state thought he
was going to rape her. "No please don't," she cried out,
shaking her head from side to side as she tried swatting
at him. She heard him say not to fight him which only
confirmed he was going to rape her, a tear slid down her
But then he placed her under the blankets and left the
room. She tried to get up but her body ached and she
couldn't move and then he returned carrying something in
his hand. She felt the bed move from his weight when he
sat down and pulled her into a sitting position which
increased the pain her body was experiencing. Then she
felt the warm liquid going down her throat, it felt good
and she swallowed some but then started choking. His
arms wrapped around her, patting her lightly on the back
till she stopped, collapsing against him.
She was vaguely aware of being laid down, her eyes
watched as Max removed his clothes and she spoke,
barely a whisper. "NO, what are you doing?" Then she felt
her body being pressed into his and felt the warmth of his
skin against hers, felt his hands moving all over her. The
heat started flowing slowly through her, warming her up
wherever he touched. They laid together face to face, her
breasts pressed against his chest, she felt his pelvis
against hers, the feel of his member touching her bare
flesh. Under other circumstances this might have turned
sexual, but this was not the case. Max was not fondling
her, he was merely warming her body with his, the
quickest and safest way to bring her temperature back up
to normal.
Being too weak and tired never gave it a second thought
when she placed her arms around Max and rested her
face in the crook of his neck as she drifted off to sleep.
It shook him to the very core when she snuggled closer
and wrapped her arms around him. The feel of her lips on
his neck and her body touching him started a twitching
below and he fought like crazy not to get sexually excited.
But it was difficult, what with her being naked in his arms
and the way she clung to him. Why do you have to look the
way you do? he said to himself as he looked down at her,
so fast asleep and looking sexy as hell. Finding it hard to
sleep he tried everything he could think of to stop from
being turned on, to thinking about his childhood to even
his grandmother.
He remembered once when he was about thirteen he
walked into her bedroom and caught her naked, she was



Max's head was throbbing with the worst hangover he
ever experienced. Forcing himself to sit up he rubbed his
temples and looked around the cabin, no sign of Kitty.
Seeing the empty bottle on the floor and his clothes laying
all over he tried to remember taking them off, but it was
all a blur. Pulling on his jeans walked into the kitchen and
was annoyed to find there was no coffee made. Well, he
should have expected as much. Kitty was probably still
pissed with him for last night and seeing the shape he
was in when she woke up more than likely didn't help.
While waiting for the coffee to brew he splashed water
onto his face, trying to shake the cobwebs from his brain.
Sitting down with a mug full of hot coffee cursed himself
for polishing off the bottle of whiskey. He considered
making something to eat but the thought of food made
his stomach churn with the threat of tossing up whatever
food was still in him. So going back to the sofa laid
down, he had no intentions of working today.
Max dozed off and slept till way past noon. Getting up he
noticed she still hadn't come back to the cabin. She must
really be pissed at me. By this time he was starving so
going into the kitchen pulled out all the fixings for making
a sandwich from the fridge. He thought about making one
for Kitty but decided against it, she would only throw it at
him anyways.
Another two hours had passed and as much as he didn't
want to admit it he was becoming worried about Kitty.
She had been gone for hours which wasn't like her so
pulling on his boots and coat went in search of her.
Checking a couple of the cabins only to find she wasn't
there started walking back to the main cabin when he
heard a scream coming from the lake nearby. Turning his
head in time to see her falling through the ice ran as fast
as his legs would go towards her.
"Hang on," he yells when he sees her trying to pull herself
up. Breathing hard he lays down on his stomach and
crawls towards her slowly, thanking God she wasn't far
out. Reaching her he grabbed her hand and pulls her up
and still holding onto her drags them both to land. She
was shivering uncontrollably and her lips were turning
blue, her eyes glazed over and he knew he had to get her
inside and out of her clothes.
Putting her one arm around his neck picked her up and
carried her back to their cabin. She was shivering and her
teeth were chattering loudly. Once he got her inside
headed straight to his bedroom and sat Kitty down on his
bed. He removed her coat, tossing it to the floor he
started undoing the buttons on her shirt and taking it off
reached around and unclasped the bra and removed it.
Grabbing a towel he had left laying on the bed started
drying her chest and arms, doing his best to ignore the
fact that her breasts were totally exposed to him. There
was no resisting on her part when he laid her down and
pulled off her wet pants and panties and began drying the
rest of her.
Max then lifted her and placed her under the covers,
adding more blankets. "I'll be right back," he said and left
the room to make some tea and he also cranked up the
heat. She never answered him, only shook and moaned as
she clutched the covers to her body. Moments later he
returned with some warm tea and sitting on the bed
helped her into a sitting position. "Here, drink some of
this," saying as he held the cup up to her lips. Her hand
shook so bad he had to hold the cup as she took a
couple of sips.
After only taking a few sips she started choking so he
placed it down and held her till her coughing subsided as
he rubbed her back. She was still shivering uncontrollably
so he laid her down and standing up started removing all
his clothes and climbed into bed and pulled her into his
Kitty's skin was cold against his skin so he held her


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Episode 9


Taking a hot shower and then pulling on jogging pants
went to leave but stopped and looked down at the wet
towels he left laying on the floor. Bending over picked
them up and hung them on the rack to dry, he then put
the toilet seat down.
Walking into the kitchen he grabbed a glass and the
whiskey bottle and poured himself a large shot, then
another. Taking the bottle with him went and sat on the
sofa and started thinking about what happened six
months ago when his world came falling down around
him, crushing his heart. Feeling sorry for himself he
finished off the whiskey and passed out where Kitty found
him the next morning sprawled out half-naked on the
sofa, the smell of booze oozed from his every pore.
"Well, you can just rot there and make your own
breakfast." She was so disgusted with Max she left him
there and putting on her coat and boots went to start on
one of the cabins. She didn't want to be around him when
he woke up.


broke my heart?"
Kitty's heart started pounding in her chest, his grip
tightened on her arms making her wince in pain. "I know
someone hurt you and that picture only proves it, what
happened between you and her?"
It felt as though the breath was being knocked out of her
when he flung her down on the bed, and getting on top
held her hands above her head. His mouth came down
hard on hers and kissed her. She was pinned beneath his
body and had no way of moving, his body weighed her
down and his mouth took control of hers, his tongue
forced its way inside her mouth and tickled the roof and
she felt herself melting, letting him continue his attack on
her. A moan escaped her lips when she felt his hand slid
down her body and started undoing her jeans. His fingers
moved inside her silk panties but as quick as it started he
stopped. His breathing hard he jumped off her and stood
up, looking down at her.
In shock, she stared at him. "Max, why?" That was all she
could get out as her throat seemed to close up and raised
herself up on her elbows. She could see in his eyes that
he regretted what he had done and knew he felt bad.
Rubbing his face he shook his head and turning walked
out without answering her. Kitty heard the front door
opening and closing and knew he had left.
Getting out of bed she does up her jeans with fingers that
shook, a tear slid down her cheek. He was rough and
scared her but when he kissed her she liked it. A part of
her wanted him to keep going, she wanted to feel his
hands on her, wanted to know what it would be like to
have Max make love to her. Wiping her tears away went
to the window in the other room and saw him making his
way through the snow towards one of the cabins. Once
inside she could see a light come on and knew he would
probably be working late into the night. The light was from
one of those kerosene lamps, it didn't give off that much
light but enough for him to do whatever he planned on
Kitty wanted to follow after Max, to let him know she
knew he didn't mean to do what he did and that he was
only acting out because he was in pain. But figured it
would be better to give him some space so he could calm
Slamming the door behind him Max started ripping up the
floorboards inside cabin 7. He was furious with Kitty for
finding that picture, he hadn't even realized he still had it
and seeing it brought back all the hurt and pain of being
betrayed. But he was even more upset with himself for
assaulting her. But once his lips touched hers he lost
himself in that kiss and was like a man starving the way
he took her mouth with so much hunger. Her slender body
felt so soft and warm and her lips so sweet, and when he
heard the moan that came from the back of her throat it
drove him mad, his member twitched as it pressed
against her. When he felt under her panties and she didn't
resist he knew he had to stop before it went any further.
That was the hardest thing he ever had to do, to stop
when all he wanted was to rip off her pants and get inside
her warm wet pussy.
He stopped what he was doing to wipe the sweat off his
brow. It hit him right then that Kitty was starting to get
under his skin, he liked her, liked being around her. She
was not only beautiful but smart and funny, a dangerous
combination. How was he supposed to look her in the eye
after what he did to her? and how was he going to be
able to keep his hands off her when all he could think
about was making love to her?
Max had to find a way to get past this. He also had to
apologize to Kitty for treating her the way he did, she
didn't deserve to be manhandled so roughly. He worked
until after midnight, exhausted, his muscles ached, he
dragged himself back to the main cabin. He was glad Kitty
had gone to bed as he wasn't quite ready to face her.



Kitty poured coffee into Max's cup as he sat at the table in
the morning waiting for his breakfast, he was in a foul
"I'm sorry if I overstepped last night, it wasn't any of my
business," Kitty said when she placed his food down in
front of him.
Damn right it's not," he answered angrily.
"I said I was sorry so there's no need to snap at me," she
hissed through clenched teeth. He was really starting to
get on her nerves. "God you're so arrogant, no wonder you
don't have a woman." She practically jumped out of her
seat when he banged his fist on the table making the
dishes rattle.
Max had never wanted to strike a woman till now, but she
was pushing his buttons. "What about you blondie? why
don't you have a man? I'd really like to know what you're
running away from."
"I'm not running from anything." she snapped.
"No, then what is a woman like you doing way out here in
the middle of nowhere?"
She turned on him, anger flashing in her eyes. "What do
you mean a woman like me?" She really wanted to know
what he meant by that remark.
"You obviously come from money. Your hair, manicured
nails and the clothes you are wearing are expensive, you
probably never worked a day in your life. So tell me
blondie, what's your story? who are you trying to hide
"I'm not running from anything or anyone. I wanted a
change and time to myself to think," she said as she
cleared the plates away.
"Think about what?" he asked.
Staring at him she lost her temper and snapped back.
"That is none of your business so I'd appreciate it if you
would just drop it."
Max stood up facing her, his anger matched hers. and she
backed away. "I'll stay out of your business if you stay the
hell out of mine." Walking away he grabbed his jacket and
left the cabin, cursing under his breath. One minute they
were fighting, the next getting along and now they were
back to being angry with each other. If only she would
stop prying into his life then maybe they could get along,
but no, she had to keep digging, asking questions he had
no intentions of answering. ******8
After Max left Kitty cleaned up and decided to clean the
cabin and wash their clothes instead of tackling the other
cabins. The clothes were drying, the place she had
spotless and after tossing a roast into the oven took their
clothes out of the dryer and folded them. Going into
Max's room she opened the drawer in his dresser, seeing
the mess his clothes were in shook her head, and thinking
about what a slob he was. Taking them out to fold
properly a picture fell out from between his shirts and fell
to the ground.
Bending down she picked it up and stared at the woman
in the picture. She had raven black hair and was wearing
a sexy white teddy, sitting on a bed. The woman was so
beautiful with her long hair and she had an amazing body.
Kitty wondered if this woman was the reason Max was so
miserable. Her heart almost jumped out of her throat
when she heard Max's loud angry voice as it filled the
small bedroom and he charged towards her and snatched
the picture from her fingers.
"What the hell do you think you're doing going through my
Kitty backed into the bed when she saw how angry Max
was, his eyes narrowed into slits and his teeth clenched,
face red as he hovered over her. "I-I wasn't going through
your things," she stammered, afraid of what he would do
next. "I was putting away your clean clothes and that
picture fell out. Who is she?" she points to the photo he
held tightly in his fist.Crumbling it into a ball he throws it into the wastebasket.
"Nobody," he replied.
"Is she the one who broke your heart?" saying as she
looked at it lying in the garbage?
Gripping her arms he shook her, his breath warm and
minty as it hit her in the face. "Who the fuck said anyone

He didn't dare, not after what almost happened last time.
Instead, he shook his head and muttered out loud. "I don't
get why you are so emotional, it's just a movie, there's
nothing real about it."
"Why are you so cold hearted? it's a beautiful love story. I
hope to someday find a love like that and grow old and
die together," she sniffed.
"There's no such thing as true love, it's all bullshit, make-
believe," Max cursed.
Kitty was shocked at Max's words, he sounded so bitter
and wondered what had happened to him to make him
this way. "You don't believe in love, why?"
"I just don't, it's sex that makes people think they are in
love until someone else comes along and they hop into
the sack with them." He looks over at Kitty. "You can't
really believe in love, but if you do then I wish you all the
luck in the world, cause you're going to need it blondie."
"Wiping her tears away she looked up at him as he stood
to go to bed. "Who hurt you, Max?"
"What?" he asked, looking down at her.
Kitty got up and stood in front of him. "A woman has
broken your heart, turned you against love. I should have
known you were running from something with the way you
were drinking yourself into a stupor every night. You can't
let one heartbreak stop you from loving. If you don't have
love in your heart then you have nothing."
"You know nothing about me or my life so don't try to
analyze me." He looked down into her eyes that were still
moist from her tears. "Love is for fools, be one if you
want." Turning away he walks to his room and slams the
door. Damn women and their bloody emotions he cursed
to himself and shedding his clothes got into bed.


his boots walked out. He should have been pleased but
he wasn't. He had lied straight to her face, the truth was
he did feel something when he kissed her. Damn her lips
were so soft and tasted like sweet honey, he noticed his
member twitched to life when he held her in his arms.
Shit, he thought he had learned his lesson where women
were concerned, to stay the hell away from them and
here he was, kissing a woman he barely knew and he
liked it, liked it way too much. Well, he would have to
keep busy and stay as far from her as possible.
So Max poured all his energy into fixing up the cabin, even
doing things that didn't need repairing. As hard as he tried
he couldn't get Kitty out of his head, she oozed with
sexuality and her body fit right into him and God he
became horny. It didn't help matters when she came into
where he was working a few hours later carrying
something in her hand. Even wrapped in a heavy jacket,
hat and gloves she looked sexy as hell and when he
looked at her the hammer missed its mark and pounded
into his thumb, cursing he dropped the tool and rubbed at
the throbbing pain.
Kitty's mouth dropped opened and rushed over to his
side. "Oh God are you OK?" she asked, taking hold of his
hand to examine it.
Pulling away he stepped aside. "It's nothing, what are you
doing here?" he asked grumpily.
At the tone of his voice, she knew he was angry and bit
her bottom lip. "You missed lunch so I brought it to you."
She opens the bag and shows him the sandwich.
Taking it out she placed it on the table and the thermos
of coffee.
Max stared at the food and his stomach growled, it was
almost two o'clock and he was starving so he grunted a
thank you and sat down to eat. The sandwich was so
delicious it melted in his mouth, the woman sure could
cook he thought to himself as he wolfed it down, taking
sips of his coffee between bites.
"Well I'll leave you to it," she said and went to walk out
but stopped when he called out to her.
"Don't hold supper for me, I'll be working late tonight."
Looking back at him she frowned, wanted to ask him why.
But she had a feeling she knew why. It was because he
didn't want to be alone with her. "Hum-OK, I'll leave a
plate made up for you in the fridge, you can heat it up
when you're ready for it." She walked out, though it was a
nice day with the sun beating down making it almost
warm out she felt a chill go through her. After that kiss he
had changed, going from being aloof towards her was
now downright cold, almost hostile.
They barely saw or talked to each other for the next few
days and Kitty found she was missing his company. So on
the fourth night when he showed up for dinner she was
thrilled, happy to have human contact and someone to
talk to. She even made a special dinner of fish and for
dessert made a three-layer chocolate cake served with
ice cream.
Max patted his stomach when he was done and gave her
a warm smile. "Man, that was the best meal I've had in a
long time. The fish was so moist and the cake, a man
could get fat eating your cooking."
Kitty beamed with pride, it was nice hearing someone
praise her for a job well done. She couldn't remember the
last time someone had. "Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.
Why don't you take your coffee into the other room and
try and get that poor excuse of a TV working? There's a
movie I want to watch."
Max snickered. "Let me guess, it's one of those chick
flicks that's going to make you cry."
As a matter of fact, it is a love story called The
Notebook," saying as she picked up the dirty dishes and
going over to the sink smiled. She didn't want to say
anything but she knew he enjoyed the last movie they
watched, even if he wouldn't admit to it.
So there they were once again, sat in front of the TV, Kitty
shedding tears and this time Max didn't try to comfort her.



Morning came and Kitty woke first and made coffee. She
was standing by the window looking out sipping on her
coffee when Max came out from his bedroom. He wasn't
sure what to say after last night so pouring himself a cup
walked over to where she stood.
"It stopped snowing and look at this view, it's so
beautiful," she said, avoiding his eyes.
Max looked out and despite feeling awkward being near
her he had to admit the view was indeed lovely. The
ground was covered in snow and he could see the lake, it
looked like glass covering the water, the sun was shining
making the ground glitter. "It is breathtaking," he
"I'll make us some breakfast before we start work." She
went to walk away but he reached out and grabbed her
arm to stop her.
"About last night." Max started to say but she interrupted
"It was nothing, don't mention it." Leaving him standing
there went into the kitchen and started preparing their
The silence between them was uncomfortable for them
both, only the sound of them chewing and the ticking of
the clock could be heard. As soon as Max was done
eating he abruptly stood up and told her he was heading
out to repair cabin four, and that five and six were done
so she was free to work on those ones.
"Good." Was her only answer as she watched him go and
picking up his coat put it on. Standing she took the dirty
plates over to the sink and with her back turned she felt
his presence behind her and she turned back around.
"Have you forgotten something?" she asked him.
He towered over her as he looked down. "I think we
should do it."
Kitty's heart started pounding, his eyes were on her lips
and she swallowed the lump in her throat and struggled
to speak. "Excuse me?"
"I think we should kiss," he replied.
With her back to the counter, she gripped the edge. "Have
you lost your mind? I'm not going to kiss you." Her eyes
involuntarily went to his mouth and she did wonder what
it would be like if they kissed.
"I only suggest we kiss to prove to each other that there is
nothing between us, no chemistry and then we can relax."
Without waiting for Kitty to object he cupped the back of
her head, his other hand going around her waist pulled
her in close to his body. His mouth came down on hers as
he lightly brushed his lips against hers before he deepened
the kiss. He devoured her mouth with his, his kiss
demanded that she accept and surrender to him, which
she did.
Then letting her go he stood back and watched as she
opened her eyes, her chest was rising and falling rapidly.
Had he made a mistake by kissing her, did he stupidly
awaken desire between them? He had to do something to
squash what he might have stirred in them, and quick.
"There, nothing, I felt nothing, how about you?"
Kitty's knees felt as though they would give out from
beneath her. His mouth was hot, his kiss forceful and
demanding as he took total control of her lips, leaving
them feeling bruised. Never had a man made her feel
what she felt when he kissed her with so much passion.
And yes she did feel something, her body lit up with
desire, a pool of dampness soaked her panties and she
wanted more. But after what he said about not feeling
anything she wasn't about to admit her true feelings, after
all, she had her pride. So turning back she started
washing the dishes and shrugged her shoulders before
answering. "Nope, I felt nothing. It was a nice kiss but that
was all."
There was a moment of silence before another word was
spoken and Max let out the breath he was holding in,
relief at her reply, yet he didn't really believe her. "That's
good, so you and I we're OK, no problems then?"Looking over her shoulder at him smiled weakly and
nodded. "We're good."
Smiling back he headed over to the door and pulling on

Episode 7


some work done on the cabin tomorrow."
Kitty grabbed the glasses and empty popcorn bowl and
took them into the kitchen. Her stomach was in knots,
they had come close to kissing but he pulled away as if
he was disgusted at what he was about to do. Did he find
her that repulsive? she wondered. And what was wrong
with her? why did she want him to kiss her? a stranger,
one she knew nothing about. "Good," she answered him.
"Goodnight Max," he said as she walked passed him into
her bedroom and closed the door.
Running his hand through his hair Max began pacing back
and forth. He had seen the hurt in her eyes when he
pulled away. But he wasn't going to go down that road
with her, or any other woman for that matter, they were all
the same and he vowed never to be hurt again. After
taking a shower he went to bed, wanting to get the feel of
her lips off his mind.


with a man that looked like him, well, she was after all a
woman and it was all she could do not to jump his bones.
She could almost feel what it would be like to have his
mouth move down her body, to have his hands touch her
in places no one ever had and bring her to multiple
orgasms. When he spoke, interrupting her thoughts she
noticed her panties were wet and she started squirming,
her face turning a crimson red. "What?" she stammered.
Max stood up straight and looked down at Kitty, she
seemed like she was in a daze as she stared at him. "I
asked if you wanted to see more."
Kitty almost choked on her coffee, God yes, I really do,
she thought to herself as her eyes moved lower down his
body. "Hum-more what?"
A smile crept up at the corner of his mouth, the way she
was ogling him did not go unnoticed nor the way her
tongue darted out and licked her bottom lip. "More
channels, I managed to get three channels. There's an old
movie playing called The African Queen with Katharine
Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart."
Looking at the screen she nodded her head. "Yes, that
will be fine, but could you please go put on a shirt?"
"I will if you'll go make the popcorn and open up a bottle
of wine," Max says as he walked away towards his
bedroom to grab a shirt.
Popcorn was made, the wine was opened and the movie
began. When it came to the part where Katharine was
pouring Bogart's whiskey into the river Max looked over at
Kitty and moaned loudly. "Oh man I know just how he
feels, you did the same thing to me, only you poured it
down the kitchen sink."
Kitty couldn't suppress the laughter that came out. "Well, I
know how she felt, being stranded with a man who drank
too much and was always passing out drunk."
"How would you like it if I dumped out all your wine?" he
asked, a smirk on his face.
Kitty shrugged her shoulders. "Do it, see if I care," she
answered in a snarky tone. She knew he wouldn't do it, if
he did then there would be nothing for him to drink once
his whiskey was gone. Smirking to herself when Max sat
back, folding his arms across his chest pouting.
The wind was slamming against the cabin, the snow was
falling so hard it was covering the windows. And the TV
kept flickering making it hard to concentrate on the
movie. But they endured the flickering and digging into
the popcorn enjoyed the rest of the film. At one point,
they reached into the bowl at the same time their hands
touched and their eyes met briefly before Kitty removed
her hand and picking up her glass of wine took a sip. Both
ignoring the sparks that shot through their hands when
they touched.
Max picked up his wine and downed it in one gulp, feeling
uneasy. He needed to get some space between them, he
was starting to feel something for this woman in a sexual
way. What man wouldn't? she was beautiful with her
delicate features and her long shapely legs. And her scent
was driving his senses into overdrive. He counted the
minutes until the movie was over, itching to make his
escape from her.
Finally to his relief, it ended and he turned to her planning
to say goodnight but stopped when he saw tears falling
down her face. Max could put up with a lot and known for
being a cold-hearted bastard at times but one thing he
couldn't handle was seeing a woman cry. His hands
automatically reached up and cupped her face, using his
thumbs wiped her tears away. "It's only a movie so why
are you crying?"
Kitty lowered her eyes and sniffed. "I always cry during a
romantic movie especially when they are so much in love
and willing to die for each other."
Max pulled her face closer and she looked up into his
eyes as his lips touched hers briefly before letting her go
and jumped off the couch. The blood in his body heated
up and he walked over to the window and looked out.
"It's calming down out there now, should be able to get



Kitty was rendered motionless when Max in one swift
movement had turned her so that she was leaning with
her back against the sink, trapped between it and himself.
A small bead of sweat formed on her forehead, her heart
pounded wildly inside her chest making it rise and fall
rapidly. He was so close, his body touching hers, his
breath blowing on her face when he spoke.
"My turn," he said, smiling as he took the scissors from
her hand.
Her eyes widened in horror, darting from his eyes to the
shears he held in his hands, opening and closing them,
making a clicking noise. "What?" she managed to squeak
out though her throat was clamping up, making it hard to
"You heard me blondie. It's my turn to give you a haircut, I
only want to return the favor," he says as he takes a fistful
of her hair in his hand. He couldn't get over how soft it
felt, like silk as he ran his hand through her hair.
Kitty placed her hands on his chest as she tried to push
him away, but he was solid as a brick house and she
couldn't budge him. "No, please don't. I like my hair long
and besides, you don't know the first thing about cutting
a woman's hair." Even with the fear that he might actually
do it, she couldn't stop the ripple of electricity that shot
through her fingers, making its way up her arms and down
to her very core.
Max looked down at Kitty's lips which were quivering. Her
eyes wide as she stared into his and her hand warm on
his chest as she left it lingering there. Of course, he had
no intentions of cutting her hair. He was only having some
fun with her but seeing her fear he knew she didn't know
that. Moving in closer he placed the scissors on the
shelve above the sink, his body pressed tighter against
hers. "Relax blondie, I'm only playing with you, there's no
way I'd do anything to damage such beautiful hair." Her
firm, taut body and her sweet feminine scent were turning
him on, something he didn't want so he backed away
"That's not funny," she snapped as she walked passed
him out of the bathroom and into the other room. It
wasn't just that she thought he would cut her hair that
made her mad, it was what she felt when his body was
pressed up against her. And when he reached up to put
the scissors away she felt the bulge in his pants when he
pushed into her. It was obvious he was aroused and being
so close she had the urge to put her lips on his muscular
chest. He had one of those bare chests, smooth and
Max followed behind. "Lighten up blondie."
She whirled around to face him, her face flushed. "Stop
calling me that, I have a name so use it will you?"
"Alright, Kitty Cat," he said with a smirk on his face,
knowing this new nickname would piss her off even more
and boy was he right when she threw a cushion at him
making him duck out of the way.
"You are the most infuriating man I have ever had the
misfortune to meet. God, you are such a jerk," she said as
she crossed her arms over her chest and sat down on the
Chuckling he went to the kitchen and poured them each a
cup of coffee, taking it over to the sofa handed her one.
"Peace offering," he said as he sat down on the opposite
side of Kitty. "Let's see if I can get something on this TV
for us to watch."
It was one of those old black and white TV's and hardly
ever worked and when it did all they could get was two
channels. One was the weather channel, the other was
where they showed old movies, ones that were actually
made in black and white.
Sipping on her coffee she watched as he fiddled around
with the knobs, moving it so as to get a better reception.
The muscles in his back and forearms rippled as he
strained to get the TV working. God, she was getting
aroused and wished he would put a shirt on. It was hard
enough being stranded with a stranger, but to be stranded

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