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📍 Parc naturel régional du Morvan

🇫🇷 Un activiste en vacance a placé des stickers dans le parc régional du Morvan tout en le débarrassant des sales stickers antifa.

🇬🇧 Vacationing Anon has put up stickers in the Morvan regional park, and has helped to keep it clean from antifa trash.

Pour rejoindre notre combat contactez l’admin : @CeLtic_voodoo


🎶 Liquid Soul & Electric Universe - Liquid Universe



🇫🇷 Un activiste a placé des stickers dans le centre de Paris. Parmi les monuments, on peut distinguer la Tour Eiffel, le Louvres, Notre-Dame de Paris et le Pont Royal.

🇬🇧 Anonymous activist has been stickering in the center of Paris. Among the landmarks, we can distinguish the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame de Paris, the Louvres and the Pont Royal.

Pour rejoindre notre combat contactez l’admin: @CeLtic_voodoo


Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
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📌Every day since April 11, 2021, a rally, a march, a banner, a sticker or a pro-White flyer have gone up at minimum in almost all White lands of the world.

We take honor in being able to showcase our commitment to the 14 words and 14 words only though real life action, day in and day out.

We have much greater numbers than it might seem and we have definitely much greater power than some might think.

It is our duty to keep applying the pressure in an explicitly pro-White, legal & peaceful manner until we can no longer be ignored.

In the art of war, there are certain aspects you can and cannot reveal, depending on the nature of the battle. If you want to live the pro-White ideals, join WLM now at

Until soon!


Forward from: OUEST CASUAL
🔴 09/08/2022 À l’occasion de la Journée internationale des populations autochtones, des militants de plusieurs pays se sont mobilisés pour alerter sur l’hypocrisie des institutions supranationales qui ne se préoccupent que du sort de quelques communautés minoritaires.
Nos peuples sont en effet les seuls au monde à qui l'on refuse la possibilité de revendiquer une identité et de préserver une homogénéité ethnique et culturelle.
🔥 Les peuples européens doivent relever la tête et reprendre leur destin en main !

🔴 09/08/2022 For the International Day of the World's Indigenous People, activists from several countries have highlighted the hypocrisy of supranational institutions that are only concerned with a few minority communities.

Our peoples are indeed the only ones in the world who are denied the possibility of claiming an identity and preserving an ethnic and cultural homogeneity.
🔥 The peoples of Europe must raise their heads and take their destiny in hand!

➡️ @ouestcasual2
🔴 Back-up : @ouestcasual3

Nouvelle soumission d’activisme. Rejoignez nous en cliquant sur le lien du canal.

Ou contactez directement l’admin : @CeLtic_voodoo



🇫🇷 Activisme nocturne quelque part en France. Notre destin est entre nos mains. Il n’appartient qu’à nous de montrer pour quoi nous nous battons.

🇬🇧 Night activism somewhere in France. Our destiny is in our hands. It is up to us to show what we stand for.

Pour rejoindre notre combat contactez l’admin: @CeLtic_voodoo


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📌If you have any bit of life left in you,
you are enraged

If you have any bit of will left in you,
you are motivated

And if you have any honor whatsoever,
you are ready.

There are no words. There is nothing that can be said about the situation we are in that would encompass the amount of sickness our people are subjected to.

Through child abuse, race-mixing and White Guilt, the System has corrupted the moral fabric of our people.

We must rise above all pain & suffering and fly the flag high, no matter how dire the odds. We will survive and it will be beautiful like it has never been before.

We swear allegiance to the 14 words.
Saturday 16th July!


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📌Again and again and again and again...

You watch, We do.
You complain, We act.
You consume, We create.
You infight, We unite.

The difference between us and you is a simple decision.

We aren't special. We are simply living our lives to the best of our ability and are following our written and spoken word through action.

For the 15th consecutive month, this June, WLM activists raised awareness about the White Genocide ongoing. Again, the anti-White media has categorized "make White babies" as hateful messaging. And yet again, more and more White People have been awakened.

We have chosen the hard path and are going on it until the end. For we would rather die as free men than live as slaves.

14 or nothing!
@wlmcontactbot to join US.


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12/06/2022 Bordeaux 🇫🇷

Nationalists against gay pride!

➡️ @ouestcasual2
🔴 Back-up : @ouestcasual3

🇫🇷 La brochure WLM a été traduite en français par nos collègues Québécois. L’impression de la brochure peut s’effectuer sur une imprimante papier normale, pratique pour ceux qui ne possèdent pas d’imprimante thermique. Vous pouvez facilement distribuer la brochure dans les boîtes aux lettres.

🇬🇧 The WLM brochure has just been translated thanks to our colleagues from Quebec. The printing of the brochure can be done on regular printers for those who do not have a thermal printer yet. It can be easily distributed in mailboxes.


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📌The choice is yours. The future is in your hands.

You can watch this video and think to yourself "wow, great job guys, based" or "we need more of that" or even "if they were more / if it was sunny / if I wasn't a coward, I would join".

Our actions speaks for themselves. We have done anonymous activism daily for over a year now in a peaceful and legal manner and have grown organically because the majority of Whites agree with our simple message.

No sane White person wants their children to become victims of the anti-White system, and deep down they all wish for a safe White Nation to flourish in. Delivery and "optics" matter.

Activism has taken place in OH, CA, NL, FL, KY, MT, OR, WA, VA, GA, TN, NY, AZ, CAN, IT, MS, AL, ID, AU, OK, and others.

Are you going to live a passive life where your happiness will be driven by another "happening" on some obscure forum? Or are you going to act mature and responsible and contribute to the salvation of our people?

Join at


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❗️Daily reminder❗️

WLM will never ask you for personally identifiable information or social media. We do anonymous activism.

If someone does, they are a bad actor. Report it as spam to telegram and to us so we can ban them across our platform.

Read our brief opsec guide 👉🏻 here.


Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
🚨WLM does not condone violence.🚨

WLM is a peaceful, legal & anonymous initiative. Apolitical and non-religious, upheld by freedom of expression and of self-determination.

Any deviation to the above is not to be considered part of this initiative started in April 2021.


🇫🇷 Dépose de stickers de notre activiste en Champagne-Ardennes.

Depuis trop longtemps nous sommes acculés, sans moyen de nous opposer, en devant nous soumettre au dictate moral de nos ennemis. Nous avons maintenant la possibilité et des moyens faciles et légaux pour mener notre combat. Chaque action compte.

🇬🇧 Stickering by one of our activists in Champagne-Ardennes.

Since too long we are being driven back by our enemies without anything too oppose them. We had to submit to their moral dictat. Now, we have the possibility with easy and legal ways to lead our fight. Every action counts.

To join the fight co
ntact @Celtic_voodoo


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🇫🇷 Nouvelle vidéo anonyme d’un activiste via @WLMSubmissionBot

Merci aux gars qui font le taffe.

Est-ce que chacun fait ne serait-ce que le minimum pour la sauvegarde de notre peuple ? Passez à l’action.


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Quelque part en France 🇫🇷

Si certains d’entre vous sont intéressés pour faire de l’activisme en France, manifestez-vous. Vous pouvez contacter l’administrateur en mp. @CeLtic_voodoo



Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
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📌This weekend marked this initiative's one year of existence. The success of it is solely the result of what we call pro-White people.

With WLM directly or alongside WLM (as it has been for
131 and many others), we want to salute in honor all those that have realized that a happy and fulfilling life is that in which one pursues one's ideals through real life action.

Perhaps only making White Children can compare to the feeling of thoroughly, selflessly following one's deepest instincts for their people, in spite of the overwhelming negative force that we call anti-Whites. How many of us can sincerely say that we followed through and truly tried our hardest to secure a future for our Children?

Great activism efforts have taken place for the 12th month is a row in: OH, MT, NH, WA, GA, TN, NY, NL, CA, AZ, CAN, IT, MS, AL, ID, IN, AR, OK, TX and others.

When are you joining in? Make sure it's not too late. Message


Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
📌WLM, just like the vast majority of pro-White efforts, is self-sufficient and funded exclusively with our own money and sweat.

We have jobs, we are fathers, mothers, and most of us live or are planning to live a healthy & noble life that is faithfully representing our ideals of being pro-White, family oriented, and on the offensive rather than defensive.

It is crucial, therefore, when we actively engage in pro-White activism to bring in positive energy that is able to create not destroy, heal not hurt, and win not larp.

Take this message as a call for you be more welcoming to other pro-Whites, more understanding of our brothers in struggle, and more empathetic with those who have a lot to learn.

The WLM space aims to represent the society of the future that we envision - where not only White People prosper, but where White People collaborate, uplift each other, and are able to channel their creative force towards building that future for White Children we all speak of.

We are 99% similar to each other and 99% dissimilar to our enemies. That, and the fact that ACTION speaks louder than words are the two take-aways you should always reflect on when working with other pro-White activists.

That being said, take immediate and swift action whenever a bad actor shows up. The broader definition WLM casts on this word is the following:

A bad actor is someone who intentionally or unintentionally, through their actions, speech, and behavior, is a net negative in the long term in the struggle for securing a future for White Children. This person is unreliable, cultist, has a negative energy, is unwilling to collaborate with others, and engages in anti-social acts that drive other Whites away from the struggle.

We, the positive force, must weed out any such individuals as soon as they reveal themselves and ONLY accept Whites who, apart from being pro-White in words, are pro-White in action.

What does being pro-White mean?

A pro-White is someone who intentionally, through their actions, speech, and behavior is a net positive in the long term in the struggle for securing a future for White Children. Someone you could be friends with, collaborate with, be a neighbor of, or even have your White kids intermarry. Someone who you could trust as family. A Pro-White will always behave in a way in which they will ATTRACT other Whites towards the struggle.

If you are a pro-White, you are invited to prove it. 16th April, Wordwide. Message
@wlmcontactbot for more.


🇫🇷 Jacques Attali n’a pas tardé à commenter la photo publiée par cette école montrant des ukrainiennes rencontrant des africains façon “speed dating”. Voir ci-dessus.

Pour rappel, Jacques Attali est un économiste, banquier, théoricien sociétal et conseiller politique juif.

Il n’est jamais trop tard pour agir face aux ennemis de la Race Blanche ! Soyez actifs !

🇬🇧 It didn’t take long for Jacques Attali to comment the photo taken by the school showing young Ukrainian girls having to meet with young African boys. Jacques Attali tweeted: “The beautiful France”.

As a reminder, Jacques Attali is a Jewish economist, banker, social theorist and political advisor.

It is never to late to take action against the ennemies of the White Race! You got to take action!


Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
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📌If you are reading this text and watching this video, congrats - you now have no excuse for not taking real life action.

What you can do starting today is either ignore the call to fight for your people and live in cowardice, or get out and live freely as a healthy pro-White.

"everyone is a fed bro" - disproven
"i will get doxed" - disproven
"nobody else will show up" - disproven
"antifa will attack me" - disproven

"i am a coward" - for you to disprove.

The past year has seen a resurgence in pro-White activism and we want to thank all the people, WLM and non-WLM, who have contributed to this slow but sure revival of White Consciousness.

The 16th of April will mark this initiative's one year of existence - and it has never been a better time for you to make a difference this very second. Message

Anything to


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