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Forward from: sambat
a gentle reminder :
don’t take the game too seriously

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unsubs anak kontol

Forward from: ren hiat
assalamualaikum , selamat pagi , saya Nayyara Renata Fauziah izin hiat bbrp hari karena jadwal sekolah sudah mulai padat. ngga lama , solanya saya nolep-an.ysj
kalian jangan lupa makan , klo puasa nafsunya di tahan.
semangat !!

yang punya wa ren bisa chat disana , karna ren aktif slalu tpi slr hmmcchh

[ semua saya unadmin ]

Forward from: ren hiat
40 Days chalengen with Ren :

1. sholat tahajud 2/4 rakaat
2. mandi sebelum shubuh
3. holat sunnah fajar
4. sholat shubuh tepat waktu
5. ngaji sbelum matahari terbit
6. sedekah shubuh
7. sholat dhuha 2/4 rakaat
8. dengar murrotal 10 menit
10. puasa senin-kamis
11. baca Al-Waqiah tiap hari
12. baca Al-Mulk tiap malam
13. baca 2 ayat akhir Al-Baqarqah sblm bobo
14. baca Al-Kahfi tiap malam/hari jumat
15. aafin semua org sebelum tidur

ayooo , mulai besok ya ? jangan lupa sahur , kita puasa bareng " ndee 😸😸

Forward from: pira's
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lufsyuuu @ bf

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jd buntelan daki NGAKAKAKK , ac sha

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Forward from: ngent
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Yo gakenal,cc cila

sfs @justpira

Forward from: radeva
sfs @inittgranaya

sb aku momz @pimpimpoOom

subs @mayeschaa

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