hello guys!!!
I am currently working on a bot/moderator. It has some functions that I have already added, but I would like you to give ideas of what else I could add. So far it has: 1-Chatgpt integrated so participate in conversations as another person. There is a /setinteraction button that has 3 levels from 0 being off to 3 being super active if you want it to interact or not, by default it is disabled.2- It has a function to delete the bad words that you add with a command and any message that contains those bad words from the list, it deletes them and lets you know which word you said you shouldn't.3-It has a leaderboard where you can see the top 5 chat users, by levels and experience, each level has more difficulty and is unlimited.4- Delete the links that users post, there is a command /link where the group admins can deactivate or activate to avoid the links.please let me know what else i should add.
Submitted November 04, 2024 at 08:45PM by Dazzling_Zebra820
on r/TelegramBots via https://www.reddit.com/r/TelegramBots/comments/1gjnaj0/hello_guys/Backup by @tmebackupA @rtptme project - Other backups: http://pixly.link/tme
I am currently working on a bot/moderator. It has some functions that I have already added, but I would like you to give ideas of what else I could add. So far it has: 1-Chatgpt integrated so participate in conversations as another person. There is a /setinteraction button that has 3 levels from 0 being off to 3 being super active if you want it to interact or not, by default it is disabled.2- It has a function to delete the bad words that you add with a command and any message that contains those bad words from the list, it deletes them and lets you know which word you said you shouldn't.3-It has a leaderboard where you can see the top 5 chat users, by levels and experience, each level has more difficulty and is unlimited.4- Delete the links that users post, there is a command /link where the group admins can deactivate or activate to avoid the links.please let me know what else i should add.
Submitted November 04, 2024 at 08:45PM by Dazzling_Zebra820
on r/TelegramBots via https://www.reddit.com/r/TelegramBots/comments/1gjnaj0/hello_guys/Backup by @tmebackupA @rtptme project - Other backups: http://pixly.link/tme