Unvoiced Feelings

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Doesn't it hurt.?
To know that you can't be the person you imagined you'd be.
Doesn't it hurt..??
To know that you ain't the same to someone you thought you're.
Doesn't it hurt..?
To know everything you do to impress someone goes in vain...
That thought itself brings nothing but pain...
Doesn't it hurt..?
To know that you ignored the real world in search of a fantasy..
Lost yourself in a quest for ecstacy..
It may be too late..
When you realise things are moving out of your hand..
When you realise things aren't as you thought you'd be..
And so does it when you snatch it's honey from a honey bee..


"What is more cute, hugs or kisses?"

"The way he handles my mood swings," she replied

If I'll see you without a smile

I will give you mine.

If anyone asked me, "What is hell?"

I would answer, "distance between people who love each other."

To my future daughter, "You are a queen don't let no man half love you."

Stop praying for your enemies to die because you will end up losing most of your "Close friends and relatives".

There's beautiful
Then there's you 😍

Hey guys if you have any piece of work, writing or art that you would like to share please contact the admin @apoya10.

Be careful about who you tell your plans to this year.
Sometimes we fail because we talk too much.

Leaving school, you realize that some people were only your friends because you saw them 5 days a week.

I saw you drowning
so I came to help
but you pushed me under
and saved yourself instead

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