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Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I need to vent

The more I grow up, the more I realize there are two types of love.." BEING IN LOVE " and " LOVING SOMEONE "

Being in love is a feeling that is controlled by the heart, not the mind. You can be in love with the wrong person..a killer, a bad person, someone struggling with addiction, or even your enemy. Your brain knows it's wrong, but your heart pushes you to be with that person.

On the other hand, loving someone is guided by the mind instead of the heart. It’s a feeling you can control..a love that you shape and direct the way you want it to be.

But In this complicated world, the kind of love that truly matters for a fulfilling life is loving someone rather than simply being in love.

#Relationship #Adult

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I just wanted to say i am sry i am such a toxic person who finds it good when others are down and be happy abt it, i feel threatened when others are doing good with their life and working and living i resent them internally i am a bitter person and a shitty friend that's the truth and i think i am pretty smart confident guess what it is all a lie, i am an insecure , toxic brat. Today we received maths exam paper and i did bad but the fact that u were bored with ur results made me feel like i won and i laughed out loud. Uk what makes me such a bitch was if u do that same thing i wld have hated u internally. I still kinda do, or do i want to be like u but can't idk what i want but i rly wish i cld become a good person and stop resenting others for their good behavior and be inspired by them instead. How did u guys beat this comparison and resentment cycle and found true confidence ?


Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm 20 M
So I've gf and we both love each other betammmm. We've got 9 months in relation and 4 yrs of friendship.. But the thing is I'm almost 3yrs younger than her... and we both are afraid of what would be the response of our families when they know.. I want her to be ma future, my gurl, my wife uk... but not only the families but also other relatives or any other people are also could be issues.. ena endet nw lenkuakuam menchlew yesewun af uk esua demo endih aynet neger sensitive nat yilugnta mnamn... ena any one who have been through this kalachu pls yehone neger belugn

#Friendship #Family #Relationship #Adult

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Ok tbh i am not really sure how to start writing my vent. Because i have been disappointed by some Womens, yeah those who are Created by GOD to be our Companion and Helper.I am a Male in my past twenties. I have been in relationship and dating girls For a while. but for some reasons all of them didn't go well. And i keep Pondering and try to go back and evaluate myself about what was wrong with me. And i say to myself 'i am not that bad i just didn't like drama' yes please girls stop with your drama. Do we have to be so toxic inorder to handle your unending whirlpool. C'mon Just Let's Understand Eachother. We Men Are simple. Yes and i still don't hate women lol. ❤️


Hey Unihorse 🦄
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HEY guys im 20 M and here is my problem , i broke up with my ex like 10 month ago and i dont see girls the same way like i broke up with her cause of my personal and i am all healed and was looking to relationship but womens are fucked up ong Many of them are vapid, self-indulgent, solipsistic, crass narcissists with a victim complex they use to bludgeon other into fixing their problems like a child throws a fit until it's parents change their diaper. and like i have more than 10 girls in my dm that are intrested and all my friends have friends with benefit or 3 gfs or some but me i can have one of em but uk i aint like that im a one women men , also as a human being lust is winning should i give up or stop searching


Hey Unihorse 🦄
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hey guys makes the story short to be clear i will write in amhaic. ena alachew mibal family nw yalgn they support so many people bka yechgrew hulu ebet meto yalksal testot yehedall dse yelal kalew sew makafel egzer yewdewal but ene 1 amet hongn temrke sera kataw not sera matat but birr kalmekfele yetnesa bzu bota CV asgbche nbr kza ketensh sament bewala enetna eko kefla gebach yebalal be health nw graduate yaderkute yhone health center ke kefelku endmgba le abate tenagrew nbr but esu secrete argotal bebetu betam bzu tekemche depression west ke megbate yetnsa bka kefelulgn ena lejmer beye lemenkuwachew gn they said hatyat nw alugn hulum guwadgnoche gebto ene bchayen kerew btam lemenkuwachew gn bka they don give a shit for me i don no the reason am sure lela sew techegrku belo ebet meto beteyk awetetw endmisteu kzi yetensa i hate my family ,my self and stupid nighobors always asking' "sera jemrsh" the word is so painfull endene sera lelew wetat .family betam chewa adergogn nw yasadgn am 24 and still single i dont kiss anybody in my life and i am V but dont askmy id. ena btam deppresed kemhone yetnsa lela sewochn birr teyeke kefeye lemgbat asbyalew but i know no one can give me bc they know my family eyashofkubachew limesel yechelal. lela sera enkwan wetche endalfelge ke bet mewtat ayfkdlgnm wetche semels father hule yekotagnal i don know bet west askemetwegn mn liyargugn endasbu🥹 . 1 year without any work beka ebet west mekemt bcha i hate my self . ande bet west tekemten do u believe 2 month hongn abaten manager kakomku i hate him so much. ene yalhubt region bka kalsetek sera agegnalew malet heleme nw lza lmn endmnor rasu gera gebtognal bc of streess and deprssion i loss my witght am 40kg in 24yr that is so wired i know. ymr gn hatyat meseratu weys ye lijachewn ngr merdat nw kebadu? some time i will make them surpise by killling my self beye asebena enaten sayat bka sew athonm beye etewalw .ahun rasu eyalksu nw yestafkugn. God pls help me. God bless u all.

#MentalIllness #Family

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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18 F
Selamm endet nachu please guys atlefut am in Tru yalhone huneta wst I Know betammm baybsbgn madergew baytefagnn ezih Dres altsfm neber bezih amet alfe univ gebchalew betamm zktegnaa hiwot Yalen bet 😔😔 Shanta enkuan endet gezche ke sew ekul hugne lemegbat endemokerku enena fetarin enate nen mnawkew 😒 ahun ye hawasa university temari hugnalew be tmhrtr gobez neger negn gn wechiwn lchlew alchalkum kejemern tnsh koyen gn beka bzu bzu negeroch yelugnm mamualat enkuan alchalkum ke dormmate ljoch ga hula beka mnm neger lamuala alchalkum ye Gbin hiwot tawkutalachu bye asbalew tnsh sra ke gon ejemralew bye hagerunm alawkewm ena ebakachu yehonech neger eskjemer dres mtchlutn bcha erdugn mnm neger mamualat alchalkum kakme belay honobgn new maryamn😪😓🙏🙏🙏

#School #Family

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am Ne'ed
I need to vent
Hello guys endet nachu, am 20 female
I wanna vent and this is my first time too
Mn meselachu ene ke poor family west negn yalewet ena mn endmismagn lengrachu.. Bezih edmeye megegnet yalebegn bota yalew aymeslegnem ahun lay tmhert akumiyalew 12 fail arege nber remedial nberku esunem fail aderegku kza beka betam deberegn (deberegn slachu betam like hospital heje hula nber physical pain amtetobegn the stress mnamn) suicide lemadregem asbe nber
Gen am energetic type of person betam mesrat memermer mnamn mewed aynet sew negn manbeb mnamnem ewedalee ( academy new alhonlesh yalegn ) ena ahun lay sira jemryalee 4k new demoze 3k+ be transport new miyalkew gen biyans wetche egebalew ena endr agatami meserabet bota tilalek bota lay yaluten sewoch endagegn yadergegnal gen am not that sociable person gn am trying my best to be, ena memar efelgalew like achacher course mnamn gen afford madreg alchlem endenegerkwachu new hiwoche andande wer ke wer aldersem denget wechiwoch kemetubegn
Ena lelaw miyaschnkegn neger ahun meserabet derget main mibal position ly new yalewet yemer gen yaw birru nre yanesebegn alekochem akem enju educational background selelelegn advantage yewesdubegnal
Ena ye companyw host mehin felgalew gen good looking behonem i don't dress well birrum yelegnem egzyabher bemiyawekew i got2, shoes for more than3 years almost alkewal tnsh push baderg i know yeteshale bota endmeders ena guys mn endmaderg gera gebtognal enesunem social mediachehun ene leyazlachu lel efeleg ena afralew demo bezih dressing i can't be the company face elalew ebakachu mn endmadreg alawekem

Ena pls if there is some one who can help me financially please do please

Thank you all

#MentalIllness #Adult

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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I'm 22
Beka i give up kezi belay be zuryaye yalu sewoch be chigar silatu mayetu kebedeng, ene be bidr eda tezefzife mibelaw enkuan matat kezi belay likuakuam alchilm, anybody who got connection to shuger or if someone is help me out. Lemmi earn sth decent through the only thing i'm good at. Help a brother out guys.

#Family #Relationship #Adult #Agitation

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey there 🖐️26 amete nw Ena emenorew bchayen tekerayech new fetari yemesgen Mnm kebdogn ayakem gn set gadegna Mnm yelegnm sera botam bzu set serategnoch yelum Ena bagatami makachew setochm bzum gadegna ayhonum ayewdugnm wey? mn endehon alakm chegeru gn bchayen aseteltognal ezi yewend gadegnoch nberugn gn hulum sikoyu yekeyeralu ene dmo r/s alfelgem Ena depression west eyasgebagn new


Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hello Guys, i'm a girl nd I have a question for both girls and boys out there. Specially sport and nutrition professionals.
I've been skinny for a long time in my life ግን የሆነ ሰዓት ለይ መወፈር ጀመርኩ እና stretch mark አ ስቸገረኝ what should i do? እና ደግሞ ቦርጭ እና ሞባይል ነው ሚባለው እሱን ብቻ እንዴት ማጥፋት እችላለው?? Cause I don't wanna lose much weight and be skinny again lol 😂 አመጋገብ እና exercise suggest አርጉኝ ሌላ ቦታ Normal ነው 58kg and 1.66 height. Thanks in advance I appreciate any suggestions 😊☺️

#School #Friendship #MentalIllness #Melancholy #HealthComplications #Relationship #SexualAssault #Adult #Agitation #Teen

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey y’all so I have a question have u ever felt like no one wants you? They show u that they want u but they don’t even mean it even your family sometimes I ask my self this is ur astesasb no they really love you menamn beye gen I don’t think so they always want me when they want something from me I’ll always be there for them gen Enesu they won’t even betam bezu neger tefetro lawerachew sefelg they’ll not be there for me . Am I expecting bezu neger ende weys idk I’m confused asf.
I feel so lonely 😭

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Family

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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You know I am an only child and that never has bothered me growing up but now my parents want me to get married and they want grandchildren and I get it they want to be grand parents and I am the only one that can do that but they also want me to be with a nice Muslim girl and stuff......the problem starts here all my life I seem to be in a relationship with Christians I have never even dated a Muslim girl I don't even know how to approach a Muslim girl and I get my patents want grandchildrens and stuff but I don't want an arranged marriage, I want to choose the girl am gone love I don't want someone else choosing it for me it just feels like I am getting put in a situation I don't even feel like am ready for I feel like I only want this just to make my parents happy, I don't know I feel like I need atleast 2 or 3 years for marriage but my mom all she talks about is this everyday she's even talking with her friends to hook me up with their kids, I need help I need somewhere to escape cuase this is a lot.

#Family #Relationship #Adult

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So the thing happened like a year ago ena I have this neighbor and his family that lived next to our house and they owned a female dog then be 1d beteregeme ken yegnana yenesu ye wuha mesmar silemileyay egna bet wuha slalmeta enesu ga endale check laderg hedkugn kezya betam slemingbaba gibiachewun bzu gize alankuakuam zm biye new mgebaw ena esum ken endezaw gefa arige gebahu gibiw wst manm alneberem ena buanbuawn check saderg metual keza yegnan jerikanoch lameta lihed sil I just heard yehone dimts bet wust kezya andachew yhonalu lasfekdachew biye lgeba sihed the sound just turned weird ena ahunm zew biye kemgeba check laderg tetegahu beru mehalu sefi slehone bemetenu yasayal wede wust kezya yayehut neger oh godddd please ahunm atanbbut negerun matchlu sewoch beka tewut I always feel a lot of pain in the center of my brain ehen sasb ena what I saw was the guy doing the deed with the dog then betam dengiche ke beru endemeshesh alku ena beka gulbete eyetenketekete neber bet sders kezyam enate meta ale yelem alechign ale alkuat kezyam bel tenes blagn abren sned the guy was like shurabun awulko be suriw ale ena guaro snalf wushawa she was licking that part of her and beka negeru ke ayne endalhone gebagn ena beka my mind everytime yanin basebku kutr yemr new miyamegn then gn negeroch siderarebu mnamn yaw eyeteresa meta wushawam yehone gize ene gibi heje simeles tama motalech mnamn alugn kezya esey arefech eyalku sale demo semonun lela gorebetachnm endeziw set wusha alechiw ena ye ehten lij neksalech blo le jib asre setalew sil ehegnaw gorebetachn demo ebakih lane sit ene asre asadgatalew blo tekebelat ena beka yeresahut smet semonun eyetemelalese betam eyasdeberegn new beka at least vent arige kewetalign biye new sorry betam kenachun slabelashew

#MentalIllness #HealthComplications #SexualAssault

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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EVERYONE⁉️ I NEED YOUR OPINIONS REAL QUICK. So I've been masturbating for 3 years straight since then my body started to feel numb, i became skinny and nothing motivates me ena I can't stop doing it eventhoug I knew it's killing me and my spirit. I've tried everything Church, avoiding my phone, avoiding female friends couldn't control my self So to avoid it i began to self harming. Every time when i feel organsm i cut my self so I can escape from my sexual intentions. Ena i wanted ya'lls opinion on this. Should I continue until I can completely stop it or not??

#Friendship #MentalIllness #Family #HealthComplications #Relationship #SexualAssault #Adult #Teen

Hey Unihorse 🦄
I am 🎭 Jesus
I need to vent
A question for Christians in ur religion is it ok to have sex before marriage like y ignore this verses
1,Hebrews 13:4
"Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral."
2.1 Thessalonians 4:3-5
"It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God."

This passage encourages believers to avoid sexual immorality and live in a way that reflects holiness.
3.Corinthians 6:18-20
"Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

4.Galatians 5:19-21
"The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God."

Sexual immorality is listed among the behaviors that are contrary to God's will.


Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Struggling with My Feelings as a Lesbian

I’ve been looking for you was because I’m struggling with my feelings and identity as a lesbian. I am a Muslim woman who is educated, and yet I often find myself amazed—and frustrated—by the violence and control of the male-dominated system.I feel like I’ve come to understand every manipulation men use against women, which only deepens my frustration.

Lately, I’ve been waking up feeling upset and conflicted, even though I don’t think I should feel this way. I sometimes fantasize about spending intimate moments with my close friend, but it’s a battle in my mind because I don’t want these feelings. For instance, when we’re walking together and her body brushes against mine, I feel something I can’t ignore.

I also notice myself admiring women as I pass them on the street—especially those with beautiful features—and it troubles me deeply. To make things more confusing, I sometimes dream about having sex with women. These dreams feel intense, but they leave me unsettled and guilty when I wake up.

A part of me wonders what it would be like to fully explore these feelings just once, but another part feels ashamed and wants to suppress them. If anyone has advice on how to navigate these emotions or overcome them, I’m ready to hear and accept guidance.

Thank you.

#Friendship #Relationship #SexualAssault #Adult

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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Hey family
Am 23 m
And you know like I been depressed and It was because of friendship and other cases but can't let it go of my issues and my trauma but I know I've improved myself much when I look back and judge it but I've got a void in my soul
Idk with whom I share my deep thoughts and feelings too I know they might feel me at their experience level but I really need genuine friendship specially with girl I never had it before (just wanna have girl best friend not relationship I don't think it's impossible)
If there's someone hit me up


Hey Unihorse 🦄
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selam endetnachu andtyaka nebaran la ortodox lehonachhuu ena bedenb ewkwtu lalachu thank you in advance so ortodox nen gn tenkara ortodox adelahuum bezum negarm yamawk adelahum behhaymanot lay gn am trying my best neesha gebchalehu mekurabm jemryalehu gn bezu negar awka adelam Mn lanbb Mn larg meshaf kedus anebalehu and anda gn manbeb new enji like sewu endameradaw bedanb alredawm adk lemn endehona 😔ena ager west adelam yamnoraw ena ikk gubaya mnamn betam endamerada gn ena i dont have the opportunity,so tyaka ba taklil new magbat mfelgaw felagotam mnotam new gn endet tenkara mehon endmchl alawkm malet normaly yewetahu aynat lij adelahum gn tnnshum negar behhon ena haymanotan lemawek eyamokerku beza mengadlay eyalehu bf yazku ena we kissed lala negar alaregnm ena esu yamajeya kiss new esum endaza na ena negarkut ena betakklil new mwgabat mfelgaw beya Enam tesmama betam des alew endalkwachh bezum ewkatu yelanm esum endazaw ortodox new gn bezum ayawkm Sela taklul erasu ayakm nebar Ema nen yasredawt Ena betam des alew endaza sayew betam des ale ena betammmm new mekabdew gn beka kurbannun akomkut fercha medafer endayhonbn beya ena gra gebtonal asba ena mn llarg ebakachu ngerun mn larg endtltnkr ena metenker alebn esunm lematenker .....Thank you

#Relationship #Teen

Hey Unihorse 🦄
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So I'm a 13-year-old female and I live with my grandma. I was raised by them since the age of 2 and I do not have much of a bond with my mom since she lives overseas and she got remarried about a year ago. She and her husband came here to visit about 4 months ago. I didn't have any problems with him, nor did I hate him. But I was not comfortable since he is a new person. My mom took it personally and started making rude comments about how ungrateful I am and that I don't want to see her happy. We had a couple of fights about it, but things calmed down until he started touching me. He would pass by and grab my butt and act confused when I called him out on it. My mom always takes his side, even my grandma says it's my fault. So, I knew I couldn't prove my point, so I started avoiding him as much as possible. But it was almost impossible when he was always nearby in the name of 'getting along'. Whenever I said I wanted time for myself, suddenly, I was the bad person. My mom always brings up my dad in arguments and says that if I don't like her husband this much, I should go to my father. Since I hate seeing her happy so much. So, last night, everyone was out except him. He said he was sick and couldn't go at the last moment. Mind you, I made an excuse saying I had a lot of assignments and couldn't go the day before. So, I locked my room, avoiding him at all costs. After a while, I needed to go to the bathroom and went out there. When I was about to enter, he got out of the bathroom. We met eye to eye, and he dragged me into the bathroom and assaulted me. I did not say no or fight because I was scared and couldn't even move. After that, he left like nothing happened. I don't know how to tell my mom or anyone. Even if I tell her, I know she will take his side, and I feel like it's my fault since I didn't fight back or say no. What if I gave him the wrong impression? what if it's my fault? I'm so lost I need advice please.

#Family #SexualAssault #Teen

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