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What is a Racist? A Racist is someone who Loves their Race!! What is a White Supremacist? Someone, and in this case a Race who has been nearly Supreme in all aspects above nearly all other races when compared to our Culture, Heritage, Ingenuity, and as Warriors. I am a Proud Racist & Supremacist of my Beautiful, Strong, Aryan Race!! Be PROUD to be White!! For we will NEVER go away, nor will we back down!! 💪🏻


Germany has an active admin and is ready for activism!

If you are from Germany and are pro-White, join our chat!




Get involved at @WLMContactBot


Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
🙋🏼‍♂Some of us do a lot. Some of us do a little. Some of us do nothing.

Ask yourself, do YOU do the most YOU CAN do?

We have open positions for local admins in many states across the country, and countries around the world. All you have to do to get involved is read
the manual then message @WLMContactBot to anonymously state your credentials.

Then, based on a meritocratic assessment, you might have the opportunity to help your people and get things started in your area.

Do not complain that others don't do enough when you do nothing. Join and make a difference!

⏰10 days until our event on the 10th of July! It's gonna be a WBS.


Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
📌On July the 10th at 10AM, we, the free men and women of the world will come together again to show support for our brethren. We are not making any phony resistances, we are not censoring what we stand for and we are definitely not scared to live a life free of slavery and subjugation.

We declare war against the anti-White system and anyone trying to supress us. We are united by Blood, Culture, and Spirit and we will never give up on each other. We hold no political alliances and we do not need anyone's 30 pieces of silver. We do not ask for donations and we most certainly do not ask for others to do what falls upon us to do.

We are a loving, peaceful initiative yet we'll never feel demoralized or defeated.

We stand tall, and we invite all pro-Whites to join us on the date. With or without WLM, regardless of your political leanings, you must ACT. Nobody likes cowards. We are descendent of the greatest heroes the world has had and we will not go down in Silence. 10th July, 10AM.


Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
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Few hours left.

From big to small, young to old and normie to hardcore, our activists from all over the world are preparing for tomorrow's event.

Some are holding rallies, some are holding banners, some are dropping banners, some are dropping or handing leaflets, some are stickering and some are streaming Europa The Last Battle to groups of people.

Point is, this life is short. Truly FREE men will live it in accordance to their belief and spirit. If you claim to be pro-White but cannot back it up with any meaningful real life action, you are living a lie.

To all the free men & women of the world engaging in activism tomorrow: VICTORY OR DEATH. We're always behind you.

Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
⌛️Our activists from all over the world are getting ready for Saturday, 5th of June's events. Below, a message from J.C. (anonymized), straight from the warzone of South Africa:

"Just wanted to show everyone how easy it is to make stickers. I bought a Brother QL-800 printer a couple months ago and I have been doing activism ever since. I can make my own and they are available in that very second. Then I just put some gloves on and stick them up at night. It's the minimum I can do".

As one of J.C.'s stickers say, IT'S THE MINIMUM YOU CAN DO.

Refer to our sticker guide
here. 2 days of preparations left. Are you doing enough? If he can do it in S.A., can you?


Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
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📌I get it. You're demoralized, blackpilled and think you have it hard. If you're older, you've seen what used to be a society of White Excellence gradually transform into the darkest nightmare within a couple generations. If you are young, you've been born into a world that hates you.

Regardless, you are pelted with constant propaganda, gaslighting or even been physically attacked for being White. You've tried to awaken some folks but all your calls to action were met with some defeatist remarks or fearmongering shitposts.

I get it. It's frustrating and we could write novels about the status quo.


Be a fucking White Man and get over it. This message is for those who still have the fire in them. Join the fight on Saturday the 5th of June in your own way.

Our enemies want us dead, nothing less. Are you in any bit concerned with your Children's future? That future is built upon the NOW.


Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
📌Let's be clear. You are either pro-White or anti-White.

There is no other stance.

Our enemies are right, but in a different way. "White silence IS violence". Every moment you spend NOT raising awareness for the situation your people are in, you are committing treason and violence against White Children and Folk.

No debates.

With WLM or not, if you know the truth - you must ACT.

》nobody cares about your "based" political party
》nobody cares about your "fashy" merch
》nobody cares about your intellectual take

If your spirit isn't where it should be, you are not one of us. We are blood, family, sacrifice. No dead weight, no larp!

5th of June, 10AM @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial

Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
One week to go. Our activists in Texas are making preparations for the event. Are you?

Refer to our banner making guide
here and make your own! Only we can awake our own people. Do not wait until the last minute.

Join our chat @WhiteLivesMatterOfficialChat and keep rules in mind.

June 5th, 10AM worldwide. Spread the word. @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial

Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
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📌The White Man, who brought the world trains, planes, cars, rockets, telescopes, tires, telephones, radios, television, electricity, atomic energy, computers, or about 97% of everything around us has now become a second class citizen in his own land.

Put in a coma after a fratricidal war where more than 100 Million Whites killed each other because of the non-White cosmopolitan elite who had taken over the West, the White Man must wake up NOW or NEVER.

Our Children's future does not create itself - we must secure it. What are you doing on Saturday at 9AM, White Man? @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial

Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
📌In this modern world, where pa*dophiles are called 'minor attracted persons', where 5 year old kids are given steroids that change their gender, where anti-Whites can burn, loot, and murder for months on end without any repercussions, where antifa and the feds work hand in hand with the anti-White government to destroy the lives of our people, where justice doesn't exist, where a criminal is transformed into a saint while Cannon Hinnant's story is silenced...


We must be idealists, dreamers, and envision everyday the future we want for our children. There are 3 days left until the big day, I hope you all are paying honors to your ancestors.

ACT. 8 May, 9AM. @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial

Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
📌In this modern world, where pa*dophiles are called 'minor attracted persons', where 5 year old kids are given steroids that change their gender, where anti-Whites can burn, loot, and murder for months on end without any repercussions, where antifa and the feds work hand in hand with the anti-White government to destroy the lives of our people, where justice doesn't exist, where a criminal is transformed into a saint while Cannon Hinnant's story is silenced...


We must be idealists, dreamers, and envision everyday the future we want for our children. There are 3 days left until the big day, I hope you all are paying honors to your ancestors.

ACT. 8 May, 9AM. @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial

Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
⏰3 days left until the BIG DAY. There is a lot to say, however what we must do is ACT. Print, paint, draw, and wave the names of our People who have been murdered in the most horrific way by the anti-Whites.

Please take some time to check @everyday1350 and @Justiceisontheway and honor all the victims. The list is always incomplete.

Saturday, 8th of May at 9AM you have the chance to show you care. ACT, not REACT. @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial


👉This location will not host an official event on the 8th of May. Activism will happen in each and every location, however due to the decentralized way of organizing, it is up to you to do the best YOU can for our people in your states / country.

🚗Alternatively, look into neighbouring states / countries which have official events.

🙋‍♂️Regardless, we highly suggest you get involved and use our sticker and banner guides to be actionable this Saturday.

📶Our events will be bigger and bigger. We are just taking off and we will be here forever. Stay tuned for the full WLM event calendar to be posted with all of the upcoming events in your state.


Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
⏳Telegram might not be around forever. Eternal truth will, however. It is our duty as pro-Whites to do more, to do better than the best in order to save our People.

We have created a 'basic knowledge' flyer that all White People need to read, understand, and spread. If you truly care about the cause, make at least one other person aware of the truth, DAILY. Soon enough we won't have the means to.

ACTION NOT REACTION. 8th of May, 9AM. Get printing. @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial

Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
📌The anti-White System wants you to think you are alone. They are supressing anything positive about our race and promoting outright calls to genocide on campuses and on TV with slogans such as "dismantle whiteness". They replace us in entertainment, education, military and not only promote for our ancestors to be dishonoured, but also our heroes' cemetery to be vandalized.

The WLM project seeks to take away power from The System and grant it to all pro-Whites. The way we can do that is by creating our own means of information distribution.

One good way to do that is banner drops. You are not alone. Let's help each other out of this hell.


Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
📠Let's get printing. Saturday 8th of May, 9am. Locations TBA shortly.

Become a hero to your people.


Forward from: White Lives Matter Official
📠Let's get printing. 8th of May, 9am. Locations TBA.

Become a hero to your people.


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