Telegram Info Celebrates 9 Years!Nine years ago, the original Telegram Info channel in
Russian was launched. The English branch followed on December 20, 2018, more than six years ago. Initially, we relied on machine translation, but over time, we found human translators to improve the quality.
Our Key Projects(in English):
TON Info: A channel dedicated to TON updates; launched five years ago.
Beta Info: A channel that provides insights into new Telegram features before their official release.
Thanks to the efforts of volunteers from various countries, our network of channels continues to grow. Currently, we manage over 40 channels in multiple languages, including
French, and others. You can find a complete list of our communities on
Our Achievements:
• Our Russian-language channel surpassed 60,000 subscribers, while the English and French channels have each crossed the 20,000 mark.
• This year, we’ve published many FAQ articles on our website, delivering helpful content the community need.
Our Team:
• The core editorial team is a multinational, passionate group united by a mission: spreading information about Telegram and making the messenger more accessible. Your feedback and suggestions play a vital role in helping us create high-quality content.
Additionally, if you'd like to contribute to
@tginfo by creating tools, writing news, designing covers, or translating materials into your language, contact us via
Thank you for your support over the years!
— The
@tginfo Team