The Heroic Ideal

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Book Reccomendation #3

The Iron Dream by Norman Spinrad

The Iron Dream, which was banned for 8yrs in Germany, is a Science Ficton/Satire, written from the perspective of Adolf Hitler if he hadn't gotten involved in politics. The main character charges himself with becoming a leader of his people, ruthlessly ridding the world of mutants, roaring around with his men and preserving the racial hygiene of his kind.

Whilst a satire on Hitler and the NSDAP's rise to power, and it should be understood as such, it can be read in a literal manner which is why it was banned. Personally, I enjoyed it. A light read which is inexpensive to buy. Enjoy.


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Book Reccomendation #2

My second reccomendation is this series of memoirs published by Frontline Books. I believe there are more, but I would personally reccomend Christa Schroeder and Heinrich Hoffman's books first and foremost. They are personal, highly informative and shine another light on that period in time and paint a fair picture of what Hitler was like on a personal level and some insights into his thinking. These books are easy to acquire and inexpensive.


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The era of jewish control is now over

The Jewish worldview and spirit corrupts everything it touches. We must reject it, call it out, and ultimately remove it from, wherever it has taken root.


Forward from: THE HEROIC IDEAL
Firstly, and because this channel was primarily made for the creation of art, are three books on Art in The Third Reich.

- Arts of The Third Reich by Peter Adam
- Art in The Third Reich by Berthold Hinz
- Totalitarian Art by Igor Golomstock

It is extremely difficult to find information on, and examples of, Art during The Third Reich. These books paint a good picture of the moment in time and show countless works which I wouldn't have found online. If I could choose only one, I would highly reccomend reading Art in The Third Reich by Berthold Hinz, as it provides the best and least hysterical account of what the NSDAP was trying to achieve. It really is a remarkable account of how a state can influence and promote a noble and heroic ideal and the raising up of a people through the art and architecture it creates. Though not without its faults, as 99.9% of books written on this period are written in a negative manner, which you should always bear in mind.

Knowledge is power.


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Only an artist could have envisioned a society as beautiful as The Third Reich.


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"How long can we continue to force life to adjust itself to the requirements and performance of machinery, and base our economic plans on the premise that technology can solve all problems for us?

The primary and all-important requirements for human welfare are organic - wholesome food, congenial environment, opportunities for family life and creative expression. These cannot be provided by mechanical means for they are the product of association; of human beings with each other, their work and the native soil."

Jorian Jenks.

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📖 David Irving

Forward from: Jonathan Bowden Unofficial Archive
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I Have No Regrets - Jonathan Bowden & Enoch Powell

Forward from: THE HEROIC IDEAL
The reason why (((their))) propaganda is incessant, why they demean your ancestors, why they shoehorn blacks into your history, degrade your culture, disregard your traditions, is because they want to sever the link to your past and to those who came before you.

If you don't know where you've come from, what your ancestors achieved, the struggles, hardships and heroic times they lived through, what they died for, then you won't know who you are or where you are going.

I often think of, and get emotional at, our history, not just my family, but our nations' and our races' history. Men who toiled in the mines, Men who worked the fields, Men who were pioneers, Men who died on the battlefield, scared and alone. We will not forget them, and we will not let their part in our history be belittled by Jews and traitors.

Through your blood, and your struggle, they live on. You are but a link in the chain of your people. Do not disappoint them.


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Forward from: Warren Balogh NJP 💀⚡⚡

One of the most important anniversaries in the National Socialist calendar, after Nov. 9th and April 20th.

Because Hitler was forced to form a cabinet with reactionaries and conservatives, he was only allowed to include two members of the NSDAP in his cabinet. Conservatives thought they could control Hitler in this way.

However, over the next six months, Adolf Hitler was able to consolidate power so swiftly that by July 14th, the National Socialist German Workers Party was made the sole political party in Germany.

The Third Reich was born!

January 30th was often the occasion of a major speech by Hitler, including his last broadcast speech in 1945. The glorious, tragically short example of the Third Reich continues to inspire millions of young Whites today as the eternal model of how great a country can be reborn if stripped of harmful capitalist, communist and Jewish influence.

It also stands as a warning to our enemies. National Socialists cannot be bought off and controlled by conservatives, and cannot be intimidated by communist violence.

National Socialists never give up, and never give in!

There is nothing more terrifying in all the world to this Jew capitalist system of financial exploitation than the National Socialist.

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Forward from: THE HEROIC IDEAL

Forward from: THE HEROIC IDEAL
Mans art and culture reflects the age and surroundings in which he lives. In the industrial age, and now more-so in a technologically obsessed civilisation, modern art has adopted the angles of the machine for the curves of nature. Art and authentic culture cannot grow and flourish out of a purely urban matrix, it lacks beauty, the natural, the supernatural, and above all, purpose and meaning.

Return to nature.
Return to the land.
Return to beauty.
Return to purpose.


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Elon Musk jumped on GME stock because iirc Melvin Capital were pretty vocal about shorting Tesla stock around 2016.

Forward from: THE HEROIC IDEAL
> 2021
> Trump out of office
> White Americans realise betrayal
> Stop believing Q bullshit
> Take over the Capitol Building
> Politicians and Jews terrified at sight of White unity
> Gamers rise up
> Practically crash the stock market
> Jews kvetching
> Nooo Goyim this is (((our))) industry
> Elite taking L's


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I am aware that my original channel has been banned on some devices. It was banned on Apple devices months ago, hence why I made the second channel.

I sincerely thank all who follow me, who share and value my posts. Censorship does not work: it may temporarily slow us down, but we become stronger and more united with every day which passes.


Forward from: THE HEROIC IDEAL
Purge ongoing.

Smoke and memes - banned
Europawave (EUWAVE) - banned
Holohoax memes and info - banned

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