👑Learn hacking community™ 👑:
*How to Hack
Facebook Account Passwords on
2018 & How To being protected*
1 What is Phishing?
2 Method #1: How To Hack Facebook
Account Password Easily On Android
2.0.1 Steps To Hack Facebook
2.1 How To Find Hacked Email and
Password Information
2.1.1 Steps To Know Victims
Account Details:
2.1.2 How To Prevent From
Phishing Attack
3 Method #2: Hackers Hack Facebook
Account Password By Keylogging
3.0.1 How To Protect Yourself
From Keylogger
4 Method #3: Facebook Hacking By
Password Jacking
4.0.1 How To Protect From
Password Jacking?
5 Method #4: Hack Facebook Password
Using cookies Stealing.
5.0.1 How To Prevent From
Cookies Stealing?
6 Method #5: Hack FB Account by Social
6.1 How To Being Safe and Secure
On Facebook?
6.2 How To Recover Your Hacked
Facebook Account From Android?
What is Phishing?
Phishing is a form of fraud in which the
attacker tries to learn information such as
login credentials. Phishing is popular
with cyber criminals, as it is far easier to trick
someone into clicking a malicious link in a
seemingly legitimate email than trying to break
through a computer’s defenses.The phishing
“hooks ” that get the highest “ open” or click
through rate and the Facebook posts that
generate the most likes.
Method #1 : How To Hack
Facebook Account Password
Easily On Android
This is a very common method to hack
anyone account. In This method, what a
hacker can do? is he creates a fake login page
which exactly looks like the real “Facebook
Page” (you won’t able to recognize which one
is fake and which one is real.) and then asks
the victim to log in. Once the victim logs in
through the fake page the, the victims “ Email
Address/Phone Number ” and “ Password ” is
stored into the hacker’s server. and Then
Hacker can get access to it and get into your
Steps To Hack Facebook Account:
#1 First You Need To Do Google Search of “Z-
#2 After opening click on “Sign Up ” Here.
Sign Up is also ve
ry easy, Fill the signup form
with your basic information.
#3 Yeah! You created your account
Successfully! Now go ahead and go to Login
Panel Section at left top corner, enter your
registered username and password and click
on Login & go inside the Z-Shadow.
#4 Here you find a new page and there you
will find different types of apps for
Facebook.Choose any link that you want to
send your victim e.g ., if you want him/her to
give followers then copy the link of that
particular app. And what does hacker do?
They force their victims to access their URL
and hack Them! So One more thing you need
to do is Select Language “English ”
#5 Now send that copied link to your victim
And as the victim, open it and enter his/her
password and Hit Login Button. His/her
Account Got Hacked!
How To Find Hacked Email and
Password Information
This Technique only works if and only if Your
Victim or You “Enter” you details like Email,
Password There. Unless Nothing Would
Steps To Know Victims Account Details:
#1 Now here we are going to check whether
victims login or not.
#2 For this, again open Z-shadow account
and then go to the top of the menu bar here is
the My Victims Options.
#3 Open My Victims Option and see The
Password and Email that he/she entered.
How To Prevent From Phishing Attack
#1. Don’t click
#2 . Go direct.
#3. Don’t try to “win” anything.
#4. Don’t panic.
#5 Never Login your Facebook account on
other devices
#6 Use Google Chrome; it identifies the
phishing page.
#7 Avoid emails that ask you to log in your
facebook account
Method #2 : Hackers Hack
Facebook Account Password
By Keylogging
Keylogger is another Dangerous Program that
can be used to hack some critical accounts
information. This is very harmful even
professional peoples fell into it without having
any knowledge. Keylogger is installed on
victim’s computer, will record everything victim
types on his/her computer. The logs are then
sent back to the attacker by either FTP or
directly to hackers email address.
How To Protect Yourself From Keylogger
@vnice009 ++++++