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Tunisian women calls for an end to Personal Status Code that criminalises polygamy

The article 18 of the Personal Status Code of the Tunisian constitution which criminalizes polygamy has drastically increase the number of spinsterhood in the country, these has led a group of women to rally individuals a protest in front of the parliament to condemn and call for legalization of polygamy. Read more:
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The Middle East is paying the price for peace treaties with Israel

"The Arab states are motivated by the survival of their regimes, and that is what pushes them to peace with Israel in order to share some common goals". Nonetheless, the Arab world is paying the price of that peace with Israel, which is far greater than the price of conflict and war with the Zionist state. Read more:
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Israeli eviction of Palestinians from their homes was termed a “large-scale, systematic ethnic cleansing”. This came after evidences showed Isreali occupiers are digging beneath the Al Aqsa mosque in a bide to demolish it and the houses of the surrounding Palestinians Read more:

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The story of Saudi teen, Rahaf Qunun, made international headlines when she renounced Islam and fled her family during a recent vacation to Kuwait, citing them as abusive and that she feared for her life. After leaving Kuwait, she headed for Thailand, where she locked herself in a hotel room, broadcasting her pleas via social media. Read more:

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Turkey abandons Uighurs in favor of Chinese investment

China has sent up to 1 million Muslims to indoctrination camps in order to subvert the identities of the country’s Muslim minorities and undermine their commitment to Islam. However, recently China has increased investment in Turkey and granted a loan of $3.6 billion to the Government. This seems to have muted Erdogan's Governments response to China's crimes. he opts for the money rather than in defence of the Uyghur muslims. Read more:

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Chinese Islamophobia, a Product of Western Political Plans

Viewing Islam as an abnormality and the cause of "extremism," is not exclusive to China , rather it finds its home in the West's Countering Violence Extremism (CVE) programs , which view expressions of Muslim identity as uniquely associated with "extremism" and "radicalization". Read more:

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Saudi cleric detained in crackdown dies

Prominent Saudi Imam and preacher at the Prophet's Mosque in Medina Ahmad Al-Amari has died one week after Saudi authorities dropped all charges against him and released him from prison. The family discovered that the release came after all doctors confirmed that he is “brain dead” due to the reaction of poisonous substance injected into his body. Read more:
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Announcement Of New Channel

♡ Diary Of A Muslimah ♡

Diary Of A Muslimah is part of Shield Of Ummah. We created this channel to share everything about Muslimah and also the current affairs that affect Muslimah today, its analysis and Islamic solutions. We are also happy to share how a Muslimah's vision should be to be part of Islamic victory. We will present it in the form of a diary so that it is expected to be easier to understand.

The aim of this channel is to educate Muslim women with Islam so that they can be women who are not only pious, but also women who can give birth to ulema, mujadid and mujahid, support their husbands in da'wah and jihad, as well as women who care for this Ummah and take part in dawah for the victory of Islam.

And Tawfīq comes from none but Allāh

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{Views On The News}

Israel coerces Palestinian Authority to accept ‘Deal of the Century’

The Palestinian Authority (PA) said that Israel’s storming of Ramallah is an attempt to coerce it into accepting the “Deal of the Century”. Muslims across the globe have seen speeches of the PA as a mere lip service and their strategy; wrong toward the liberation of Palestine.
[Source: @UmmahNews247]


The “Deal of the Century” has been projected as a comprehensive plan within the framework of the new American strategy with endeavours to implement it being underway since Donald Trump took office. The two styles of execution are by and large based on the element of surprise and imposing a fait accompli policy. The plan is not merely confined to Palestine but it engulfs all the countries neighbouring the usurping entity of "Israel". Hence, the “Deal of the Century” includes Gaza, the West Bank and al-Quds, and Jordan, Syria and Egypt as well as normalisation with all the Arab countries.

The fact that the "Deal of the Century" involves the countries surrounding the usurping entity "Israel" does not necessarily mean it will replace the GMEI announced by George Bush in 2004. The "Deal of the Century" is in fact part of the GMEI (Greater Middle East Initiative) which includes all the Islamic countries and not just Palestine and neighbouring countries. Egypt, Saudi and the UAE, who represent the major countries affiliated to America and much relied upon in making the "Deal of the Century" a successful initiative, are the same countries playing an advanced role in entrenching American hegemony in the Middle East and North Africa. They are the three countries who have been propagating extensively the concept of “regional peace”, and they are the very same countries that have been backing the so-called counter-revolutions and financing terrorism in the Horn of Africa. 

It is worth mentioning that while America is engrossing the world with talk about the "Deal of the Century", its articles and merits, she is working assiduously towards entrenching the GMEI. The recent political and historical facts prove that America has only exploited the crises of the region as pretexts to consolidate her unilateral dominion and hegemony and to deepen the rifts and divisions among the Muslims, not to mention the plundering of their riches in a manner known to all and sundry.  The "Deal of the Century" is truly the deal of the devil aimed at ending the Palestinian issue at a time America thinks she has a historic opportunity to fragment the countries of the region according to the GMEI.

“Is it not time that the hearts of all who have believed should feel humble at the remembrance of Allah and of all the truth that has been bestowed from on high?” 
[al-Hadid verse16]

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"Two Muslimāh and child verbally abused in an Islamaphobic attackAustralia"

A Muslim mother and her
child were verbally abused racist and Islamaphobic Australian in Melbourne. The incidence happened on a train en route from Dandenong, other passengers on board only watch and record the incidence with their phones. Another Muslimah came to the defense of the mother and child but went home with bruises and scratches inflicted on her by the racist woman. Read more:

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We are ready to occupy Gaza Strip, says Israeli minister

Israel’s Minister of Internal Security said plans to occupy the Gaza Strip are on the table for the Cabinet to consider, he said that the country prefers calm and the possibility of reaching a deal that guarantees security for all Israelis. He also suggested that occupying Gaza would give Israel a better chance to maintain such calm. “We must be ready to pay the costs of such a step.”
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Swiss Police Fined a Man $213 for Exclaiming ‘Allahu Akbar’ in Public

Swiss police have defended their decision to fine a man who shouted “Allahu Akbar” to express surprise after unexpectedly seeing a friend in a parking lot in Schaffhausen, in public, arguing that they would have reacted the same way if someone had been shouting obscenities in public, local media reported. Read more:

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A media outlet setup by a team of Muslims from across the globe dedicated to Islamic Journalism, news reporting and analysis on current issues.

Sheikh Omar al-Kiswani, the Director of Al Aqsa Mosque hospitalized after been assaulted by Israeli police

The Israeli police siege on the Dome of the Rock, located in the Old City's Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, sparked tensions between police and Palestinian worshipers which resulted to the director of the mosque been hospitalized after an assault by Israeli police. Read more:
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Dozens of Extremist Settlers Storm Al-Aqsa Mosque

A group of Israeli settlers, on Sunday morning, January, 13, 2019 stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa mosque via the Moroccan Gate, accompanied by heavy guard of Israeli occupation police, under increasingly right-wing Israeli governments, extremist Jewish settlers have been allowed into the site in ever greater numbers — usually protected by Israeli security forces — while Palestinian access to the site has become increasingly restricted. Read more:
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Israel coerces Palestinian Authority to accept ‘Deal of the Century’

The Palestinian Authority (PA) said that Israel’s storming of Ramallah is an attempt to coerce it into accepting the “Deal of the Century”. Muslims across the globe have seen speeches of the PA as a mere lip service and their strategy; wrong toward the liberation of Palestine. Read more:
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