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Racist, Sexist, Hetrosexualist, Christian, Climate Change and CoVid Denying, Anti Vax supporting, Democracy scorning, Whites loving, shit stirrer. A sanctuary for all the outcasts of clown world. Until the small hats ban it.

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It’s been a year since this Covid business began. My theory thus far is that a fake virus was sequenced in a lab in Wuhan. The pandemic was pre arranged and the code for the “new virus” was agreed upon to be the culprit. It was patented and a vax for the fake genetic code was the main financial goal of the project. Wider goals of the Globalist Agenda to be implemented under the manufactured panic.

Spikes in the short term death rate, in certain places, primarily with very old and people already very sick from other issues, have multiple possibilities. Introduced toxins and industrialised medical malpractice are two that come to mind. But I don’t know what I don’t know, so the sky is the limit when it comes to other explanations that don’t involve the official narrative. On the industrialised medical malpractice, I will say that I definitely believe this has played a significant part. See Ria’s story or the nurses blowing the whistle in New York for unnecessarily putting everyone coming into hospital on Ventilators (which had a 90% plus failure rate in terms of keeping patients alive).

We still have no isolated samples taken from any sick person. The PCR test is a sick joke and the total mortality rate has hardly seen any increase in any country in the world. The small spikes have been just that: SMALL. Flu, pneumonia, cancer, heart disease, diabetes. All appeared to have been cured by CoVid. Average life expectancy of someone diagnosed with CoVid? About 12 months older than the average life expectancy of the country a CoVid patient is diagnosed in.

The CoVid vax trials have no evidence of stopping a person getting a respiratory illness. They claim no ability to stop spread of any respiratory illness. Ria has voice recordings of nurses in the UK confirming that they had people in intensive care with a CoVid positive diagnosis AFTER receiving BOTH shots. We have people dying after receiving a jab and news reports and officials saying without investigation that the jab wasn’t responsible. Yet we still have THOUSANDS of people listed as dying on official databases after receiving the jab. We have HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people listed on official records as having a severe reaction.

And male sperm counts have been steadily declining in correlation with the increase in the vax schedule. This could be coincidence, but seeming as many of the global elite and pushers of vax and this pandemic have been openly pushing for population reduction for over 50 years, one has to be just a little suspicious

So today Neil Erickson was convicted of disturbing religious worship. A law from 1899 which carries a maximum penalty of 3 months in jail. He was convicted by a Jewish Judge for saying “Mohammed is a false prophet” in a public space which Muslims had taken over.

Australia was conquered by our enemies without a shot being fired.

I am scheduled to speak at approx 12.30pm. There are just 3 other speakers scheduled. Between 1.45-230 all the speakers will be on a panel to answer questions from the audience/ journalists.

So come down to Supreme Court gardens Perth, tomorrow at noon.

Well that’s one way to kill off lots of future Marxists!

Which one of the two looks more like the person they are claiming to be?

a) the man who is claiming to be a woman and breaking female weightlifting records

b) Megan whatshername who is claiming to be black?

I’m going to go with the weightlifter. At least he took steps to play the part. Cut off his genitals, grew some boobs with the help of whore moans. The ex princess looks like she can’t even be bothered to spend a day in the sun to get a tan. She’s whiter than me at the moment.

I’ve been invited to speak at another event. This one seems to be well organised and publicised

Just a coincidence. Just like everyone else who gets sick or dies immediately after getting their anti CoVid injection. Nothing to see here. Move along everyone and roll up your sleeves please!

Official numbers so far out of the UK.

The biggest concern is for next Winter as previous attempts at mRNA technology saw the largest number of adverse outcomes (including the most death) when the test animals later came into contact with different strains of cold and flu. We haven’t had any animal trials for these products and my fear is that a new “pandemic”, a REAL pandemic, just like Bill Gates predicted “10 times worse than this one (followed by him and Melinda smirking at the camera)”, but no mainstream media, bureaucrat or politician will acknowledge the cause.

I have just spent most of the evening talking on Messenger to Ria. She had the foresight to record all her phone conversations with Doctors, hospital staff, paramedics and Pfizer representatives as her father became sick, deteriorated and died. She shared some of those recordings with me. Truly horrific.

So I will be speaking around 1pm tomorrow. I’ve been given 15 minutes to make an impact

So I was helping out at the polling station for the No Mandatory Vaccination Party today. Pretty slow day but the other volunteers and the occasional candidate are stuck there with you and eventually you talk just to pass the time. A Greens candidate was there today and made the mistake of debating the science behind global warming with me. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven!

One of the hardest Redpills to swallow is that “racism” is just another part of the agenda. Demonising people for in group preference if their skin happens to be white is a great way to stop those people from becoming awake to their own replacement and genocide. I write this as I learn that Tom Sewell and his camera man have been arrested after a Black security guard at Channel 9 tried to grab the camera man by the throat after ejecting them from Channel 9 premises and Tom reacted by punching him. The lying media, of course, are twisting the truth to its exact opposite, with Tom the aggressor and the security guard the victim.

Slight revision to the Saturday 6th rally. Now to be held in Fremantle. Pass the word around

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