{...} we fit together like puzzle pieces! ♥️

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life is the flower for which love is the honey. to love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides, so make headway talk with our side stable hither @Phuwibn if you demand.

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Forward from: ARTHORSH , SOON !
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[ dear mutuals kindly forward this message to your channel ]

@arthorsh is looking for a new store mutuals. I'll accept every type of store to be my mutuals but if you're not into channel diving please do not interact. If you're interested to be our mutuals, please contact our bot @arthorshmaid_bot and and if there's something else please knock on my roomchat. ┌(・。・)┘♪

. . { such a beautiful weather to start the day with someone you love today! what we have once enjoyed we can never lose. all that we love deeply becomes a part of us ⭐️ } love letters that will only be sent to @Phuwibn and you must always remember to always look at some of the results of love along with what people say about love . . if you are too lazy to ask for love to process, then you are advised to look love with simplicity 💌

moots help forward yaaaa, sekalian mau minta react boye? 🐈 feedback bisa langsung kirim ke @Hornbert ya cintaku

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{ line of work all o' mutuals to forth this gist to your gutter with a sincere heart } 🩰

. . . @Twelveicy right away shows up with a merry heart to manufacture your account look chilly nd' heavenly! kindly find ordinary or script custom moodboards, loveboard with or without script for you nd' your lover. we furnish all o' this so that you can turn up charming 👼 we furnish too various kinds of items that are ready for you to use without waiting for love to happen, like . . . i have brought your soulmate before get here 🩰

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ my whole heart
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤonly for you
[ 🩰 ] can i get the same? ill feel over th' moon if you sincerely give me all your heart. in fact, ill stay here, harden til you occur. even though you just say nonsense, but i formerly have a lot of memories about us. i'm not making it up that ill do anything so that you will stay by my side.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ @Twelveicy ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

Forward from: 𝓛a𝓜airépos, Pre-debuted💐
[Dear my lovely mutuals, please help spread this cute message to your channel, for feedback please contact @lemairebot, thank you so much💥]

Since I don't have much of a catalogue, I will create an event to share moodboard and wording for free on a first-come, first-serve basis. Moodboards will be available for 22 slots, ie 10 moodboard reguler, 5 moodboard semi deco, 5 moodboard script, 2 moodboard scribble and wording will be available for 5 slots [biography premium and non-premium]

This event will started at 14 October 2023 at 07.00 p.m, so please note the time and get your favourite! 💗

Warm greetings,

Forward from: amatip
*my invaluable colleagues, please help to forward this message to your channels,, gracias! >

“regards, @amaytip looking for new mutuals. we accept all types of mutual business, except upsubs admin. please contact @amaytipbot, Cheerio.”

thank youuuu so much @Satuarday!

@myrthicle CAMAT 200 BAYII, ditunggu debutnyaaaaa gemaayy 🤍

@oBakerStreet omg ba yang keren ini juga hei hei selamat punya anak bayi 210 🤍🤍🤍

@pocketsizedy HEI BA GEMAY SELAMAT 302 ANAK KICIIKKK. semogaaaa sukses teruuss yaaa 🤍

Forward from: Pocket sized 💭
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ꮺ ࣪ ꒰to my lovely muntuals can you forward this message? Thanks 🤍

◛ '₊ Hello darling @pocketsizedy is looking a bunch of friend do you want be friend with Yasmin and Hanin? without friend we can't do anything also we accept all kind of business! just contact us @Pocketsizedbot and see you later thanks a bunch❕🍓
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@satuarday YAAAY AKHIRNYAAA DEBUT JUGAAA, camat debut sayangggg. semoga nanti banyak yaanggg order yaaa 😗

rise and shineee 😗

. . { such a beautiful weather to start the day with someone you love today! what we have once enjoyed we can never lose. all that we love deeply becomes a part of us ⭐️ } love letters that will only be sent to @Phuwibn and you must always remember to always look at some of the results of love along with what people say about love . . if you are too lazy to ask for love to process, then you are advised to look love with simplicity 💌

buat sayangku @ArtGistara plis aku juga izin duluan.. selamat punya 500 anak bayi gemay... aku tidak bisa menahan rasa kebelet ini... ily syg 🫰🏻

. . { such a beautiful weather to start the day with someone you love today! what we have once enjoyed we can never lose. all that we love deeply becomes a part of us ⭐️ } love letters that will only be sent to @Phuwibn and you must always remember to always look at some of the results of love along with what people say about love . . if you are too lazy to ask for love to process, then you are advised to look love with simplicity 💌

Forward from: {...} we fit together like puzzle pieces! ♥️
. . { such a beautiful weather to start the day with someone you love today! what we have once enjoyed we can never lose. all that we love deeply becomes a part of us ⭐️ } love letters that will only be sent to @Phuwibn and you must always remember to always look at some of the results of love along with what people say about love . . if you are too lazy to ask for love to process, then you are advised to look love with simplicity 💌

hi mootss tweci, yang mau hfw boleh contact @Hornbert yaa

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