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"የፔሬዴ መቅረቱ እያስጨነቀኝ ነው" ይሄ ጥያቄ መልክት ሳጥናችንን ካጨናነቀው ወስጥ ግንባር ቀደሙ ነው።

አይዞን ተረጋጉ፡ መጀመሪያ የቬንት ሂር አባል ይሁኑ፡ ከዛም እቺን አንብቡዋት።

Q) Causes of delayed/missed period (secondary amenorrhea)

A) There could be any of the following reasons:
1. Normally periods can be delayed up to 5-6 days. If there are more than 7 days of delay then you have to consult your doctor regarding this.
2. Pregnancy – It could be the most common reason, if the female is sexually active.
3. Stress
4. Thyroid disorder
5. Polycystic ovary disease (PCOS)
6. Drugs/medications
7. Malnutrition
8. Tuberculosis/ infection
9. Endocrine disorder
10.Sudden weight loss
11.Overweight /obesity
12.Extreme over exercising

If any female has any of the following problems during her menstrual cycle, then she needs to consult a doctor.

በዛሬው አምዳችን ደግሞ፡ አንዳንድ ከቻናላችን ተከታዮቻችን የመጡ ጥያቄዎች የምንመልስ ይሆናል።

Q) At what age menstruation starts?
A) Menstruation usually starts by the age of 10 to 15 years (called as Menarche).

Q) I am a 16 years old female and upto now my period (menstruation) have not started, what should I do? Is it something to worry about?
A) If it still remains absent after you have reached your 17th, then you need to consult a doctor. There may be underlying causes like – imperforate hymen, absent or anomalous uterus, hormonal disorder, etc.

Q) Why does menstrual cycle (periods) occur?
A) It occurs due to hormonal changes. As soon as the bleeding from the uterus stops, the body starts preparing for the pregnancy with a hope that in the next cycle, pregnancy will occur (by fertilization with sperm) and the thickness of the inner layer of uterus increases. When the ovum doesn’t meet sperm during the fertile period, the inner thickened lining (endometrium) of the uterus starts shedding and comes out in the form of blood through the vagina.

Q) What are the symptoms of menstruations?
A) The primary sign of menstruation is bleeding through the vagina (may present as spotting as well). Additional symptoms include:
1. Abdominal or pelvic cramping
2. Lower back pain
3. Bloating and sore breasts
4. Food cravings
5. Mood swings and irritability
6. Headache
7. Fatigue

Q) Normal Menstrual cycle.
A) Every human being has a unique body response. Here are some normal variations of the menstrual cycle as -
• Normal cycle days ranges 21 to 35 days
• Bleeding days can be from 3 to 7 days
• Amount of blood loss ranges from 20 to 60ml
• There are no clots in the blood (clot means excessive bleeding)
• It may or may not be associated with pain/cramps

ባሁኑ እትማችን ደግሞ፡ ሰፋ ያለ ጊዜ ወስደን ስለ የወር አበባ እናነሳለን።
የውር አበባ ማንነው፥ ምንድን ነው፥ ለምን ይመጣል፥ ከይት ይመጣል፥ ምን ይዞ ይመጣል... በቻ መታወቅ፥ መነሳት ያሉባቸውን ሃሳቦች ሁሉ እናነሳለን። መልካም ቆይታ።

Menstruation commonly called ‘periods’ occurs only in females. It’s a regular shedding of the inner layer (endometrium layer) of the uterus. The menstrual cycle is regulated by hormones in the body. It is called a menstrual cycle as, after every 28 days, there is uterine bleeding which comes out through the vagina.
Many girls and boys are shy to acquire knowledge and to ask anybody about it. Lack of knowledge about menstruation can result in confusion and problems.

How do we count days in a menstrual cycle, how to predict the next period ?
The date of menstrual bleeding (bleeding through the vagina) is noted in the calendar as ‘Day 1’ (first day of the cycle) and the bleed continues for 3-5 days. Then the release of the egg (ovum) from the ovary on the 14th day of the cycle and the next menstrual bleed occurs after 28-30days. It is always good to maintain a diary/note of the period dates, so a girl can be prepared for her next period and it is also helpful in making future plans. There are also lots of mobile applications or online websites to help you keep track.

If the menstrual bleeding started on 10th January (day 1), then the ovulation date will be 28th January (14 day after) and the next menstrual bleed will occur around 7th February (28th day).

What is ‘fertile period’ in menstrual cycle ?
It is the time period of the menstrual cycle during which if unprotected sexual intercourse is done, then there is a higher chance of fertilisation of ovum with sperm leading to pregnancy. Ovulation occurs on the 14th day and lives for 3 days. Sperm has a life of 72 hours (3days). So, the fertile period ranges from 10th day till 17th day of the menstrual cycle. A couple can use this knowledge for conceiving a baby. Use of this knowledge for contraception is not advisable due to the higher failure rate.

Only in 30% of women the fertile period is between 10th to 17th day. Most the women reach their fertile window earlier or later. This fertile period can be highly unpredictable, even if the menstrual cycle is regular.

Pro tip
ቸከስህ ፔሬድ ላይ ስትሆን፡ you should be there to take care of her, a foot massage, tomato soup and most importantly some patience (mine goes ballistic for the most part of the cycle). You can also utilize this method of approach the team came up with, it sure works wonders.

🚨{When she's on her period. Cuddle with her, squeeze her real tight and whisper in her ear, "My little Ketchup Packet". We trust it would get here laughing real quick, although we cannot guarantee that out come, know your audience, proceed at your own risk.}

ከዛሬው ርእሳችን በጢቂቱም ቢሆን በዚ ክፍል አይተናል፡ ገና በዙ ይቀረናል፡ ቀጣይ ክፍሎች ሰአታቸውን እየጠበቁ ይፖስታሉ።

ወልፍ፡ ውስዋስ፡ ወሲባዊ ሃሳቦች፡ ውሲባዊ ስሜቶች። በዛሬው እትማቸው እነዚህን ለማየት እንሞክራለምን

What is a sexual attraction?
Sexual attraction is a normal thing, it is an attraction on the basis of sexual desire or the quality of arousing such interest. It is a subjective measure dependent on another person's interest, perception, and sexual orientation. For example, a heterosexual person is sexually attracted to the opposite gender and a gay or lesbian person would typically find a person of the same sex to be more attractive than one of the other sexes.

Sexual fantasies
Sexual fantasies are usually associated with masturbation, but the two can occur independently. Sexual daydreams and fantasies are common—most people have them, not just teenagers and not just boys. Fantasies often differ between the males and females. Sexual aggression and dominance are recurring themes in young male fantasies and usually contain very specific and graphic sexual behaviours but little emotional involvement. For adolescent females, sexual fantasies often involve relating to others, and they are more likely to involve sexual activities with which the girl is already familiar. A teenage girl’s fantasies are also typically about someone they know - a boyfriend, TV or music stars, friends, casual acquaintances
The important thing about sexual fantasies is that they are just thoughts. There is nothing to feel guilty or ashamed. It doesn’t reflect about you being sick, weird, or wrong.

Just about you watching a romantic movie, you might feel like somethings coming out in the underpants. Why does it happen?
When you see something that is romantic or sexy or exciting it is absolutely natural to feel something happen in your body. Some people feel their heartbeat increasing, or feel sweaty, their pulse might race, they feel a tingle in some parts of the body, girls might feel slight wetness in the vagina and boys might have an erection accompanied by semen coming out. During the teen years, the body is just getting used to these new sensations, sometimes you might find yourself reacting like this quite suddenly. With time, you will be more in control of these physical feelings.

Whenever you have any doubt or concern about anything you should seek guidance from a knowledgeable person like parents, doctor or teacher, or even us, we are more than happy to help.

Does shaving cause hair to grow faster, darker or coarser?
Strong scientific evidence disproves these claims. Shaving does not have any effect on hair growth, as it removes only the dead portion of the hairs.

Never use a hair removal cream on face, as face skin is too soft for those chemicals.
You can use shaving cream and razor or electronic trimmer.

Can females have facial hair (moustache or beard)?
Presence of some amount of facial hair (few and thin) in a female is a common thing. But the presence of coarse and dense facial hair in females may be due to some hormonal imbalance conditions like – Polycystic ovary disease (PCOD), ovarian tumour, etc.

Why do i have way too many hairs on my body compared to other people? Is it normal?
Body hair depends on the genetics, environment and other factors. So, don’t worry about it, it is completely normal.

What causes acne (pimples)?
Acne during puberty is normal. As it typically starts at puberty and resolves slowly as the person reaches his/her 20s. Acne is a condition of the pilosebaceous unit of the skin, Blockage of sebaceous glands and colonization of bacteria (Proionobacterium acnes) leads to acne. This condition may have multiple causes like: genetic factors, stress, androgens, drugs and excess sweating. They can also occur in medical conditions like polycystic ovary disease (PCOD) in females, etc.

ጠቃሚ መረጃ።
ሴጋ ብጉርን አያጠፋም፡ ከንቱ ልፋት እንዳይሆን።

ለነገው እትማችን ሞቅ ሞቅ እናረገዋለን። ወሲባዊ ሃሳብ፥ ወሲባዊ ስሜት፥ ውሲባዊ ፈላጎት እና የመሳሰሉተን ይዘን የምንመለስ መሆኑን ስልገልፅ በደስታ ነው።

መልካም ምሽት 👋

What is waxing?
Waxing is a technique of hair removal, which involves applying hot wax to an area of skin that is covered with cloth/strip (muslin). Then the cloth or strip is quickly removed, extracting the wax and the hair. It is relatively safe, but it can cause microtrauma to the skin and its underlying structures with reported complications that include folliculitis, local spread of infection, burns and syringoma development.

Is it normal if I have hair nearby my anus (peri-anal region)?
We all have hairs in our body at various sites (some people can have it in ear also), they all have some role in the body. Hair growth near the peri-anal region is completely normal, as it occurs usually during the puberty.

Why do some males don’t seem to grow facial hair (beard) or moustache during their puberty?
Facial hair(beard) growth depends mostly on genes and other factors. Some people grow a moustache or beard little late, it is completely normal.

Facial hair or a moustache is not a sign of masculinity.

Axillary hair and hygiene.
The axillae are uniquely characterized by the presence of hair follicles and sweat glands. These glands secrete a clear, odourless substance, consisting primarily of water and salts. The process of body odour formation in the axillae was found to depend on the biotransformation of these odourless secretions into volatile odoriferous substances by commensal bacteria (Corynebacteria or Staphylococci) on the skin and hair surface.
Body odour, in particular axillary odour, is perceived as unpleasant by most cultures worldwide. Moreover, excessive sweating and the resulting unpleasant odour are reported to adversely affect self-confidence and self‐esteem in both men and women. Reducing or eliminating body odour is an essential goal of many people's daily personal care routine.

Typical axilla hygiene. practices include cleansing of the axillae, use of antiperspirants, application of an anti-perspirant or deodorant product and removal of underarm hair has become more commonplace in men for hygiene as well as aesthetic reasons.

Shaving of the axillae is often accompanied by visible and/or sensory irritation, due to skin damage. Shaving can lead to dry flaky skin, irritation, physical damage (cuts/ nicks).

በአግባቡ እንላጭ።

Pubic hair removal
Pubic hair removal is an increasingly common grooming practice and shows a great range of variability between different populations. Although carried out by both males and females. It is always a personal choice of a person to remove pubic hair or not.

Numerous reasons exist for removing pubic hair, including hygiene, comfort, aesthetic reasons, sex appeal, for oral sex, genitals may look bigger and clean, medical reasons (like a fungal infection, pubic lice infestation, Etc. A multi-billion-dollar industry has developed around the numerous methods and products available for hair removal. Products and techniques are available include shaving (most common method, performed with a razor/electric razor), trimmer, waxing, threading/plucking, trimming with scissors, hair removal cream, sugaring (use all-natural paste or gel), dyeing/bleaching, electrolysis and laser.

Pubic hair removal can result in adverse health events depending on the method used. These complications can include ingrown hair, cuts, injury, epidermal abrasion, folliculitis, vulvitis, or contact dermatitis. In more serious cases, genital burns can occur from waxing, and severe skin irritation from various products can lead to vaginal irritation or post inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Is it ok to feel bad about our bodies and the way we look, as we grow older?
The way we feel about our bodies and our looks is called ‘body image’. It's what we see when we look in the mirror and how we feel inside our own skin. Some people accept themselves as they are (which is good), while others dislike just about everything to do with their looks and feel bad about it. What you have to understand is that each person is unique and special. We have to keep a positive attitude about our self. We also have to make sure to never body shame any person, that is a wrong thing.

Body image- It is the view towards one’s own body- how one perceives one’s body & appearance.

Self-esteem– it is how one thinks about oneself and how much one values oneself.

∆) Appearance of breast buds (between 8 and 12 years of age), followed by breast development (13-18yr)
∆) Development of pubic hair (11- 14yr)
∆) Growth spurt begins (average age- 10yr), which adds inches to height and hip circumference
∆) Menses begins (average age – 12yr, normal age range between 9 and 16yrs)
∆) Enlargement of ovaries, uterus, labia, and clitoris; thickening of the endometrium and vaginal mucosa
∆) Appearance of underarm hair (13- 16yr)
∆) Dental changes, which include jaw growth and development of molars
∆) Development of body odor and acne

∆) Testicular enlargement, beginning as early as 9-12 years of age
∆) Appearance of pubic hair (10-15 yrs.)
∆) Onset of spermarche, or sperm found in the ejaculate (erection and wet dreams)
∆) Scrotal thickness and darkens
∆) Lengthening of genitals (11-14)
∆) Rapid enlargement of the larynx, pharynx and lungs, which can lead to alterations in vocal quality (i.e., voice cracking)
∆) Changes in physical growth (average age, 14), first seen in the hands and feet, followed by the arms and legs, and then the trunk and chest
∆) Weight gain and increases in lean body mass and muscle mass (11-16yr)
∆) Growth of facial and body hair, which may not be completed until the mid-20s
∆) Dental changes, which include jaw growth and development of molars
∆) Development of body odor and acne

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines puberty as “the period in life when a child experiences physical, hormonal, sexual, and social changes and becomes capable of reproduction.” It is associated with rapid growth and the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. This might be exciting as well as stressful during the adolescence. However, for boys, the shift of puberty is much more explicitly linked to sexual feelings in a positive way, whereas for girls this moment often marks the beginning of conflicting messages about sexuality, virginity, fertility, menstruation and womanhood. Puberty, with its associated to the physical and psychological changes, can be a particularly challenging period for adolescents who are intersex or questioning their gender identity or expression.

Puberty starts at what age?
Puberty typically starts for girls between ages 8 and 13, and for boys between ages 9 and 14, and may continue until age 19 or older. Hormones are released by the brain to trigger this stage, puberty.

What is Precocious puberty?
Puberty that begins before age 8 in girls and before age 9 in boys is considered as precocious puberty (early puberty). It could be due to underlying medical conditions in the body. So, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

ወንዳወንድንነት ምንድነው? መስፈርትስ አለው?

አጠር ያለች መልስ፡ መስፈርት የለውም፡ ለምሳሌ ያህል የአለም ግማሹ ህዝብ ወንድ ነው ብንል፡ ወንዳወንድነት 4 ቢሊየን መገለጫወች ይኖሩታል፡ እያንዳንዱ ግለሰብ፡ ፍላጎቱን የሚያንፅባርቅለትን፡ እኔነቴን የወክልልኛል ብሎ የሚያስበውን ሆኖ ለመገኘት ባለሙሉ መብት ነው። አንዱ ባንዱ ላይ የሚጭነው ምንም አይነት መስፈርት አይኖርም።

Myths about masculinity or manlihood

Men don’t cry.
Crying is a natural scientific phenomenon. Irrespective of gender, everyone cries during their lifetime.

Men never wear pink .
Pink is just a colour. It shouldn’t be associated with any gender or sexuality

Real men need to be muscular and macho.
Not all men are muscular. There existed great men who were lean and thin. Muscle mass does not matter but intelligence does.

Man never enters the kitchen
(i actually grew up hearing the old man scream this at me whenever i had my cooking on, and i quote"
አንተ ወንድ ልጅ አይደለ፡ ምንድነው እንደሴት ማድቤት ውስጥ የሚያልከሰክስህ" to make it all worse, his wife usually stood next to me, helping me cook, while he uttered that bullshit. That Man is an asshole i tell you)

Cooking is one of the most essential skills, which every human being should learn for survival. A Real Man gets his apron on and flours that pan

A real man has moustaches/ beards.
Now, clean shave is also a new fashion trend among men. People working in the food industry should be cleanly shaved for hygiene purposes, aside from that, not every man gets to grow beards. Such inabilities doesn't make you less of a man.

Real men are aggressive.
Aggression is not related to manliness.As human beings everyone should be humble and nice to eachother.

The actual truth is that real men always respect women, Takes a stand for a right cause, A real man never bullies or rapes.

Boys are alpha or beta
Boys aren't born with 'alpha' or 'beta' genes. The idea is something made up to make fun of men who dont fit the stereotypes of masculinity. Boys can show empathy, strength, intelligence, kindness, anger, passion and myriad of other emotions. They dont have to limit themselves to either 'alpha' or 'beta'

Go out there and be the realist of them Nigros‼‼‼

Penis vs Clitoris: it's basically the same thing.

What is normal penis size in adults?
Normal adult penis size should be more than 3 cm in the flaccid state. While in an erect state it can range from 3 to 6 inches. The erect penis should be long enough to reach the vagina for sexual intercourse. The size of the penis depends mainly on the race (genetics), it can’t be changed. Men generally are obsessed with penis size. Research has shown that the size and width of the penis have nothing to do with the sexual performance in males. Sexual performance depends on the mood, correct technique and intimacy with the partner. Generally for a woman, sexual Intimacy(passion/love) and foreplay with the partner matters more than the penetration.

Remember, size doesn’t matter but your character does.

Can penis size be increased by any medication, oil, exercise or device.
No, upto the time of this post, there is no adequate scientific data to prove any method or medication can increase the penis size. These methods may falsely claim to sell their products or technique.

However, some surgeries are possible to increase the length or girth of the penis but it can be dangerous, as they have certain complications.

Is it common to have a curved/tilted penis?
It is common/normal to have a slightly curved/tilted penis to right or left in an erect penis. But if it is significantly bent and causes pain or difficulty in sex/urination, then it could be Peyronie’s disease. You may have to consult a doctor for further evaluation.

ቀጭን፥ ወፍራም፥ ረጅም፥ አጭር፥ ቀጠን ብሎ የረዘመ፥ አጠር ብሎ የወፈረ። አይነቱ በዙ ነው። እኚህ ከላይ የዘረዘርናቸው የወንዴው በልት አይነቶች ናቸው።

አብዛኛውን ጊዜ እኛ ወንዶችን ከሚያስጨንቁን ነገሮች የግንባር ቀደምትነቱን ሚና የሚወስደው ይሄው ነው፣ የብልት ርዝመት። ረጀም ነው? በቂ ነው? ስታየው ምን ትል ይሆን? እነዚህ ጥያቄዎች ሰላም ይነሳሉ፣ በነገራቹህ ላይ ድንግ ሴት ለጋበቻ የምትፈለግበት አንዱ ምክንያት ይህ ነው። ከጋብቻ በፊት ወሲብ እስካልፈፀመች ድረስ፡ የባልዋን ብልት ልታነፃፅር የምትችልበት frame of reference አይኖራትም፣ ጠንቅ አካሄድ ግን ፈርሃቱ ከየት እንደሚመጣ ይገባናል።

ስማ! size has never and will never matter(unless you have a micro penis). It is character that is of importance. Our basis to those remarks, medical science and countless researches.

What is ‘nocturnal emission’ or ‘nightfall’ or ‘wet dreams’?
It is the spontaneous ejaculation of semen during the sleep, also called as ‘wet dreams.’ Many adolescents get scared when it occurs first. It is a normal physiological process. It occurs after reaching the puberty.

If a man doesn’t have nocturnal emission, does this mean he has some deficiency?
No, if a man never had nocturnal emission it doesn’t mean that he has any abnormality.

Do woman also have nocturnal emission?
Sometimes women may also get erotic dreams in sleep and some vaginal secretions may be released, which can be compared to a nocturnal emission.

Can semen loss occur with urine?
It can be seen in rare case of retrograde ejaculation (in which semen comes out with urine just after every orgasm). Research shows that normal people who are very much frightened about the semen loss may also report it, due to the anxiety/depression or sexual dysfunction (As they think semen as extremely precious body element). It is often even called as ‘Dhat Syndrome’. The management includes sex education for the misconception, counselling, relaxation therapy and some anti-anxiety medications (if needed).

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