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Ik ga even mijn rust pakken dit weekend! Heel fijn weekend toegewenst! I'm going to take some rest this weekend! Have a great weekend!

Hele mooie spirituele live met o.a. wat persoonlijke inzichten die ik heb opgedaan de afgelopen anderhalve week, hoe wapen je tegen een negatieve buurt, salie om te zuiveren, de energie van je woonplaats, hoe zet je oude stukken om, de opkomt van de Jezusbeweging, is Jezus blank, religie om mensen te manipuleren, verdeel en heers en hoe verdiep je je in vorige levens. https://youtube.com/live/tR8VOCMSXLc?feature=share

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People are easily influenced. Just look at everything made today. First of all the quality is not the same as before. All of our materials have been weakened just like the spirit of Humanity. If there is no beauty around us and only brutalist architecture, this is what many will resonate with. (By Dystopian Now)

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How is Kamala Harris tied to BlackRock?

Mike Pyle, a former senior aide to Vice President Kamala Harris, is said to be rejoining BlackRock in a move that will "strengthen the close ties" between the world's largest asset management firm and Washington, Bloomberg reports.

Other Democrats also appear to have close ties with BlackRock.

🌏 BlackRock co-founder Ralph Schlosstein was one of the first Wall Street heavyweights who endorsed Harris for the presidency in July 2024.

🌏 Pyle was chosen by then Vice President-elect Harris as her chief economist in early January 2021, while serving as BlackRock's global chief investment strategist.

🌏 In 2022, Pyle was made White House deputy national security advisor for international economics, and played a leading role in pressing Ukraine into carrying out economic and government reforms in line with US interests.

🌏 While Pyle advised President Joe Biden and Harris on reforming Ukraine, BlackRock struck an agreement with the Ukrainian government in November 2022 to provide advisory services to the Kiev regime. In May 2023, Kiev announced its plans to launch the Ukraine Development Fund (UDF) for reconstruction with BlackRock on its board.

🌏 Apart from Pyle, Harris and Biden hired BlackRock employees Brian Deese and Wally Adeyemo in 2021.

🌏 Harris is not the first US leader to hire the BlackRock alumni. Adeyemo and Pyle also served in the Obama administration, and Pyle was an economic policy advisor for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign.

🌏 The Intercept reports that by 2016, BlackRock's CEO Larry Fink had assembled a "shadow government" from among the firm's staff for Clinton's future cabinet. Fink also hired Cheryl Mills, Bill and Hillary Clinton's long-time assistant and confidante.

🌏 Harris inherited her BlackRock connections from her mentors Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, who Republicans have called the puppet masters behind the future Harris administration.

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De 26-jarige man uit Enkhuizen die verdacht wordt van misbruik en het maken en bezit van beelden van seksueel kindermisbruik kwam al in het najaar van 2022 in beeld bij de politie. Dat meldt het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) volgens persbureau ANP.
De politie kwam de man op het spoor na twee meldingen van slachtoffers. Volgens een woordvoerder van het OM was toen nog niet duidelijk dat het om zo'n grootschalige zaak zou gaan.

In verband met een capaciteitstekort vanwege een andere grote zedenzaak in Noord-Holland werd het onderzoek begin dit jaar opgepakt door de Rotterdamse politie. "Toen het onderzoek eenmaal was gestart, werden grote hoeveelheden materiaal gevonden en beelden van misbruik."

De verdachte zou volgens het OM honderden minderjarige jongens via sociale media hebben verleid om seksuele handelingen te plegen voor de camera. Daarvan maakte hij schermopnamen die hij bewaarde op zijn computer. De man deed zich lange tijd voor als knap, jong meisje en chatte met de jongens. Er zijn volgens het OM geen aanwijzingen dat de verdachte het beeldmateriaal heeft verspreid of zijn slachtoffers heeft afgeperst. https://www.nu.nl/misdaad/6328894/enkhuizer-die-veel-kinderporno-maakte-is-al-sinds-2022-in-beeld-bij-politie.html

De energieën die nu naar aarde komen zijn zo krachtig, dat alles wat niet liefde is naar de oppervlakte worden geduwd om te helen.

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How the illusionary matrix works!


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training them to use a driverless car is the next project....

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It makes sense 🙏🔥

BIG things are happening in Sweden now 🇸🇪

▪️They are cutting down on foreign aid to prioritize it's own citizens

▪️They are reversing the previous open border policies.

▪️They scrapped the UN Agenda 2030 global goals from government directives.

▪️They scrapped climate taxes on fuel and airline tickets.

▪️They scrapped renewable energy goals and will build more nuclear reactors instead.

What do you think?



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Interesting 🤔

Trump speaks about the FBI confirming Iran spied on his campaign and shared the info with the Dems.

“This is real stuff” Trump says.

The Dems obstructed Trump’s entire presidency over allegations of Russia hacking their campaign, which turned out to be a lie. Now Iran actually spied on Trump’s campaign, and were looking to conspire with the Dems. Shouldn’t the world be stopping?

As for why Biden’s own FBI are admitting this, I am not sure. By all accounts, none of this makes any sense, but given there have been multiple attempts on Trump’s life, this situation could be much deeper than we understand.

What if the Dems are communicating with hostile foreign adversaries as part of a broader plot to assassinate Trump?

Given how deranged the Dems have become, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to question if they would do something like this.

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Valla Canyon and Horma Canyon

Thought to be the second deepest ‘head-spinning’ canyon in the world, Valla Canyon and nearby Horma Canyon in Turkey 🇹🇷 are practically impassible. A portion of the canyon can be traversed on a three kilometer wooden walkway that is attached to the canyon walls. Several waterfalls can be seen along the way. The canyon is so narrow and deep that the sunlight never reaches some places. The canyons are located in northwestern Turkey north of Kastamonu.

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Nederlandse ‘deep state’ in actie: ambtenaren kanten zich tegen asielmaatregelen van kabinet

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Coming soon to a theater near you: Diddy didn't Epstein himself.

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The Lost Technology of The Electrofield

To Summarize:

>Through electrostatic fields organisms can grow stronger, larger and of higher functionality and quality
>Ancient forms of extinct species can be revived
>Hereditary characteristics that have been lost through degeneration/devolution can be retrieved
>The electrostatic field can overwrite DNA
>Electric fields can help to structure and purify waste water
>The Technology was covered up because GMO’s are more profitable and so are a degenerate population
>Electro-culture completely revolutionizes farming and makes organisms immune to almost any environmental stressor
>Crops exposed to the electrofield don’t need pesticides and have reduced need for fertilizer
>China is reportedly using this technology right now to massively increase their farming yields
>GMO seeds could possibly be reverted to heirloom status through the electrostatic field

The possibilities are endless…

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Bad News for Monkeypox Vaccine Recipients | Beyond the Headlines

Another “conspiracy theory” becomes reality.


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His first steps.

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