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This whole “American isolationism” trend blowing up by so called “American patriots”.

Nothing is more anti American than just sitting on your front porch and doing nothing while politically being an isolationist. America was founded and created through manifest destiny, exploring , adventuring, civilizing the savage and taming the untouched lands on horseback, winning world wars, bringing order, innovation, and peace to the world then going to the moon to look down at our global empire.

None of this would have happened if the founders and settlers just sat on their front porch in the middle of the woods and did nothing but cook steak and drink beer on their 1 acre plot of land.

But these are the people to claim “America first” and they are some how to ones that want to converse American values, by reducing American power and influence in the world. No other country in the world is so delusional that they see patriotism in reducing their nations power.

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These masked up neonazis “activists” are like bloods and crips. Except bloods and crips don’t march around the streets begging for attention online , they actually go after their rivals and stay unknown.

These groups are all essentially just peaceful protesters that don’t do anything except scream n1gger at strangers and do Roman solutes so they can get 400 views on a banned telegram account acting like they aren’t working against their own interests indirectly.

You’d get alot more done if you were strategic, got in a position of power and did something productive .

Democrats, republicans, neocons, and “zio bot shills” who have arrested atleast 1 criminal , and deported atleast 1 foreigner have all done infinitely more than all of these “activists” put together .

Speaks volumes on how unproductive it all is.

Wignats will rally around social justice for Palestine and the “genocide” of brown Muslims in Gaza (literally not even true) all day every day but will shill for Russia who is actually massacring white Christians in Ukraine with an army of central Asians/ Muslims from the Caucasus/ and communists with their ally’s from Iran, China, North Korea who are sending weapons and even troops to help invade Europe.

So Ukraine which is literally the capital of white nationalism and has state funded white nationalist summer camps for kids and has a literal white nationalist battalion in their army is bad, but hamas/houthis/hezbollah and all the other anti-white / anti western / anti Christian Iranian proxies in the Middle East is a good thing?

The entire thing is a never ending psyop .

They will literally rally for the creation of global Islamic communist anti white nuclear empire if it includes “owning da jooz” in the process .

(For Americans)

It’s more tactical and strategic to win over Americans by quoting Americans from the past to push race realism and the rest, then doing what the 80 iq wignats do by only quoting the 3rd Reich, which will never win anyone over. On top of that the 3rd Reich got its racial theory from the Anglosphere , mostly from Americans. Americans were also infinitely more radical on race than the 3rd riech, the 3rd Reich just had better aesthetics and propaganda.

Not eveything has to be about ww2. Hitler didn’t invent the JQ, or radical theory . Playing the Nazi card is just playing the fools mate which has failed time and time again, only getting worse and worse to where now “proud national socialists” are drug addicts with face tattoos from prison gangs .

“I, for one, am very much disposed to favor the colonization of such free negroes as are willing to Central America. I want to have nothing to do with the free negro or the slave negro. We, the Republican Party, are the white man's party. [Great applause.]  We are for free white men, and for making white labor respectable and honorable, which it never can be when negro slave labor is brought into competition with it. [Great applause.] We wish to settle the territories with free white men, and we are willing that this negro race should go anywhere that it can to better its condition, wishing them God speed, wherever they go. We believe it is better for us that they should not be among us. I believe it will be better for them to go elsewhere.”

Senator Lyman Trumbull
The Campaign in Illinois, Chicago, 1858, pp. 8-9

Nothing can change the shift in consciousness that will inevitably lead to classical futurism.

99% of white nationalists are incapable of creating any form of policy, or idea to solve any solutions to anything . Their mere existence is destruction, victimhood , and to be frank subversion as well. On the bright side none of these people will ever have power and even if they did nothing of value would change. Since they don’t actually know or think of any tangible solutions to any actual problems because their world view comes from “no political solution” and accelerationism. They truly believe if the west fell then something greater will rise from its ashes, but this falls right into the hands of 3rd worldism and BRICS once again, like they do best. China, Iran, Russia, India, pan-Africanism, Islam would have a ball if western civilization collapsed, and they could just devour the corps til there’s nothing left.

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Eugenics is essential

We don’t need more people just for the sake of more people , we need the highest quality people large or small. Quantity means nothing of it’s all dysgenic, deformed, overweight, mentally and/or physically handicapped. Eugenics creates freedom and it’s been Aryan tradition since ancient times

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Europe for Europeans ❌
Make the world our empire again ✅

White nationalist mental gymnastics (definitely not a psyop)

NATO are in fact the good guys, cry 3rd worldist.

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