Due to Government pressure on Telegram to share the IP addresses, and all the information of the channel owners, I've decided to shift to new platform, a telegram alternative.
Here's the Article of the News
The Telegram alternative is icq.com. It's almost similar to telegram and it also allows larger upload of files, i.e.,4GB in size.
Here're the invitation links:
TheAnons https://icq.im/AoLNqoUA3x5KMF_c4Bs
TheAnons Discussion https://icq.im/AoLNqoVy1_P4GiVhUjE
I'll try to transfer all the materials to icq but I cannot guarantee it.
The materials available on my website trulyinfinite.eu.org will remain intact there. You can go there and watch courses online for free and also download them for free.
I'm going to delete all my channels and groups from Telegram and am shifting to icq in the upcoming days.
Due to Government pressure on Telegram to share the IP addresses, and all the information of the channel owners, I've decided to shift to new platform, a telegram alternative.
Here's the Article of the News
The Telegram alternative is icq.com. It's almost similar to telegram and it also allows larger upload of files, i.e.,4GB in size.
Here're the invitation links:
TheAnons https://icq.im/AoLNqoUA3x5KMF_c4Bs
TheAnons Discussion https://icq.im/AoLNqoVy1_P4GiVhUjE
I'll try to transfer all the materials to icq but I cannot guarantee it.
The materials available on my website trulyinfinite.eu.org will remain intact there. You can go there and watch courses online for free and also download them for free.
I'm going to delete all my channels and groups from Telegram and am shifting to icq in the upcoming days.