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Over all make you understand why the problems in your love life happen and how to solve them
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Whatever you do, don’t be late.

Punctuality is always important, especially on the first date. If you show up late, it will send the message that you just don’t care. Reduce your chances of a late arrival by departing earlier than usual.


Don’t mention your ex when you’re on a first date.

The first date is not an appropriate time to talk incessantly about past loves. Keep a lid on it unless it is relevant to the conversation. And even then, don’t stay on the topic longer than necessary. It’s best to steer clear of a discussion about your exes until the time is right. If you just can’t help yourself, and your ex is still all you talk about, you’re clearly not over the relationship . You may need a break from dating so you can deal with your issues. Don’t date on the rebound, as these relationships rarely turn out well. Heal your heart first, and then jump back into the dating pool when you’re ready.


When you’re on a first date, make sure you’re listening to the other person.

If there were ever a time to focus, it’s now. The first date is when you’ll learn a lot of new things about your potential partner. Take the time to really listen to what he or she is saying. The first couple of dates will help you decide whether to continue with the relationship or move on to someone more compatible . Your date shouldn’t have to repeat his or herself several


Make sure you look nice when you’re on your first date.

Pay attention to your appearance . If you show up looking a mess, it shows that you don’t take pride in how you look and don’t really care about the outcome of your meeting. If you really couldn’t care less, just cancel the date and stay home. Don’t ask someone out just to pass the time or because you’re


Save the intimate details for later.
Keep the conversation fun and light.

If you reveal your entire life story from childhood until now, you’ll not only bore your date to death but also make yourself less of a challenge. And you’ll also appear a little unbalanced (OK, a lot unbalanced). In addition, your date will think that if you’re ready to share everything upfront you do that with everyone you meet.

More Coming Soon


Forward from: BAD VIBES

100 ways to say “I love you”
1. You are beautiful.
2. I love your smile.
3. Here, let me get that for you.
4. I love seeing you wake up in the morning.
5. You are amazing.
6. I love (this) about you
7. Stay safe. Text me when you get there
8. I love when you do (this)
9. I think you’re beautiful when
10. You’re too good for me.
11. I don’t deserve you.
12. I care about you.
13. Don’t put yourself down like that.
14. I adore you.
15. I can’t stop thinking about you.
16. Seeing you makes me smile.
17. I need you by my side.
18. I’m thankful for you.
19. You make me a better person.
20. You complete me.
21. Have a good day at work
22. You’re the light of my life.
23. Seeing you makes my day.
24. I get butterflies every time we talk.
25. I’m so lucky to have you; I don’t know how I got so lucky.
26. You set my heart on fire.
27. I’ll walk you home.
28. I love to make you happy.
29. You’re my soulmate.
30. You’re my best friend.
31. I can’t wait to see you (again).
32. You mean the world to me.
33. You’re my rock.
34. I value you.
35. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
36. I love being around you.
37. Pull over and let me drive some.
38. Take my jacket, it’s cold outside.
39. I want you.
40. You complete me.
41. You’re my happiness.
42. Do you need anything?
43. I want to hold your hand and never let go.
44. You’re the only one for me.
45. You are my heaven on earth.
46. Every time I look at you I fall in love all over again.
47. Drive safe.
48. I don’t know what I’d do without you.
49. Forever isn’t too long, because I know I’ll be with you.
50. I’d rather argue with you than kiss someone else.
51. You look great today.
52. I love that ___ on you.
53. You look cute when you put your glasses.
54. I’ll always be here; I’m here for you.
55. My heart hurts when you’re not around.
56. I can’t think of what my life would be like without you.
57. We’re perfect for each other.
58. I cherish you; you’re more important than anything else in my life.
59. I will love you until I die, and even after.
60. You’re mine.
61. I support you.
62. I’m addicted to you.
63. You’re perfect in my eyes.
64. Take this; it’ll help you feel better.
65. I can’t wait to see you.
66. You’re the only one for me.
67. I’m crazy about you.
68. I had an amazing time with you.
69. I feel so lucky to have you.
70. I’ll never let you go; I’ll never want to.
71. I hope this moment never ends.
72. You leave me breathless.
73. I’d do anything for you.
74. Seeing you happy makes me happy.
75. I’m sorry for hurting your feelings.
76. You always find a way to make me smile.
77. I can’t put what I feel for you into words; it’s too great.
78. I still get jealous even though I know you’re mine.
79. I’m listening to you.
80. I made this for you, I know it’s your favorite.
81. I’m excited and nervous for tonight with you.
82. I got you your favorite candy.
83. I’ll always care about you.
84. I made you breakfast.
85. I can never stay mad at you.
86. I love your eyes; they’re gorgeous.
87. I love that outfit on you.
88. You look so cute.
89. You’re the highlight of my day.
90. How’d you sleep?
91. Your smile makes my heart go crazy.
92. I hate seeing you cry.
93. It’s my job to make you happy.
94. I want to spend more time with you.
95. I’ll fix it.
96. I hate when we argue.
97. You’re the only person I want to live my life with.
98. You drive me crazy (in a good way).
99. I’m proud of you.
100. I trust you, I always will.


11. Offer to help her when she is tired.
12. Schedule extra time when traveling so that she doesn’t have to rush.
13. When you are going to be late, call her and let her know.
14. When she asks for support, say yes or no without making her wrong for asking.
15. Whenever her feelings have been hurt, give her some empathy and tell her “I’m sorry you feel hurt.” Then be silent; let her feel your understanding of her hurt. Don’t offer solutions or explanations why her hurt is not your fault.


11. Offer to help her when she is tired.
12. Schedule extra time when traveling so that she doesn’t have to rush.
13. When you are going to be late, call her and let her know.
14. When she asks for support, say yes or no without making her wrong for asking.
15. Whenever her feelings have been hurt, give her some empathy and tell her “I’m sorry you
feel hurt.” Then be silent; let her feel your understanding of her hurt. Don’t offer solutions or explanations why her hurt is not your fault.



1. Upon returning home find her first before doing anything else and give her a hug.
2. Ask her specific questions about her day that indicate an awareness of what she was planning to do (e.g., “How did your appointment with the doctor go?”).
3. Practice listening and asking questions.
4. Resist the temptation to solve her problems—empathize instead.
5. Give her twenty minutes of unsolicited, quality attention (don’t read the newspaper or be distracted by anything else during this time).
6. Bring her cut flowers as a surprise as well as on special occasions.


When a woman keeps score, no matter how big or small a gift of love is, it scores one point; each gift has equal value.





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Communication is of primary importance. To share their personal feelings is much more important than achieving goals and success. Talking and relating to one another is a source of tremendous fulfillment.

This is hard for a man to comprehend. He can come close to understanding a woman’s experience of sharing and relating by comparing it to the satisfaction he feels when he wins a race, achieves a goal, or solves a problem.

Instead of being goal oriented, women are relationship oriented; they are more concerned with expressing their goodness, love, and cari



Women have different values. They value love, communication, beauty, and relationships. They spend a lot of time supporting, helping, and nurturing one another. Their sense of self is defined through their feelings and the quality of their relationships. They experience fulfillment through sharing and relating.

🧬The solution is that men can be supportive just by listening with interest and empathy and not offer solutions unless asked for.🧬


This behaviour is one of the reasons why when a woman innocently share her upset feelings or explores her problems of the day , a man assumes she is looking for expert advice and puts on his Mr. Fix-It hat and offers solutions.

He wants to help her feel better by solving her problems. He wants to be useful to her. He feels he can be valued and thus worthy of her love when his abilities are used to solve her problems.

Once he has offered a solution, however, and she continues to be upset it becomes increasingly difficult for him to listen because his solution is being rejected and he feels increasingly useless.


A man rarely talks about his problems unless he needs expert advice. He reasons: “Why involve someone else when I can do it by myself?” He keeps his problems to himself unless he requires help from another to find a solution. Asking for help when you can do it yourself is perceived as a sign of weakness.

However, if he truly does need help, then it is a sign of wisdom to get it. In this case, he will find someone he respects and then talk about his problem. Talking about a problem for a man is an invitation for advice. Another man feels honored by the opportunity. Automatically he puts on his Mr. Fix-It hat, listens for a while, and then offers some jewels of advice.


Achieving goals is very important to a Man because it is a way for him to prove his competence and thus feel good about himself. And for him to feel good about himself he must achieve these goals by himself. Someone else can’t achieve them for him. Men pride themselves in doing things all by themselves. Autonomy is a symbol of efficiency, power, and competence.

Understanding this characteristic can help women understand why men resist so much being corrected or being told what to do. To offer a man unsolicited advice is to presume that he doesn’t know what to do or that he can’t do it on his own. Men are very touchy about this, because the issue of competence is so very important to them.


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