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halo hai




gmorning everyone 👋🏻👋🏻

nanti dibalesin atu-atu

halo moots sorry ya baru aktif nih

new moots help fw this post please, thankyou so much.

Forward from: 📓🎀. JHYELÉNCE < OPEN >
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📃🎀. { too all my beloved moots who see this message, can you please help forward this message to your channel? Thanks before! }

< Glitzyie.t.me > is looking for a lot of mutual partner. All Bussines channel allowed but we only accept main account and doesn't accept admin upsubs or side accounts. do reach @jyhelencebot if u're interested!♥️

Forward from: Sinistre, OPEN.
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◈ As a mutuals, mind to help me by forwarding this message to your channel? much gracias!

@Sinnistre is looking for mutuals. As a basic information, we providing profile need types especially Icons and will debut as soon as possible. Worry not, we accept all business types and use main account for subscribing your channel, and also we need a kind such of feedback. If you're interested please contact through @SinistreBot. Thank you!

Forward from: Coco's Page (Soon)
[ for my beloved mutuals or anyone who saw this message, can you please forward this to your channel? Thank you so much.]

Greetings 💐 @cocopages is currently looking for a lot of mutuals! My channel is still on progress but i will be active anyways. All ba channel allowed‼️ If you interested to be my mutual please text @cocospagebot i will reply your text ASAP❕

Forward from: Waydert {soon}
{♥️} -for our dearest mutuals, please forward this message to your channels. Feedback can be through the registered bot, thankyou-

one place with designated differences in each section, which means beautiful differences. Like finding a mutual for a new section inside @waydert, warning sign: accept all ba types. Sending data through t.me/stormestbot, in hopes of understanding how to interpret mutual main accounts.

❥ ┉┈ Giving most of the love

Forward from: Beepu! Soon.
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[ untuk semua mutual Beepu boleh forward pesan ini ke Channel Business kamu ? Thanks a lot. 🫶🏻 ]

{🌎} Sunshine, lovely, beloved. With fragrant hands and a beautiful heart, @BeepuDE we are seeking for a business partner. We accept all types of Business as long as use MAIN ACC only. Feel free to invite us to be your friends! @beHCbot 🌦

With love, Nebula. 🫧

Forward from: scarlet falls.
ㅤㅤㅤ(Lend a hand to spread our message,
ㅤㅤㅤa little help would be appreciated

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤMatters : Friendship solicitation.

Notwithstanding the carbon copy by echoes of everyone doers sweltering a
ntiquity, euphoria memoir elderly. Halting and crumbling the coerced suitable fate in luxurious. Pervading thus diamonds abundance of wealth and success circulation. By this promulations, telegram.me/novanture is offering you a friendship solicitations with us. Bear in mind that we’re merely accept profile needs and wording commission to be our comrades.

Shoot your decent greetings to our mailbox (@amyablebot), an appealing friendship is expect you. // I.S

Forward from: Pacifier.site [Looking for mutuals]
[Dear our beloved mutuals! if you see this, please help us to foward this message to you channel

Forward from: Beepu! Soon.
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[ untuk semua mutual Beepu boleh forward pesan ini ke Channel Business kamu ? Thanks a lot. 🫶🏻 ]

{🌎} Sunshine, lovely, beloved. With fragrant hands and a beautiful heart, @BeepuDE we are seeking for a business partner. We accept all types of Business as long as use MAIN ACC only. Feel free to invite us to be your friends! @beHCbot 🌦

With love, Nebula. 🫧

Forward from: caudoir vocasy: hfw pinned!
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{conveys a message to all of these mutual businesses that the special stage for getting so many in tandem and requires a helping hand}

life is a matter of mystery when trying to share with friends, maybe music, dance and poetry are the answer when problems are complicated on the stage-of-art performances. humming music in a vibrating voice, a young girl who is enthusiastic and jubilation about welcoming the next stage on 18 will be a bringer of oddsmaker, but she prefers the fill of head and mix of feet, where the soft music will live on the violin and the breeze that she plays in every branch of mind.

💋 terms and conditions ...✿
👛 catalogue ...✿
🩰 testimonials  ...✿

if she imagines every night of rehearsal that she has struggled with then she can remember every step of the three minutes as if she just danced yesterday and will continue to do so, but she also knows that one day, on stage surrounded by guidelines will dance as she learned and bring @CaudoirVocasyBot to the end of the show.

Forward from: soon.
@colordust is currently looking for new business mutuals! I accept all types of business except serba serbi, agency, and username. My business type is profneeds & app prem. A little note, my business is still soon. So if you’re interested to be one of our business mutuals, kindly contact { @dustieco_bot } using your main account. See u in my bot’s room chat, love!

Forward from: with love, solhhwi.
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{directed toward greatest cherised bodies and lief my own mutuals, prithee help me to forward this messages}

bidding our warmest greetings to all the beautiful souls who stumbled upon this messages! we are @solhhwi currently looking for new mutuals. we do accept any types of business channels. but, we only accept our mutuals with main account. if you're interested in being our mutuals, you can send your best letters to telegram.me/ebonyrobot.


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