Draft Piles

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A pile of drafts, scribbles from @storyhunter28 (plz credit me if you wanna cite something :3)
They're mostly idle scribbles, flash of images, dash of thoughts. Like small sweets or treats from granny~
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Aron, the charming a$$hole

He's such an actor. Not because he could act in a very convincing way — but because we could never tell, when he's acting and when he's not.

#character #Aron

oh and btw, the Years Turning is almost done (took a month and a half, and it's not even time to celebrate New Year anymore, haha). The rough draft is done, what left is formatting, grammar and spelling editing, and further packaging... what? This one is a feast for me, can't just serve them on ceramic platter like I did for my "cookies" of a drabbles and excerpts uwu

“Aren’t I your lover, so that I could feed on your gloom? Well, then… what are you waiting for? Strip off, let me see that gloom you have inside you. Serve them on the bed – that is your choice of the platter – and let me feast upon them… Let me feast on you.”

— Aron, in Afterdays Journal, 2017

#draft #journal


I want money *-*)

"... why have you become an author?"
"To make money, of course."
"Hah, what? How else am I going to feed myself, while also writing as many stories as I'd love to?"

#draft #random

On the other side, excuse me for the lack of content update... I've been writing my New Year story, and finally have reached the last chapter. I'm hoping to finish it before college starts again... And when it is finished, I'll post it here :3

Undying Words 🎭
"You are the master of your unspoken words but a slave to the words you have spoken" Winston Churchill. We'll be posting our work here mainly poetry if you are poem lover, you are more than welcome to join our channel.

Alright, so... I don't usually do promotion, and if I have to be honest, this is also my first time seeing this channel. While I haven't found anything that especially taken my interest, I'm happy that a fellow writer has reached out to me. So the least I could do is to spread the words as a form of encouragement from me :3


*is making confused and slightly scared face*

Don't run from me...
I won't let you.
If you are scared of me
Then face me.
Let me take grip of you
Like the way your very own existence
Is my bind.

#random #verse

"Es gibt noch Mist in Optimisten." -- Alligatoah, "Musik ist keine Lösung"

Roughly translated, it means "there is still some (bull)shit in optimists." It is wordplay, in which "Mist" means "shit" in German, and that it is in the middle of word "OptiMISTen" which means "optimists."



*feeds you guys with this* sorry I haven't been so diligent in updating. but you know I am like that. Now, I got a bigger draft to finish...

"What a heretic like me do here, you ask? Why, of course — because it's more clever to keep a trickster on your side instead of somewhere in the wild, planning god-knows-what against you." And he grinned a wickedly, seemingly full of himself. "That's what your Queen thinks, you see."

#random #draft


I had a disturbing dream this morning

"Friend, you can tell me that both you and I are one with the universe -- that death is nothing to fear... But life itself is an overwhelming gift. I have will, I have desires -- and to actively realize that desire... I view it as something only us, living humans could do."

#draft #random

It is something I wrote for this year's New Year story. The story itself still less than halfway written... I've started it since few years ago -- writing a special story in the New Year. And ever since then, I just want to keep it up as a kind of personal tradition.

I knew I said I'd make it as a VN first... But apparently, I just couldn't do it -- yet. What with my laptop got broken, and working on it as VN from the start threw me off in working the story... For now, I focus on writing the story. If I find it in me, I might try to adapt it to VN later on...


[ Years Turning Celebration ]

Once upon a time... as that's how every tale supposed to start -- once upon a time, there was a little village. Near this little town, a goddess lived with her seven children, in her castle up the hill. The town of the people would work, grow food and make things such as clothes and tools and more -- and the goddess and her children are grateful for the people in the village, because often, the children of the goddess would come down the hill and visit this village to get food and other necessities. In return, the goddess gave the village her blessings through her children.

One of them was wise, and would give advices to the villagers when conflict arose. One of them had the gift of healing, and would heal the sick villagers. One of them has strength, and would help protect the village so it would always safe. One of them was a jester, and would always make the people laugh. And so on and so forth... the people of the village and the goddess' children and their mother lived in harmony.

Now, once every year, in sake of respecting the goddess and her children, the villagers would make a celebration. It was time for merrymaking; there would be feast, music, dances, and games! Everyone and anyone were welcomed to come and enjoy themselves. This celebration, the villagers called it, the celebration of Years Turning.

However, one day... The goddess fell ill just by the end of the celebration. Her children couldn't understand what was the cause of her illness. They could only guess that their mother was exhausted, as she fell into deep slumber. Nothing seemed to be able to wake her up, so they could only watch over her and take care of her as best as they could.

Days passed, week passed, months passed -- and the Goddess stayed asleep. Until almost one year passed by, and the time for Great Celebration once again approaching.

However, the children of the goddess were doubtful. Should they throw a celebration still, while their mother was asleep as dead? For a long while they discussed about it, but they couldn't come to a decision. Until they realized, at last, that they hadn't been visiting the village as often as they used to. The goddess's children now grew worried; how were things going by in the village? So they came down the hill and checked the village.

Much to their surprise, they found the villagers had been busy preparing for the celebration. One of the goddess's children asked, whether they were truly preparing for the Years Turning Celebration, and whether they were unaware that the goddess had been in deep slumber for a year.

And the villagers answered: yes, they were preparing for the Years Turning Celebration. And yes, they were also aware that the goddess was asleep. However, they loved the goddess and this celebration was their way of showing it. Therefore, they had decided to make the celebration nonetheless.

The children of the goddess, touched by the villagers feelings for their mother, decided to help for the preparation of the Years Turning celebration, and that year, the celebration was more of a success than it was in previous years. For once, after days full of worries for their mother, the goddess's children could feel joy and happiness -- and especially, the kindness of the villagers.

And you know what? On the day that the Years Turning celebration started, the goddess finally opened her eyes. She said that she was so tired... so tired that she fell into deep slumber. But the energy everyone had put for the celebration had awakened her. As the celebration time over, she would once again fall into a deep slumber -- but she reassured everyone that her blessings would always be with them nonetheless. As long as they keep the celebration alive every year, she would be awake again, and she would be alive as well...

#märchen #draft


So... Something happened today. I just found out that someone "stole" a content from my friend's channel and made a... rendition of it without crediting the original author. (Added with a poor grammar, it has raised hell from my friend's circle.)

At first, I encouraged a mass-report for this "stealer" channel... But after I consulted my other friend, who is experienced with the ban- and report-hammer, I was told that we couldn't win the case. It's because my friend's channel is public, means the content is meant to be spread and if you want an ownership right... Well, we gotta get fundamental rights for it. I honestly don't really understand copyright administration shit.

The thing that makes me feel bad, is... That the girl who "stolen" my friend's content might just agree to give my friend some credit if only we talked nicely to her. But no, we threated and mass-reported her instead. (The private channel seems to mainly focus on music covers and poems, btw.)

Don't get me wrong, tho, I'd be angry if someone claims that they are the author of my writings as well. But... I realize that we artists should also be aware of these... "Game rules" of contents ownership.

... Still, guys. I'd warn you again, to at least give a credit to an artist when you use their works -- be it a drawing, writing, music, video, animation... Making them is a hardwork -- each of them are like our child as we give birth to them through labor. Even better is, when you first contact the original artist when you want to use their art, asking for their permission whether they're okay with it or not.

Last thing -- it'd be great if you could spread the words and raise awareness among arts lovers :3


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