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hi guys, min nak share bot telegram super best 🥳

bot netflix search movies, @Netflix_MyBot apa yg best dengan bot ni?.. korang taip jak tajuk movies terus keluar

sama sepeti aplikasi netflix berbayar tapi bot di atas adalah percuma.. Korang blh share dgn rakan² 🤷‍♂


whatever mistake you make , please , please don't blame on others and drag them to your own mess .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

sometimes love doesn't have to be said , show it , prove it with actions .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

i will always want to be your favourite person while i know im not the best for you .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

life sometimes give us pain and take our smiles but we're still fine .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

the person who tries to keep everyone happy often ends up feeling the loneliest .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

i wish i met some people a little earlier , some a little later and some never at all .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

everything happens for a reason . people come and go in our life for a reason too . just think positive in his planned .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

kadang orang yang paling kita percaya lah yang tikam belakang kita .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

tak perlu cemburu dengan kebahagiaan orang , cari dan usaha capai kebahagiaan kau .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

ada ketikanya hidup kita ni terlalu jauh daripada apa yang kita harapkan . tapi , jangan jadikan benda tu sebagai penghalang kita untuk mencari kebahagiaan .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

pertolongan Allah mungkin datang tidak terlalu cepat dan tidak pula terlalu lambat tetapi ianya selau datang di masa yang tepat .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

dalam menjalani kehidupan ini , ada ketikanya kita merasakan waktu waktu sukar dalam hidup . waktu di mana kita menjalani kehidupan seharian dengan pelbagai masalah yang timbul dalam hidup kita .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

losing doesn't make me want to quit , it makes me want to fight that much harder .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

you cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

count your age by friends , not years . count your life by smiles , not tears .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

happiness is not something ready made , it comes from your own actions .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

a best friend can tell when something is wrong , even when you are faking a smile for the rest of the world to see .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

if you focus on the hurt , you will continue to suffer . if you focus on the lesson , you will continue to grow .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

i promise you nothing is as chaotic as it seems . nothing is worth diminishing your health . nothing is worth poisoning yourself into stress , anxiety , and fear .

@tearsstory : ♡︎

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