Hello support team
WhatsApp still some saboteurs who respond to distorting WhatsApp heard to send the amalgamated pictures and attended the numbers (and a number was prepared from the new band method) that is being used by these saboteurs of your good company, which exceeds 4 billion WhatsApp subscribers, and all this is stubborn to the reputation of the company. Their maliciousness and the desecration of your company's goods, and this has recently affected the retreat of WhatsApp users because of these curses, and all of this is up to you (we ask you, the support team, to open a number with you to continue with you to subscribe and protect my number by these saboteurs of your good company) My phone number is +96
WhatsApp still some saboteurs who respond to distorting WhatsApp heard to send the amalgamated pictures and attended the numbers (and a number was prepared from the new band method) that is being used by these saboteurs of your good company, which exceeds 4 billion WhatsApp subscribers, and all this is stubborn to the reputation of the company. Their maliciousness and the desecration of your company's goods, and this has recently affected the retreat of WhatsApp users because of these curses, and all of this is up to you (we ask you, the support team, to open a number with you to continue with you to subscribe and protect my number by these saboteurs of your good company) My phone number is +96