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About Swiftgram Pro
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4.1k 1 35 147 437

Swiftgram Pro FAQ

What is Swiftgram Pro?
Swiftgram Pro is a paid subscription in iOS app @Swiftgram. Subscribing, you get access to Pro features, such as Accounts Backup, Message Filter, Formatting Panel and more.
Swiftgram Pro does not aim to replace Telegram Premium and works as a perfect addition to Telegram's subscription.

Why Swiftgram Pro?
Swiftgram provides 60+ features and improvements over Telegram app. Innovating and keeping Swiftgram in sync with monthly Telegram updates is a huge effort that requires a lot of time and expensive hardware.

I want to cover expenses and monetize my efforts. Subscribing to Swiftgram Pro you get cool features and support an independent developer.

Is Swiftgram still free?
Of course. Existing free features remain free.

Will Swiftgram have new free features in future?
Yes. While I will be focusing on and fine-tuning Pro, trying to attract more users into it, Swiftgram will still offer new non-paid features.

I hate subscriptions, do you have a lifetime option?
I have recurrent costs to run Swiftgram, such as Apple Developer account, infrastructure, powerful Mac to build Swiftgram fast, etc. I spend time adopting monthly Telegram source code updates and ensure Swiftgram features will work without conflicts.

There're no reasons for me to charge one-time payment for many-times expenses and effort. Even with a big one-time payment, at some point, it will stop "breaking even" and I will be losing money due to "lifetime" commitment.

How can I pay?
As for now, you can get Pro via App Store.

How to buy in TestFlight beta?
Beta payments are not real, so I'm not receiving any money from them. Switch to App Store version to make a purchase. You shouldn't lose any data, but your accounts is your responsibility.
Beta slot will be reserved for you, so you can return back to Beta after successful subscription.

Any discounts?
No for now. Keep in mind that Apple, Banks and Governments apply huge Fees and Taxes, so only a smaller portion of a payment reaches my pocket (less than 50%). I'm investigating other payment methods that can make a deal even better for both me and you.

Will Swiftgram still be open-source?
Yes, Swiftgram app is entirely open-source, even Pro features.
I believe that openness and transparency is an incredible value of Swiftgram, so people will be happy to support author they trust.

Will it end up the same as other apps?
I don't like what others do, this is why I’ve created Swiftgram. Swiftgram is here to stay for a long time. Reasonably monetizing the app I make sure it can be independent from third-parties and not rely on sketchy ads or hype features that boost valuation, instead of giving value to users. Perhaps, adding a little to price.
I use my own app daily, so Subscription is not only about Pro features, it's about principles and vision of a nice best iOS Fork. I've started this journey 6 years ago and there more to come.

How to suggest a Pro feature?
Feel free to drop your message to @swiftgramchat, I will see it!

4k 1 14 51 203

Meet Swiftgram Pro
Supercharged with Pro features

🔐 Accounts Backup: Login to your accounts without code using encrypted local Keychain backup.
🚫 Message Filter: Reduce visibility of spam, promotions and annoying topics.
⌨️ Formatting Panel: Write posts faster with a quickly accessible panel.
🔕 Disable @mentions and replies: Mute or Hide non-important notifications and pinned messages.
⚡️ Unique App Icons: Customize Swiftgram look on your home screen.

Download Swiftgram in App Store
Get Pro features - tg://sg/pro

3.7k 0 26 87 272

Swiftgram had the same screenshot for both iOS and iPadOS.
✅ iOS Approved
❌ iPadOS Rejected

10.9k 0 14 285 265

Update was rejected due to iPad screenshots. I've changed them two months ago.

9.5k 0 11 20 123

Next update is delayed. Telegram just released a source code and it’s the first time I can’t update quickly. I’m cooking something for you and have some stories to tell.
Thank you for your patience!

11.4k 0 18 94 424

Nicegram is a target for stealer malware. Swiftgram is not affected. Explaining.

Kaspersky found a "SparkCat trojan" that scans photos and steals valuable information like Crypto wallet phrases and Passwords.

Trojan targets AI-messaging apps. It can start working as soon as you will Allow Access to Photos for the app.

While I don’t like a lot of things in current Nicegram, and these news are a perfect opportunity to advertise Swiftgram, I must be clear and honest. Below are pure facts.

Researchers found that hacker expected the malware to be injected in Nicegram (bundle id app.nicegram) and activated as soon as you open any Chat and give Photos permissions, which is typical when you want to share a photo with somebody (TelegramUI.ChatControllerImpl).

There're couple of ways to inject the malware:
1. App developers do it on purpose
2. So known "supply-chain attack", when App depends (or App's dependency depends) on the infected library, without App developers knowing about that.
3. A bad actor who injects it to .ipa file

👀 Since Nicegram is not open-source, we can't fully verify it's security. Unlike Swiftgram, which is entirely Open Source

Rough analysis of Nicegram 1.9.5 (430), downloaded from App Store:
1. I found no traces of SparkCat in HTTP traffic.
2. I found no traces of SparkCat in decoded .ipa

How to protect yourself, if you're unsure?
1. Disable Photos Access in iOS Settings > (Apps >) Nicegram
Completely remove the app
2. Avoid storing screenshots with sensitive information. Use Password Manager, for example iOS Passwords.
3. Avoid installing apps from untrusted sources, that may inject various frameworks.
As for today, there is no official .ipa of Swiftgram.

21.3k 12 180 242 315

Latest Telegram beta can show Ads in groups, new ad is shown each ~10 messages.

This is an experimental feature in debug menu. I don’t claim Telegram will go that way, but they’re at least experimenting.

21.5k 58 308 190 462

18.5k 1 29 87 2.2k

22k 1 19 65 184

⌚️ Apple Watch Companion is back and available in @Swiftgram!
Download version 11.6.1 in App Store

About two years ago Telegram removed support for Apple Watch due App Store distribution issues. I was able to patch and make it work.

What Classic Watch Companion can:
• Send Text messages
• Record Voice messages
• Send up to 8 customizable Quick Replies
• Send up to 24 recent non-animated Stickers
• Send your current Location Pin or nearby Point on map
• Forward messages to 40 recent chats
• Read up to 24 recent chats
• Read up to 20 recent messages in full-width
• View pictures (in low quality)
• Quickly open Videos on your iOS device
• Be a little buggy :)

Of course, it's not the experience you're expecting from Watch app in 2025. It feels like good? old days, with no support for Animated Stickers, Forums, Reactions and everything else Telegram added in the past years. Therefore I call it "Classic Watch Companion".

I don't plan to invest much time into this companion, it definitely needs a massive overhaul or an entire rewrite.

It may be useful for Apple Watch enthusiasts, while we're waiting for an official alternative from Telegram (which, of course, will be available in Swiftgram).

Please, share this post with friends, cause Telegram does not show @Swiftgram channel in Global Search.

⭐️ Rate in App Store

34k 7 251 112 396

Finally, fixed 11.6 version is available in App Store!
Telegram fixed heat issue, extensive battery usage, and non-working stories.

• Option to disable Camera Preview in media picker
• Fixed VoiceOver bug with Share Sheet

and of course, all new features of Telegram 11.6 like Collectible Gifts, Message Search Filters and More

Please, share this post, cause Telegram does not show @Swiftgram channel in Global Search.

⭐️ Rate in App Store, please

15.9k 1 34 76 189

11.6 update is delayed, because Apple Reviewer doesn't like.... iPad screenshots!

Other reviewers were fine with these screenshots for more than a year and today's reviewer feels they no longer show core Swiftgram features.

Now hundreds of thousands users with heating bug must wait for me to redesign iPad screenshots to make sure this reviewer and 3% of users will be happy.

If you’re curious, there’re 37 iPod and 18 Apple Vision Pro downloads.

13.5k 2 41 153 247

Latest Beta version fixes battery and heat issues. Install 11.5.3 (154) and enable auto-updates

Thanks Telegram for a fast fix.
App Store version is in review.

Please, share this post, cause Telegram does not show @Swiftgram channel in Global Search.

19.9k 1 80 141 234

I've removed inactive testers from TestFlight to give a room for everyone to fix their apps, since Apple has a hard cap of 10k users in beta.

At the moment of posting, there're more than 6200 slots available.

If beta is full, subscribe to @SGBetaSlots to be the first to join when slots will be available.

26.3k 3 65 103 216

How to downgrade Swiftgram version?

It looks like Telegram released a hot update 🔥, causing devices to over-heat and drain the battery a lot. While I have no issues with my device, my guess it's due to Telegram's video-related changes that might be not power-efficient.

It may take more time for a fix from Telegram due to holiday season.

The solution is to rollback the version via TestFlight.

1. Install
2. Go to Previous Builds > 11.3.3 > Install 11.3.3 (147)

While it should go smooth, rollback always has a risk of data-loss, so you may need to log in again.

Please, share this post, cause Telegram does not show @Swiftgram channel in Global Search.

43.1k 9 693 183 291

Swiftgram 11.5.2 just landed to App Store, including bugfixes for videos

😇@Swiftgram 11.5.1 is available in App Store!

• Improved download boost for small files

Including latest Telegram Features ... and bugs.
There're some known video/performance issues introduced with latest version. I'm waiting for a fix from Telegram.

Please, share this post, cause Telegram does not show @Swiftgram channel in Global Search.

💬 Share |⚡️ Boost | ⭐️ Rate in App Store

UPD: Telegram published the source code today. I've updated with latest sources.
Be fast, only 100 slots available.

10k 0 11 91 104
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