Mobiler | Software Company

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Mobiler - Software Company
Mobile application, Web application, Software development, Design
📞 Contact Us: +998 97 007 96 20
💬 Telegram: @sanjar_suvonov

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Nimadir ko’zimga juda issiq ko’rindi. Keyin reklamalarni e’tibor bilan kuzatdim. Bu Bir necha yil oldin qilgan mobil dasturim ekan 😂😂😂

Toshkent Metro

☺️Assalomu aleykum☺️
Bugun biz uchun ajoyib yangilik bo'ldi ustozimiz Sanjar Suvonov farzandli bo'ldila. Alloh farzandlarini umri bilan risqi bilan bergan bo'lsin. ☺️Ustozimiz uchun judayam hursandmiz.
"PAPASHA" bo'lganingiz bilan tabriklimiz☺️

"Football News & Info"

✔️ Football news and other news
Our app provides you with the latest football news all around the world. You can also acquire personalized content based on teams you support like Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, Manchester United, Chelsea, Argentina, England, France, Portugal and your favorite players like Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Mbappe, Kante, Pogba etc. With our app, you will not miss any news about the team you support or your favorite football star.

Made by @Nurullayev_Dilshod

O'zbeksiton Respublikasi Mudofaa vazirligi rasmiy veb sayti mobil ilovasi

Ушбу «Зикр ва дуолар» дастуридаги зикр ва дуолар сайтидан олинган.
Эслатма: Дастурдаги дуо ва зикрларнинг кирилл алифбосидаги кўриниши арабча маънони бермайди ва хатолик билан ўқишингиз эҳтимоли юқори! Шунинг учун иложи борича араб тилини ўрганиб арабча матнини ўқишингизни тавсия берамиз.
Дастур ривожланиши учун дўстларингизга ҳам ушбу дастурни тавсия қилишингиз мумкин.

© Sherali Narzullayev


Мобильное приложение МАПК ЕНСТ предназначено для организации доступа к МАПК ЕНСТ посредством мобильных устройств, работающих на базе операционных систем Android, в режиме онлайн. Данное приложение будет использовано для информатизации процесса сбора и обработки первичной информации для автоматизации процесса трудовых отношений, а также хранения данных в системе МАПК ЕНСТ.
С мобильным приложением пользователям предоставляются следующие возможности:
- Обеспечение доступа пользователей к информации ТД и ЭТК;
- Предоставление удобного просмотра данных предприятия;
- Изменение данных предприятия и сотрудников;
- Создание доступа к МАПК ЕНСТ из любой точки страны в режиме онлайн.


The mobile application has the following features:

- Through the Geoinformation module you can get information about migrants and various institutions close to you, as well as your place of residence.

- Through the legal information module you can get information on labor migration, legal documents and get online advice.

- Through the payment services module you can remotely receive information about payment services for patents, loans, insurance and tickets, as well as make payments.


4K Wallpapers

Nicely designed wallpapers !

A collection of amazing 4K wallpapers ★

We paid a lot of attention to the basic wallpapers, not focusing on the extras.

The 4K Wallpaper app allows you to share / save wallpapers.

★★★ App Features ★★★

➤ Clean design
➤ New unique design
➤ Simple and easy to use
➤ Faster access and good performance
➤ Save pictures easily to phone memory
➤ Easy to set your background wallpapers
➤ Automatically fit your smartphone screen
➤ Save your favourites ones for easy access
➤ Compatible in most of the android devices
➤ High-quality wallpapers for devices of all sizes
➤ Share your favorite with your friends on social media

Ilovani ko’chirib oling va yaqinlaringizga ham ulashing

Mobil ilova muallifi maktab o'quvchisi Arslon Tursunmurodov

👇Dasturni yuklab olish 👇

👇Kanalga ulanish👇

Currency Converter Uzbekistan 🔥🔥🔥

Курсы валют Узбекистана – удобное и простое в применении приложение, которое поможет Вам узнать ежедневные обновления курса валют Центрального Банка Республики Узбекистан.

Ilovani ko’chirib oling va yaqinlaringizga ham ulashing

👇Dasturni yuklab olish👇

👇Kanalga ulanish👇


"Men ham namoz oqiyman" kitobi hamda sayti asosida tayyorlangan va tartiblangan Erkaklar va Ayollar uchun namoz o'rganish uchun batafsil yoritilgan qo'llanma.

Tahorat olish tartiblari, Namoz oqish tartibi to'liq rasmlar bilan joylashtirilgan.

Dastur muallifi maktab o'quvchisi: Tursunmurodov Arslonbek

Ilovani ko’chirib oling va yaqinlaringizga ham ulashing

👇Dasturni yuklab olish👇

👇Kanalga ulanish👇

Assalomu alaykum.

Biz Mobiler jamoasi mobil dasturlash sohasiga qiziquvchilar uchun yangi bir loyihaga qo’l urdik. Endilikda Mobiler jamoasi a’zolari mobil dasturlash sohasida tadbirlar uyushtirishni yo’lga qo’ymoqchi.

Xo’sh, tadbirda nimalarga guvohi bo’lamiz?

💡Tadbirlarimizda yangi zamonaviy texnologiyalar(kutubxonalar) yordamida mobil ilovalar yaratish ko’rsatib o’tiladi.

🤔Tadbirlarimizda qanday mavzular yoritib berilishini xohlaysiz?

🖌O’zingizni qiziqtirgan mavzular bo’yicha @mobileruzbot ga yozib yuboring.

📅Tez orada sizning ovozlaringizga ko’ra, tadbirlarimiz boshlanish vaqtini e’lon qilamiz.

4 pics 1 word

4 pics 1 word. Start straight away, have fun, beat your friends!

★Whats the word we are looking for? ★
Each puzzle contains 4 photos with a common word - can you guess what it is?

Find out why everyone loves this game and join the fun now!

Start straight away, have fun, beat your friends!

Can you guess all words and unlock all levels? Hundreds of puzzles from easy to tricky are waiting for you!

So what are you waiting for? What’s the word? Look at the four pictures, guess what they have in common!

Ilovani ko’chirib oling va yaqinlaringizga ham ulashing

👇Dasturni yuklab olish👇

👇Kanalga ulanish👇

Maktab darsliklari endi onlayn formatda !!!

Ilovamizda siz uchun 1 sinfdan 11 sinfgacha ya'ni barcha sinflar uchun darsliklar o'rin olgan bo'lib, o'zingizga kerakli kitobni o'zbekcha, ruscha formatda topishingiz mumkin.

Ilovaning afzalliklari:
🔅Yangi darsliklar
🔅Barcha sinflar uchun kerakli kitoblar
🔅Barcha kitoblar sizga kerakli tillarda
🔅Kerakli kitobni yuklab olish va istalgan vaqtda va istalgan sharoitda o'qish imkoniyati
🔅Qulay va samarali yengil ilova
🔅Kitoblarni ulashish imkoniyati

Ilovani ko’chirib oling va yaqinlaringizga ham ulashing

👇Dasturni yuklab olish👇

👇Kanalga ulanish👇

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