The White Room

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Forward from: The White Room
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I went out with Steph and you won't believe it, it taste so good " she grimaced. Stephen is her boyfriend but we call him Steph for short.

Seriously I don't like that guy, he's deceitful like my exes .

" I told you that asshole isn't good for you but you wouldn't listen, a good boyfriend will never support his girlfriend to drink Jane " Jenna said almost crying. She so much love her sister but Jane is very stubborn.

" Nobody is perfect and besides stop acting like you are mum, you can't tell me what to do " she snapped and we sighed

" Jane..."

" Case closed " she cuts in and that brought us to the end of the discussion.

🌄 Zach 🌅

I groaned releasing those girls from my grip and they took the opportunity to run away. God saved them.

Why did mum have to call when I was about enjoying their horny pot? She's such a kill joy.

I zipped my trouser before picking up the call. Yeah! That's my mum we are talking about.

📱📲 Zach 📲📲

She called immediately, no she yelled. Did she want to damage my eardrum?

📱📲 Morning mum 📱📲

I replied, I could hear her breath loudly on the other side of the phone. I'm very sure she's come with her sermons again but I can't just ignore her calls.

📲📲 Where are you Zach? You woke up this morning and left without even saying good morning to your Dad and I?📲📲

She said with a shaky voice, this woman might have a heartache because of me .

📲📲 I went to get something mum 📲📲 I replied without caring how it looks like.

📲📲Be home in thirty if you don't want me mad at you Zach📲📲

She said and hung up. That's because she knows I will not disobey her, she uses her tears to bring me down always and I hate that.

I brought out another ciggrette from my pocket together with a lighter. I lit it entering into my car.

My ciggrette is my best friend, I don't want any fucking annoying friends around me to dictate my life for me.

Who will agree to be friends with someone like me? Anyways!

I drove in full speed heading home straight!


" Good morning mum and dad " I greeted as I sat down on the sofa .

They both stared at me without saying a word.

" Say something or did you want me to leave? Why did you call me mum?" I asked nonchalantly.

If they don't have anything to say, I do rather leave to sleep.

" When will you change Zach?" Dad asked

" When the sun turns black " I replied bluntly as mum shot daggers at me .

" What sort of answer was that Zach, he's your father remember?" Mum said sternly

" I know and what sort of question did he ask me? Did I tell him I want to change? "

" Zach..."

" If you don't have anything to say then I will be in my room" I replied

" It's about the girl we asked you to marry " mum said

" What about her? Is she dead? Because that will be the greatest news I will love to hear " I said plainly

" Zach! "

" I'm just stating my mind mum so what about her?" I asked

" We got a call from her parents and she has accepted to marry you " Dad explained

" And? I should be happy about that and start jumping up? "

" Can you please keep quiet for me Zach " mum begged in a crack voice and I was forced to keep mute .
I don't want her to break down because that will make me be a gentleman right now...

" Like I was saying "

" She accepted to marry you and you will go and see her tomorrow ..."

Dropping episode 3⃣ @thaylormade @thaylormade

🎆 My Betrothed 🎀
(She's feisty 🙇, he's rude 😡)

Episode 2

🍥 Alexa 🍥

" What? Dad? Zach? " I asked with a furrowed eyebrow
I don't just feel good about this, how will I stay under the same roof with Zach?

" I am sorry Alexa but its of benefit to me but if you don't want to get married to him, it's fine. I will cancel the deal with Mr Shane " he replied disappointedly.

That alone was enough to weaken me but why Zach of all people?

" We want the best for you and we will not push you into something like this " mum chipped

What do they want me to say? Even if I agree to this, it's for the happiness of my parents.

I hate it when I see them looking all gloomy.

" I...I will think about it " I replied. That was the only thing I could say at that moment.

Mum sighed and Dad gave me a smile.

" Thank you Alexa "

" It's fine Dad, I will see you later" I said standing up to the door with lots of thoughts going on in my head.

Accepting Zach means I have to double my belt. To be two times stronger than I am now.

I think I need some advice. I dashed into my room putting a video call through Jenna and Jane.

" Killer shape!" Jenna beamed as she came into view

" What's wrong Alexa, you look unhappy" Jane asked pupping her head on my computer screen. She's the most lousy while Jenna is cool at least ...

" I don't know, I...I just confused " I replied pathetically

" Did we need to come over?" Jenna asked

"I think that will be better "

" Okay then, stay calm, don't shed tears, don't be too bothered. We will becoming right away " Jane said and hung up before Jenna could speak. Such a lady with so much attitude....

.... ....

" Why will your Dad agree to it at first?" Jane said grunting and I shook my head.
I don't know too...

" He must've had a reason for that Jane " Jenna replied sensibly

" Reason? We all know how Zach is who will give out his daughter to such person huh?" She said to her ...

" They might not know who he is and I think you should accept to marry him for the sake of your Dad. Please, I'm sure Zach won't harm you because there will be people surrounding him with you. All eyes will be on him and he won't do anything stupid and I trust you to be able to handle him " Jenna said and Jane scoffed

I never thought about that, heck! I'm not even afraid of him.

" That's right " I agreed
Jane scoffed again

" What? Anyways, I wouldn't agree if it was me and u wouldn't be the one to discourage you making me look like the bad one here so follow your heart " Jane said focusing on her phone.

That's just the problem with her, she wants everyone to follow what she says. She's our miss perfect.

" Don't be angry Jane, I was only seeking for opinions and you both said your minds " I said to her

" It's fine, I always want the best for you but if your heart accepts Zach then you are good to go but be careful " she advised and Jenna snorted. .
This two are something else, they just love disagreeing on everything.

" Thank you both, I'm very glad I got you two as my besties. The genius twins " I complimented

" No! I am more intelligent than Jenna, you know that Alexa " Jane said as she earned a glare from Jenna while I chuckled at their behaviour.

They are always this way!

Maybe I should consider him because of my parents, yeah! That's just it and if he tries any rubbish with me. I will make sure I show him how I can be too.

Everyone is stubborn but we must not show it off. We all have that bad side of us people might not know. It's a plain fact

" What do I offer you?" I asked standing up.

" Seriously? Is it now you saw us seated here? " Jane said playfully. Gosh! She loves talking alot. A true definition of an extrovert.

" I'm really sorry, I was just tensed that moment. Just order anything and I will be your attender " I said and we all laughed

" I need red wine 🍷" Jane shipped and our head snapped at her . Red wine?

" When did you start drinking Jane?" Jenna asked in a surprised tone while she shrugged.

" What's the big deal in it? I took it yesterday when

later about what they are up to.

" okay Dad " my mind wasn't settled. What did they want to tell me? He look serious.


" Alexa !" Dad called. Mum bent her head without saying a word and practically avoiding my gaze . Okay! Calm down Alexa!

" You know your mother and I loves you so much " he said pausing again.

" I know Dad "

" Uhhm, Alexa! Promise you won't get mad at us "
Okay! Is it that serious? They are my parents so what will make me be mad at them?

" I won't Dad, what's the problem? You are scaring me "

" I have always wished for a day you will bring a man that you will call your husband, I once told my self I will never choose a husband for any of my girls but things changed. "

" I had a deal with Mr Shane about a business. Before we can go into it, he demanded for something "

" It's so important to us and will equally help in the growth of our company "

" Can you do us this one favour Alexa?" He said a little bit tipsy.

Isn't it to get a contract for my dad's company? There's no big deal in it right?
But what business do I have with it?

" W.. what favour?"

" He wants you to erhm marry his son Zach "

I heard a loud bang in my head, what?
Zach? The whole Zach? Marry him? can he suggest such a thing for me? I can't stay a minute with Zach because he's the opposite of me.

We've never liked each other. How can he say I should get married to Zach the handsome devil.

We will sure kill ourselves if that happens because I won't allow him give me orders..

No! I can't marry him ...


🌄 Zach 🌅

Smoke puffed up from my mouth and nostrils as I took in the ciggrette going into my car

I just hate it when someone crosses my path and that idiot just did. I'm glad I used him as scapegoat before the world. Yes! I killed him for stepping on my toes and not even the cops can say anything about it.

People ought to be ten fits away from me to avoid my wrath . I am dangerous yet they won't stop messing with me .

I feel like a king with the way people are afraid of me, that's exactly what I want. Let them know that!

I started my car driving to my favourite place where no one will disturb me.

With the ciggrette still in my hand, my phone beeped. The caller ID was Dad.

I sighed and dropped the phone. What else did he want? I just agreed to marry the lady that's not of my league because of a contract.

That's the only thing I have agreed to. I don't obey him, heck! He's even afraid of me and I simply don't care.

Well! I am Zach Shane as you might've known . I am just me, handsome and dangerous.

I kill at my will and I won't be jailed for it. No one dares me and goes freely.

Blood is just like water to me.

If you get on my nerves, I will sluter you and throw your remains in the Sea.

I parked my car walking down the heels, I just can't wait to get out of this crowd.

Smoking and walking, two ladies bumped into me. They stained my expensive dress and even mashed me .
How dare them ?

" W...we are really sorry sir " they pleaded .
My eyes darkened and was replaced with a devilish smile.

Some chicks to play with, just perfect!

I grabbed their hairs dragging them with me to a secluded spot as they keep wincing in pain. Does it looks like I care?

The only person that has a great effect on me is my mother, that's why I hate seeing her. Her tears is my weakness.

" P.. please forgive us sir, we are truly sorry "

" Say that to the devil when you meet him in hell " I replied dumping them on floor pinning them down . Trust me, I'm very powerful so non of them can escape.

All I want is to take the advantage of them and kill them. They will die in a painful way. In their next world they shouldn't mess with me.

Dropping episode 2⃣ @thaylormade @thaylormade

🎇 My Betrothed 🎀
(She's feisty 🙇, he's rude 😡)

Episode 1

🍥 Alexa 🍥

I hissed and covered my ears with the pillow but it wasn't working.

I took the other pillow joining it together with the first one to cover my ears so that I wouldn't hear the noise from my door but it was to no avail.

I sat on the bed groaning while covering my ears.

" Arggh! Can you please stop it Emma " I shouted as the noise from the guitar became so unbearable. I knew it was her because it has become a daily routine to her

She doesn't have any other way of waking me up in the morning than making noise in my ears just to disturb my sleep.

" Wake up already Xaxa ! " She said laughing. I will kill that girl one of this days. She's nothing but a pest

" Just disappear before I reach the door else..."

" I love you too sis, see you at the breakfast table and don't forget mum and dad will be waiting" she said.
I could hear her footsteps fading away.

I groaned as I stood on my feet. Yawning loudly, I entered into the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth before taking my bath. Well! I don't know but I do take hours in the bathroom.

I love it when I entered into my bathtub enjoying the warmth of the water pouring down my body.

That's where I found myself thinking about unnecessary things.

Sorry my mistake!
I'm Alexa Keith, first daughter of Mr and Mrs Keith and well! My Dad is a billionaire and my mum is into business. You can say I grew up with a silver spoon but not spoilt.

Despite my parents riches, they brought us up so good.
I have two siblings, Jeffrey my elder brother and Emma the baby of the house.

Jeffrey is 28 and married to the love of his life Annabel, they had little Ava together.

He's rich enough to build his own family else where but Dad insisted he stayed with us.

I am 25years of age while Emma is 20.
You know when they say someone is too obsessed with something? Thou my case is different because I'm obsessed with myself.

I so much love me and wouldn't let anyone mess with me in a way that's just so annoying.

I have two best friends, Jenna and Jane. They are twins anyways.
I can be very mischievous but that's a hidden part of the calm and Lousy lady am I .

I am so unlucky when it comes to the matters of the heart. I had two exes but they left with same complaint. It should be a story saved for another day

That's that for that. You will no me better real soon.

Coming out of the bathroom, I entered into the closet. Picked a comfy dress to wear .

I am not that beautiful but I'm curvy. My friends normally refer to me as ' killer shape ' . Truth to their words, I have the shape all men will die for.

I don't wear body hugging dresses frequently to avoid too much stairs from the opposite sex. I hate attention drawn to me.

Tying my hair in a bun, spread out of the room.

I walked down the stairs straight to the kitchen and I met my family already on the table ready to dig in but I think they were waiting for me as usual.

I always keep them waiting because of my lateness. I'm always fashionably late

" Good morning everyone " I greeted taking a chair out for myself

" I have told you to always set your alarm Alexa, must you always be late for virtually all the functions in the universe?" Dad snarled

" Dad! At least respond to my greeting first " I grumbled

" Well, how was your night?" He asked, a smile curved on my lips. This is how I escape this every morning

" It was fine Dad "

" Hope you slept well hunny?" Mum asked

" Yeah I did "

" Can we just eat already?" Jeffrey groaned as Annabel nudged his arm .
He's such a foodie

" Chill bro " Emma said laughing earning a glare from him.

The maids served us and soon enough, we began eating. My favorite indian dish, Paratha. It's always yum!

" Alexa, see us in the room after breakfast " Dad said. Mum nodded in agreement.

My head snapped at them, for Dad to call me into their room that means there's something up.
What did I do this time around?

My eyes met with Jeffrey's and he gave me a pitiful smile. Okay, maybe I I'll find out

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