WinterFreaks: Winter and Telegram Freaks. We love Winter Sports and cold / Nordic countries like Finland, Russia, Canada

Channel's geo and language: World, English

Crazy for Antarctica, Iceland, Russia, Canada, Slovakia, Norway, Mongolia, Lithuania, Finland, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Greenland, Sweden, Latvia, Kyrgyzstan, Switzerland, Austria, Belarus, Denmark, USA, Poland, etc. A Telegram Freaks project @TgmeFreaks

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If you are reading this scheduled message, means we are now representing Telegram in paradise, but still here too. We will share a message we wrote almost 1 year ago, that we never changed in the last time. We released tons of updated messages to our family. It's their decision if they want to share worldwide such messages or not. Our new update are our channels!

No matter what, we will continue to fight for facts, human / animal and planet rights where we are now.

For us the most important thing you need to do is to treat the world in proper way @MeteoTelegram @ClimateChangeTelegram and act rationally @DieWelleTelegram with facts @FactsTelegramChannels

It's time that this planet get a revolution @LawsTelegram @HumanRightsChecklist @EthicalDilemmaHumanRights @MissionPlaneta because we ignored too many things for too much time and our planet is just full of missing rights and discrimination! But there is a good news! We can improve!

We already know that no one can replace what we did, in the same way, but at the end such decision was done by evaluating multiple factors.

Again, treat the planet in proper way, because we are @WinterFreaks and @AnimalFreaks and this is our planet!

Ciao ciao from WinterFreaks and all our 100+ brands we launched in the last 10+ years in 10+ languages about tons of topics.

If such project will continue or not, it's a decision of our family. At least for 1 year they should work, where we are not posting things manually.

You can find such message on @GoodbyeMessage

It's time to love our planet. It's time for a worldwide revolution!

For your planet. For YOUR future!

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Dear Future Generations, WE ARE SORRY!

Backup by @WinterFreaks
A @grttme project - Other backups:

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Mission 🌍 worldwide revolution is starting to reach 100% after months / years of hard work to archive such goal - Now is time to go to the next level.

You can be part of this mission too! by don't keep eyes closed!

Not just about climate change! but EVERYTHING!
🤜🤜 (2)

🙅‍♂️ 🙊 🙅‍♂️ 🙈 🙅‍♂️ 🙉 🙅‍♂️ 💴🤯 🙅‍♂️ 🤡
✅ 🤜 ✅ 🧬

For a better planet. For better laws. For better security. FOR A BETTER FUTURE! FOR YOU! FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS!

Because we cannot keep eyes closed and because we never forget the past! Because we want to learn from errors making things better than what they are now.

Backup by @WinterFreaks
A @grttme project - Other backups:

Our countries all in one. Countries who have in part an excuses for polluting our planet! since crazy 🥶 is synonym of pollution! but again JUST IN PART!

even if ❄️ doesn't mean you need to use ♨️!

Exactly like the need of 🚙 in countries like 🇮🇸, 🇬🇱 ... or 🌋 in 🇮🇸 (which have a small impact)

The sources of electricity generation are more diverse in Germany compared to Denmark as shown by the comparison of electricity production and renewable energy resources. Non-renewable sources still produce the majority of the electricity in Germany (53%), among them coal, natural gas, and nuclear power. Due to geographical circumstances, Germany has a higher potential to use hydro and solar power. Denmark produces most of its electricity from wind and biomass. Only 18% of the electricity is still produced from non-renewable sources like coal and natural gas.

Coal (lignite and hard coal combined) fired power plants are the single source of energy that provides the most energy but still accounts for just 24% of the total energy production

Wind energy follows and provides also 24%. Power plants fired by natural gas contribute 16% to electricity production. Nuclear power still produces 11%, although Germany has decided to switch off all nuclear power plants before the end of 2022 (Bundesregierung 2011).

No matter what, Estonia and Finland are one of the worst

but even Switzerland is NOT perfect!

And the loser is? 🇺🇸!!!! AGAIN!

Even if we cannot ignore China!
or Arabia!

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A Journey to the Arctic

Backup by @WinterFreaks
A @grttme project - Other backups:

The July global surface temperature was 1.12°C (2.02°F) above the 20th-century average of 15.8°C (60.4°F), making it the warmest July on record. This marked the first time a July temperature exceeded 1.0°C (1.8°F) above the long-term average. July 2023 was 0.20°C (0.36°F) warmer than the previous July record from 2021, but the anomaly was 0.23°C (0.41°F) lower than the all-time highest monthly temperature anomaly on record (March 2016)

The June global surface temperature was 1.89°F (1.05°C) above the 20th-century average of 59.9°F (15.5°C), making it the warmest June on record. This marked the first time a June temperature exceeded 1.8°F (1°C) above the long-term average. June 2023 was 0.23°F (0.13°C) warmer than the previous June record from 2020, but 0.52°F (0.29°C) cooler than the all-time highest monthly temperature anomaly on record (March 2016)

The August global surface temperature was 1.25°C (2.25°F) above the 20th-century average of 15.6°C (60.1°F), making it the warmest August on record. This marked the first time an August temperature exceeded 1.0°C (1.8°F) above the long-term average. August 2023 was 0.29°C (0.52°F) warmer than the previous August record from 2016, but the anomaly was 0.10°C (0.18°F) lower than the all-time highest monthly temperature anomaly on record (March 2016)

The September global surface temperature was 1.44°C (2.59°F) above the 20th-century average of 15.0°C (59.0°F), making it the warmest September on record

- The Arctic had its warmest August on record
- Peru had its warmest August and September on record.
- It was a record-warm August for the Gulf of Mexico.
- South America had a record-breaking July, at 3.94°F (2.19°C) above the July average.
- Switzerland / Germany recorded its warmest September on record

Conclusion? It's getting 💩! if you don't live in 🥶 countries!!!

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