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tip-toes; here proceeds another blast inflicted by the sanguine bliss of the berries’ palatableness!
🥯. for any inquiries: @veloursebot.
🍒. handled by @LizyKim, @wiuter, @HyejeongU and @eGaeuI only.

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ini kita divingnya sesuai dari statistik yang nge-fw pinned yaa, sekarang lagi libur diving dulu tapi kalau ada yang mau di FW terus urgent banget bisa ke bot kita aja👍🏻

Buat fw-an kita bakal hapus setiap 2 hari sekali yaa moots

HFW yaa moots, buat FW backnya bisa ke bot ajaa!

@gaeusl + @xiaotintg UFS with fixed price 120.000 each. take all only 230.000 @veloursebot.

hallo @tChaehyun

@ ningninkg has been adopted, thanks A! ʚ👼🏻ɞ

@ seebun has been adopted, thanks B! ʚ👼🏻ɞ

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