Wisconsin Christian Conscience

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A spirit of sacrifice, a spirit of integrity, a spirit of love. This is what we want to cultivate and spread for a reawakening of an active Christian Conscience in our state.

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Throw back to when we visited our capitol

Forward from: Wisconsin Christian Conscience
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Dec. 15, 2021 activity

Forward from: Mid West News & Discussion
Springfield, IL -- The sick display was placed next to rotunda's Christmas tree and features baphomet in a manger in place of Jesus. This is the 3rd year in a row that Democrats welcomed the Satanic Temple of Illinois to set up a holiday display in the state Capitol in Springfield.

"Mocking the millions of Christians in the state of Illinois and billions around the world by depicting the baby Jesus this Christmas with the 'satanic deity' Baphomet is the very definition of evil and causing division, but that is to be expected from an organization that is in existence to troll people of faith." [ Article ]

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Shameful, horrific. The war on Christmas is real

We have received many messages about how to contact and reach out to us. The two best ways of doing so would be either via our gab account (https://gab.com/WisconsinChristianConscience) or by emailing us at wiscocc@gmail.com

If you have any “activism pictures” or things such as going on hikes or going to church with your friends please send them to those accounts.

Forward from: Jaden McNeil
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Here's a recap of what you missed at the largest "conservative"conference in the country yesterday:

Seeing these clips of the TPusa conference is just ridiculous. Any real conservative youth organization that takes its self seriously would have summits nothing like this. People realize how silly groups like TPusa are, and they are looking for the place to apply their drive that will actually be beneficial. We are changing what it means to be a conservative youth. 5 years ago it meant that you spent your time on esoteric websites and making memes about trump. Today it means spending time with your like minded friends outside, at the gym, at church, or doing activism. This is the mindset we need to take up to win, not cringe con inc concerts. Additionally, we will be having more fun doing these productive, beneficial, pious activities than anyone at "ameriafest". Shame on them for misleading our brother and sister youth. As the rising generation of the movement, we represent the real conservatism, and the real Christianity. #reflection

The crisis we are in today is not from God, nor is it from faith, but rather from a failure of using the freedom of the human conscience. Our people cannot be defended only by prayers and alms giving, not only through power and boldness, but all of these together and most importantly, struggle! Our enemies may be ruling the world in many ways, but in doing so they have created many Saints. They may be closing the mouths of many men, but they cannot conceal the light of the Saints. To escape from this crisis, a return to Christ and a Christian elite is necessary, one that will not abandon the people but will struggle boldly against oppression and slavery. The world is under the dominion of Christ, and there is nothing worse than abandoning it, no matter the crisis we perceive. #reflection

Beautiful Lake Michigan 😍 we are just a bunch of bros who love Wisconsin and Christ. Wisconsin has many state and county parks, today one group hiked at one on the coast of the Lake. It’s tough during the winter but everything we do is better outside.

Forward from: The Legion
“Anyone wishing to conquer a people could do it by using this system: breaking its ties with heaven and land, introducing fratricidal quarrels and fights, promoting immorality and licentiousness, by material ruin, physical poisoning, drunkenness. All these destroy a nation more than being blasted by thousands of cannons or bombed by thousands of airplanes.” -Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

A lesson that people should learn that peace is not a state of sitting around “on the couch”. Not is it a state that is kept by sitting around, nor is it found sitting around! Real peace requires seeking out, and requires active maintenance. The Holy Spirit is peaceful, but it is also a working Spirit. The kingdom of heaven is taken by force!(Mat11:12) Peace is an offensive concept and a conscience is a vigilant concept. But today our "conservatives" are neither offensive nor are the vigilant hence our problem. If we want to bring our communities and countries to peace, it will require us to get active. And if we want to keep our localities with Christ, then it will require that they have an active conscience. #reflection

Forward from: Gab.com
He was right. We should have listened.

Forward from: The Morning Offering
The Great Divide
Civilization Needs Unity Between Religion and the Secular State

The great divide between the secular state and religion has grown substantially during my lifetime. Gone are the days when our nation was based on Christian values and where religion played an important role in the public life of this country. The notion that we must separate Church and State has gained such momentum as to have emboldened many to a state of Christianophobia. It was never the intent of the Founding Fathers for religion to be kept quiet and forced into the back streets of our nation's political life. Rather, they simply intended that no one religion would gain the status of a State Church.

As we get closer to the celebration of the Birth of Christ, we are seeing increasing attacks by avowed atheists, bent on destroying any form of public display of the historic meaning of Christmas. Books being written by atheists, along with public mocking of the beliefs of Christians as being myths, has become more and more militant. The atheists have turned their radical beliefs into another form of religious bigotry. In their attacks on Christians, they've turned atheism into a militant form of religion, with the demand that it become a sort of state church, not unlike that which happened during the militant atheism of the Soviet Union.

The response of Christians can not be to simply surrender, for this is truly a wholesale assault on Christianity. Our society would no more sit back and allow billboard attacks on Judaism or Islam, and the slander of their beliefs, or billboards promoting racist attacks on minorities. Yet our government and judicial institutions are allowing slanderous attacks on the beliefs of millions of Christians. This will continue until we Christians decide enough is enough. We must stand firm in our witness to Christ, and take hold of our constitutional right for free expression of our faith, including the right to bear witness in the public square.

If our nation is to justly care for its poor and disenfranchised, Christians must be allowed to continue to influence our governmental and legal institutions in the light of our Christian Faith . The separation of religion from the public square is breeding defeat, and undermining the very values that have made our nation strong.

We must reclaim our vision as one nation under God. Our focus on consumption and personal comfort, together with a low birth rate that is the direct result of selfish me-first secularism, has been made manifest by a disenfranchised Christianity that can no longer offer religious input and leadership in promoting moral and biblical values. This is dooming our nation to utter collapse.

Part of the problem stems from the fact that so much of American protestant Christianity has itself become secularized. In an attempt to become more relevant to today's culture, they've lost the leaven that can truly transform lives and make a difference with how the greater culture around us can be brought back to the basic values and religious standards that have kept America morally and spiritually strong. We've lost our way as a nation because the majority of our denominations have lost the pure essence of Christianity.

While this has happened, our Orthodox Church is often so caught up in just trying to survive as ethnically centered communities, we've failed to reach out with the same power and authority of our forefathers in the faith. Satisfied with doing the services correctly, and meeting the needs of our people, we've forgotten our duty to the greater community around us. We've fallen down on the job of transforming the society around us with the leaven that resides within the Church. We fail daily to reach out to the society at large with the truth of Ancient Christianity, preserved fully within the Orthodox Church.

With love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon

Forward from: The Legion
“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

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Dec. 15, 2021 activity

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Guard your home,
awaken your conscience
-Wisconsin Christian Conscience

Those who don’t have a connection to their land won’t care for it and won’t fight for it. The value our group has for our state and localities is unmatched, and so is our determination to keep its pure Christian conscience.

For too long Bolsheviks & co have been on our Wisconsin campuses with their propaganda and presence. This is against the conscious of our people and will no longer be welcome!

Forward from: The Legion
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Legionnaires did their part to clean the streets of red propaganda. Wherever you see this filth, tear it down!


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