The True Northerner

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❄️ Northern Aesthetics
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The True Northerner is a channel dedicated to the aesthetics, culture and spirit of the North and its indigenous folks.


Aigle, Switzerland 🇨🇭

Forward from: Wäinölä ??
Children playing in the snow in 1936 in Korsnäs in the Ostrobothnia region of Finland.

In this game the "wolf" tries to catch the children who run away along the 🜨-shaped path, outside of which it is forbidden to go.

Photo: Maximilian Stejskal

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Part 1.) Rura,

Rura is another native Dutch Goddess who was worshipped around what is now the modern day Dutch city of Roermond. Rura was most likely the Goddess of the river Roer, a side river of the Maas.

This makes sense when you look at the name of the Goddess herself Rura, in German the river is called the Rur and the letter U in Latin is pronounced as OE. (OE in Dutch also like the English U)

Evidence of her worship has been found near Roermond, a city which bears the same name as the river.

Follow @TribalEuropa 👈🏻


🇬🇧 Georgy Stronk's illustrations for the Karelian-Finnish epic «Kalevala».

🇩🇪 Georgy Stronks Illustrationen zum karelisch-finnischen Epos «Kalevala».

🇷🇺 Иллюстрации Георгия Стронка к карело-финскому эпосу «Калевала».

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We'll never stop until we have our victory!


🇬🇧 German nurse.

🇩🇪 Deutsche Krankenschwester.

🇷🇺 Немецкая медсестра.

Braunfels, Germany 🇩🇪

🇬🇧 German folk costume.

🇩🇪 Deutsche Volkstracht.

🇷🇺 Немецкий народный костюм.


We would like to recommend you a list of interesting channels dedicated to Tradition, northern mythology, history and aesthetics and beauty of European folks.

🇷🇺 @ODAL24 - The project is dedicated to the heritage of ancestors, history of Indo-European peoples, Pagan traditions, anthropology, aesthetics of Northern phenotypes and European landscapes. [Mostly in Russian].

🇷🇺 @ODAL_STORE - Store of the ODAL project, where you can buy goods of excellent quality.

🇷🇺 @THETRUENORTHERNER - Northern Aesthetics and Heathen Tradition of Europeans. Project by Odal.

@ARYOLOGIA - Channel exploring the scholarship of Indo-European Studies.

@SOLARCULT - The Sun is the Absolute. Worship the Gods. Venerate your Ancestors. Revere and build upon our sacred traditions. As above, so below. Seek Truth.

@SPBchannel - Channel dedicated to spreading awareness of survival techniques, bushcraft, hunting, camping, fishing, gardening, cooking, simple living, etc.

🇩🇪 @URppp - In this channel You will learn everything about holistic Thinking and the German Divine knowledge/Folkish Religion.

🇩🇪 @URqqq - Art is the intellectual creativity of a Folk. This channel is dedicated to the art of the Indo-Europeans.

🇩🇪 @URwww - Archive of important books on the subject of the previous channel UR - Gemeinschaft

🇩🇪 @GODEHH - Association for the promotion and care of the Folkish religion, which opens itself to all people who feel connected to the our traditions.

🇫🇮 @WAINOLA - The abode of Wäinämöinen • Finnic & Finno-Ugric religion, mythology, folklore, culture, and history (with emphasis on Finland & Karelia) — and occasionally other things • No conspiracy nonsense.

🇳🇱@TRIBALEUROPA - European Forts, Buildings, Statues, European History, Art & Culture, European Pride, Folk & Nature.

🇫🇷 @FOLKISHFRANCE - Folkish, historic & mythological info related to France.

🇫🇮 @KIRJOKANSI - Finnish Paganism. [Posts mostly in Finnish and Karelian, but lots of PDFs in English].

🇦🇹 @THULEANSUN21 - Nature and European Urfaith, Blood and Soil, Ancestral Heritage.

Forward from: Tribal.Europa
The Battle of Baduhennawoud,

Baduhenna is a Teutonic/Frisian goddess of war and storms. The word “badwa” means battle or slaughter and “henna” usually refers to groups of matrons.

During the Frisian rebellion in 28 AD, a Roman army was slaughtered by the Frisians in the Baduhennawoud, a holy forest dedicated to Baduhenna.

This sacred forest was probably located to the north of the city of Velsen in the modern Dutch province of Noord-Holland, though the exact location may have been the city of Heiloo (“hei” possibly meaning holy, “loo” meaning forest).

It is said she received a sacrifice of nine hundred Romans in her woods. Tacitus writes that the Romans were so paranoid, so afraid of betrayal, that they killed another 400 of their own soldiers.

The Celtic goddess Morrigan, named Badb Catha, can fly over the battlefield in the shape of a crow and bring panic, confusion and paranoia to the enemy. If Badb and Baduhenna are related, this might explain why the Romans killed 400 of their own.


🇬🇧 Nobody can shut themselves off from the magic of the Yuletide season (Weihnachtszeit) unless they are uprooted from the ground of their home and family.

— Edda Schmidt

🇩🇪 Niemand kann sich dem Zauber der Weihnachtszeit verschließen, es sei denn, er ist entwurzelt aus dem Grunde seiner Heimat und seiner Familie.

— Edda Schmidt

🇷🇺 Никто не может отгородиться от волшебства сезона зимних праздников (Weihnachtszeit), если только он не вырван с корнем с почвы своей родины и своей семьи.

— Эдда Шмидт

🇬🇧 Konstantin Vasil'ev - «Gift of Svyatogor».

🇷🇺 Константин Васильев - «Дар Святогора».

German girl, 1930s 🇩🇪

Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany 🇩🇪

Separated by all the way of life and economy, which for many centuries retained a natural character, the inhabitants of the Scandinavian countries, at the same time, had a lot in common with each other. Above all, they shared their North Germanic ethnicity and language. Throughout Scandinavia in the early Middle Ages, related dialects of the same Old Norse language were spoken. It belongs to the languages ​​of the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family. It was sometimes called "Danish". This language was understandable in those countries where immigrants from Scandinavia moved. Icelandic poets - skalds sang their songs in front of the Danish king and conversed with the Swedes when visiting their country; the Norwegian king, who fled to Russia - to the "the realm of towns" (Gardariki), as the Scandinavians called it, found a common language (in the literal sense of the word) with its rulers. In England, northern speech was also understood. Culture, religious beliefs, mythology, forms of burials, many legal customs were common to all Scandinavians. At the heart of their linguistic and spiritual community, commonality law and customs, lay the common origin of the northern Germans, the same living conditions, the same social system - the tribal system at the stage of decomposition and transition to a class society - and generated by these natural and social conditions and corresponding im psychology. This is evidenced by both the first records of their judicial codes and the sagas.

— Gurevich A. Ya. «Selected Works. Ancient Germans. Vikings».

Разъединенные всем образом жизни и хозяйства, которое на протяжении многих веков сохраняло натуральный характер, жители скандинавских стран вместе с тем имели между собой и много общего. Прежде всего, общими были их этническая принадлежность к северным германцам и язык. Повсюду в Скандинавии в раннее средневековье говорили на родственных диалектах одного древнескандинавского языка. Он принадлежит к языкам германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи. Иногда его называли «датским языком». Этот язык был понятен и в тех странах, куда переселялись выходцы из Скандинавии. Исландские поэты – скальды исполняли свои песни перед датским конунгом и беседовали со шведами при посещении их страны; норвежский конунг, бежавший на Русь – в «страну укреплений» (Gardariki), как ее называли скандинавы, находил общий язык (в прямом смысле слова) с ее правителями. В Англии также понимали северную речь. Культура, религиозные представления, мифология, формы погребений, многие правовые обычаи были общими для всех скандинавов. В основе их языковой и духовной общности, общности права и обычаев, о наличии которой свидетельствуют как первые записи их судебников, так и саги, лежали общее происхождение северных германцев, одинаковые условия жизни, один и тот же общественный строй – родовой строй на стадии разложения и перехода к классовому обществу – и порожденная этими естественными и общественными условиями и соответствовавшая им психология.

— Гуревич А. Я. «Избранные труды. Древние германцы. Викинги».

University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Great Britain 🇬🇧

Friends and subscribers! The blessed day of the Winter Solstice has arrived. This is the longest night of the year, after which daylight begins to arrive. That is why, in the metaphysical and sacred sense, it is the day of the end of the old year and the day of the beginning of the new, the most important and sacred holiday of the annual cycle in many Indo-European traditions, the point of cosmogonic countdown.

Therefore, I hasten to wish all the best to all our subscribers, old and new; those who have long felt the charm of the ancient traditions of Europeans and those who have only recently become imbued with them. May the New Year bring you joy, wisdom and enlightenment, may all your noblest aspirations pay off with generosity, and may Divine inspiration not leave you. Happy and cordial Yule to you! Glorious Kolyada to you!

Друзья и подписчики! Наступил благодатный день Зимнего Солнцестояния. Это самая длинная ночь в году, после которой световой день начинает прибывать. Именно поэтому в метафизическом и сакральном смысле - это день конца старого года и день начала нового, главнейший и священнейший праздник годового цикла в множестве индоевропейских традиций, точка космогонического отсчёта.

Поэтому я спешу поздравить всех наших подписчиков, старых и новых; тех, кто давно ощутил на себе очарование древних традиций европейцев и тех, кто только недавно ими проникся. Пусть новый Год несёт вам радость, мудрость и просветление, пусть все ваши благороднейшие стремления окупятся с щедростью, а Божественное вдохновение не покидает вас. Веселого и теплого вам Йоля! Славной вам Коляды!

Yule Aesthetics / Йольская эстетика ⭐️

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