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They say the channel varies, it's fucked for Apple and Ireland, but works fine in Poland or Germany, but I refuse to be under any sort of subjective censorship, it's either all or nothing, so, to the new one we go

Well, here is to a new glorious future, guys

Channel has been banned - a new channel is now created and exists at @medmannews

Statistically speaking - everytime I get banned, I grow 130% my original size, so that's a nothingburger.

Y i k e s.

🇾🇪 Yemen:
Triumphing the oppressed Palestinian people, who until this moment were subjected to aggression and siege.

The naval forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a targeting operation against a British oil ship (Pollux) in the Red Sea with a large number of appropriate naval missiles, and the strikes were accurate and direct.

Yemeni Armed Forces persist with their military operations, enforcing a blockade on Israeli navigation in the Red and Arabian Seas until a ceasefire is achieved and a siege is lifted in the Gaza Strip.

The Yemeni armed forces will not hesitate to implement and expand their military operations in defense of beloved Yemen and in confirmation of continued practical solidarity with the Palestinian people.

7 Shaban 1445 AH
17th of February 2024 AD


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The video, in case anyone is curious.

Man, I just saw some of the videos from Avdiivka, the one that stuck to me was the gunner - I think it was inside an M113 or some other transport? the guy probably saw a grenade or a drone being lobbied his way, and he ducks - but unlucky him, the explosive went through the hatch anyway and exploded at his side while he was just getting down - we do not see the aftermath, because the shooter of the video leaves the vehicle immediately.


⚡️🇪🇬 In case anyone is curious about the fate of the Egyptian vegetables vendor who threw some of his vegetables and fruits on top of an aid truck that was going to Gaza.

An Egyptian businessman already paid for his Hajj to Mecca, and another Egyptian bussinesman bought all of his goods and told him, his name is Rabie Abu Hussein (the vendor), that he will invest in him and get him to own his own shop.

Good deeds get you in good positions, guys.


I just saw a video in Al-Jazeera, they hosted a Palestinian activist, and the Qatari anchor asked her where would they want to go - to return to Gaza? remain in Rafah? or enter Egypt?

She said, and I quote, "We wish to enter Egypt temporarily."

In a recorded instance, the script at Al-Jazeera has matched, word for word, the words of the Israeli Knesset and Netanyahu and his advisors, in which they stated that the Palestinians must be evicted to Egypt.

The psychological and media warfare of Israel that attempts to evict the Gazans to Sinai and thus permanently liquidate Gaza is now being broadcast in Arab outlets.

Not good.

Contrary to popular calls and copes and seethes on Egyptian Twitter and Facebook, no protests or riots took place in February 16th.

Yet another L for terminally online revolutionaries.

⚡️🇵🇸 According to Hebrew Media Outlet, Channel 13, Israel has begun preparing a document that includes the red lines in the negotiations, which are “guidelines”, these "red lines" will be the final standpoint of the Israeli negotiation team and are non-negotiable.


I am not being cruel or harsh, if anything, I am the good guy here because this line of thinking is the only line of thinking that will enable the immediate survival of everyone without distinction of education, value, religion, or other factors - do I look like some sort of Subcontinent Indian to you to say which caste gets what amount of food? or some sort of eugenicist who says that only such and such people of whatever features should get X amount of food and leave the rest to rot?

This is the only way, and extreme prejudice must be enacted to protect the convoys, the drivers, and distribution centers - that is the truth of the matter.

And before someone accuses me of being abit too harsh, or that I should have sympathy for rioters and troublemakers who descend upon food aid like animals.

First of all, I know this will be already an unpopular opinion, so I will not be holding anything back.

As part of my conscription, I was supposed to sometimes guard breadlines and ration lines and so on - ask anyone in Sinai, about the sheer blockade that we enacted in some of the cities, in some villages, women even lacked the mere basics - baby formula and milk, others lacked bread, and so on, and it was OUR job to make sure that everyone got what they needed - the formulas, the bread, the eggs, the milk, the cooking oil, and so on, and sometimes the lines would be packed full for hours and hours.

And let me tell you - that was an unfun time both for me and for them, I never saw so many starved and unhygienic people before, and I am positive that without the rule of the law and bayonets, it would have descended into anarchy, and might makes right in this case - and how would you take it if a group of men seized ten times their allocated aid just due to force, and left the women and children starving with nothing?

Violence is necessary and required to ensure survival - I am not even saying living, but the elemental biological necessities to maintain your body - of all citizens, we can not let anarchy and disorder rule the streets, every man, women, and children is calculated to take exactly what is enough to survive in the immediate future, any imbalance of that will not only risk your immediate physical safety - being mag dumped for breaking the law, but your selfishness will also indirectly cause the death of dozens of other of women and children.

Abide by the instructions and the lines, or you can go ahead and risk it too - your death will guarantee more rations for other people, less mouths to feed.

Bah - and you guys want more aid to get through? get your population in control, our truck drivers are fucked, so much for Pan-Arabism and Muslim unity, twits.

⚡️🇪🇬🇵🇸 The Border Management of the Rafah Crossing states that undesirable elements, and rioters of Palestinians set fire to tires on the Palestinian side of the Border, and assaulted Egyptian truck drivers who were carrying aid.

Palestinian police was immediately dispatched and they have been dealt with, with extreme prejudice.


Anyway, it is obvious that the fire started on the Palestinian side of the border, not the Egyptian, there is nothing confirmed besides that - so await official news, or my posting

Well - somebody did, he says he passed it there an hour ago, and nothing was happening.

That means this is either a recycled video, or this just happened 5 or 6 minutes ago, we will see

For the 5th time today, we politely request the Gazan denizens to not storm the border.

I wish my Dshka statement was just that - a joke, I hate to see this being realized literally two hours after I wrote it, what a clown world.

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