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The Clairo wants to say happy birthday to Lee Jeno and all Jeno rp-ers. Especially, Guveros, Jarvagas, Andro, Danendra, Dewa, Jeran, Jafray, Jevrian, Janu, Rajen, and Juandra.

We wish you all a happiest year. Hope 2021 will treat you better than before. Stay safe and healthy. Fighting for the NCT DREAM comeback!

[@pejeno @xnxxJenoLee @jenosprideos @jenlino @jenoisat @je_nonct @awjenoh @TokyoIest @reloadflix @jwnno @liejjenoc]

Konferensi Pers.

Ternyata Clairo udah 5 tahun, bukan 4 tahun. Pada baru sadar🙏🏻

ㅤ Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan

The Clairo mengucapkan
selamat menunaikan ibadah
puasa. 🙏🏻

Kalau butuh jasa bangunin
sahur, feel free to text one of

@NCTaeyonq @nanajjm
@xwinwinct @prkjisungNCTs

Happy fasting!

Forward from: ENDGAME.
#ToTheWorldWithNCT #NCT

I’m Taeyong as a leader of NCT want to say happy 5 years anniversary for NCT! Thank you so much for all supports from our NCTzen. Thank you for all the love.

And also happy 5 years to @nanajjm, @xwinwinct, and @prkjisungNCTs

"mau sesibuk apapun tetep nge rp, harus tetep nolep."

@NCTaeyonq @prkjisungNCTs @nanajjm @xwinwinct

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