My best Motivational and Spiritual speaker Richard Williams or Price Ea said that
"A space war may be the answer to all of our problems.
Β The question that I think about a whole lot is how can we create? World peace and the quickest way might be two words : alien attack
Β hypothetically speaking it seems to me that nothing brings people closer together than having a common enemy I mean if we had an alien attack you would see : neo-nazi, black lives matter, republican, democrats coming together and holding hands."
This really made me feel sad because its really happening means the Corona Virus
Now we have a common enemy so we need to hold our hands together,
believe me if we work together we can make any problame disappear. So when you think about your family, remember others family's, when you think about you, remember your friend
This kite up on materials should stop and selfishness we should leave behind.
All we need now is
Unity & Love
This virus is just gateway for world peace
If we work togather believe me in the next generation you will see 2020 written in history books and called the Age of peace
Let fix our problems before its too late
As they said there has never been a deathbed regrate that say boy I wish I spent more time with my family or boy I wish I spent more time in the office
There have been over 107 billion people's to have lived and died on the earth planet.
But there has never been and will never be another you!
Its not hard the only thing you have to do is
βWash your hand
βUse sanitizer
βDont touch your face
βStop shaking hands
βDont cull out peoples
Be safe and Be smart
protect Your family
The Message from
Nahom Mersha
Yeab Serawit
To the world
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