Trixie Flaws

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📝 drop your wording purpose and theme here, trixies! ♥️

👤 pinned channel PA, yang nyeritain kalau dia lagi gamon

👤 Rp pack, pinned wording theme-nya ttg profesi anak sekolahan/remaja yang konteksnya about pesepeda/atlet pesepeda gitu.

👤 bio yang theme nya adem, intinya cewe yang suka jalan ke alam yg tenang

👤 bio yang temanya classy gituuu!

👥 4 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

temen-temen may i ask you wording purpose and theme for my catalogue? since i’m running out of idea 😵‍💫 if you are willing boleh banget isi board dibawah ini yahhh, heap of grats!

ps. nggaa harus bio yah, promotions, pinned, customized and etc juga bolehhh!

oiyaa yang mau hfw juga bisa ke @trixflawsbot 😍

temen temen bisa bantu forward yahh, thanks a heap! nanti gratis peluk 🥰♥️

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{ my words are tons of gratitude if you are willing to spread this lapidary simple message to your mesmerizing business channel 🧸♡ }

howdy fellas! @trixieflaws are currently looking for souls whose willing to be business mutuals with us, our ba are soon gonna be selling wording and with a note we only accept main account to do subscribe-for-subscribe. we are pleasant to accept new mutuals therefore if you are interested, please do contact us on @trixflawsbot! thank’s a heap and hopely jubilant be surround you, folks.

this channel will be operating soon. 🤍

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