أعظم نعمة تصل لها هي نعمة ألا يتزعزع رأيك في نفسك بسبب شخص آخر، فمهما تحدث أحدهم عنك أنت في داخلك تعرف من أنت ، إن علاقتك بذاتك متينة لدرجة لا يستطيع أحد أن يُخرّبها بسهولة ، لأنك نظرت للداخل طويلاً ، ففهمت من أنت وأدركت قيمتك النابعة من داخلك قيمة كونك ثمين لكونك أنت فحسب
The greatest blessing you reach is the blessing of not having your opinion of yourself shaken by someone else, because no matter what someone says about you, you know who you are inside, your relationship with yourself is so strong that no one can easily ruin it, because you looked inside for a long time, you understood who you are and realized your value that comes from within you, the value of being precious just for being you.
The greatest blessing you reach is the blessing of not having your opinion of yourself shaken by someone else, because no matter what someone says about you, you know who you are inside, your relationship with yourself is so strong that no one can easily ruin it, because you looked inside for a long time, you understood who you are and realized your value that comes from within you, the value of being precious just for being you.