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"Be beautiful and silent.

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Someone: *says something really sweet*
Me: *reads it over and over for a month*

When a person wants to be with you, she'll be with you. There will be no excuses, no drama, no headache, nothing. Absolutely nothing.

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- خَلقنا لهم الطمأنينة في حِين أننا كُنا نَرتجف خوفا.

- ‏كل ماهو متاح للجميع لا لذة فيه .

لاتغير احدًا حتى يلائمك ولاتغير نفسك لكي تلائم غيرك ، خلقنا مختلفين لنتكامل وليس لنتناسخ فالأختلاف جمال اخر

you don't understand and i can't explain.

Two things define you: Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything.

I’ve lost enough to never need another lesson in heartache again.

nobody cares, everybody just pretends.

Actions always prove why words mean nothing.

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The next season of your life is gonna make people wish they treat you better

Sometimes you have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting and just have faith that things will work out.

i just need someone to stay and never leave .

‏ What comes out of the heart, enters the heart , Be honest with people

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