The wvord, close!

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Th’ paramount compendium e’er in th’ sphere, by @pudsu. Given th’ “wvord” patronymic for th’ compendium and masses is exultant scrutiny it, detection their epistle at

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Bulan depan @wvord udah setahun dan wow, aku bener-bener gak expect bakal bisa punya bisnis sendiri bahkan sampai setahun lamanya 😢 bener-bener terharu, karena aku bisa kayak orang-orang yang punya ba sendiri! Dari uang kalian jajan wording aku udah bisa kebeli hp! Walau emang nominalnya nggak gede banget, tapi kapasitasnya sesuai sama kebutuhan kerja aku sekarang. Karena hp yang ini cuman 32 gb, kalian harus tepuk tangan karena aku masih user 32 gb di tahun 2023 WKWKWKWKWK 😭 emang sedikit nangis makenya juga. Ini hasil nabung sebulan sih, sujud syukur banget udah bisa beli apa-apa sendiri dan nggak minta lagi ke orang tua (sedikit proud of myself) ☺️. Temen-temen mutual aku yang juga punya ba semangat terus karena aku yakin kita semua keren in our own way❕ dan buat buyer-buyer kesayangan gigi, sehat selalu dan semoga panjang usia kalian di sini biar kalian bisa mencapai apa yang kalian mau, okei? Semangat dan tetep sehat selalu ya temen-temen, aku sayang kalian semua! 🥰

Mau nulis surat cinta

Tebak mau ngapain

Temen-temen mutual yang butuh bantuan forward boleh langsung drop link ke @wvordmbot ya! ❤️‍🔥

The book quickly moved on to the final page, leaving only the word CLOSE. As a notification that @wvord will be shut off. Please hold off till the book is open again.

When the book was opened, OPEN was the first word that appeared. demonstrating that @wvord is now accessible to anyone who abides by their rules. Please take a close look at their inventory and pay close attention to the 1000+ '' rel='nofollow'>testimonials on their website. To place an order, speak with @pudsu.

Greetings to everybody! Please read the explanation below carefully because there are still many people who are perplexed by a few of the arguments I shall make. Please don’t make me puzzled any longer; I’ll explain below in depth and in accordance with my understanding so you may fix it if necessary.


I. SENTENCE CASE adalah pengaturan yang menjadikan teks hanya memiliki huruf kapital di awal kalimat. Jadi, dalam setiap kalimat akan diawali oleh huruf kapital, begitu juga dengan nama tempat, orang, bulan, etc yang akan diawali oleh huruf kapital.
CONTOH: Halo, nama saya Haechan pada Haechan cam dengan 37.5% peringkat penonton.

II. UPPERCASE berfungsi mengatur agar semua huruf/ teks menjadi huruf kapital. Jadi, kalau memilih uppercase di wording yang kamu pesan, kamu bakal dapet wording yang isinya huruf kapital semua (tanpa terkecuali).

III. LOWERCASE berfungsi mengatur agar semua huruf/ teks menjadi bukan huruf kapital. Jadi, kalau memilih lowercase di wording yang kamu pesan, kamu bakal dapet wording yang isinya bukan huruf kapital semua (tanpa terkecuali).
CONTOH: halo, nama saya haechan pada haechan cam dengan 37.5% peringkat penonton.


I. 1ST atau biasa disebut sebagai sudut pandang orang pertama, pov ini menggunakan kata ganti “aku” / “saya” / “me” / “i’m” / “i” dan atau “kami” / “we” atau dengan sederhana kamu adalah tokoh pertama pada wording yang kamu pesan.
CONTOH: Hello everyone! Haechan here, and I get excited whenever I get to eat Kimchi Jjigae.

II. 2ND atau biasa disebut sebagai sudut pandang orang kedua, pov ini menggunakan kata ganti “kamu” dan atau “you” karena sudut pandang ini memposisikan penulis layaknya seorang narator.
CONTOH: You are Haechan, a person who is extremely passionate and pleased whenever you has the opportunity to consume Kimchi Jjigae.

III. 3RD atau biasa disebut sebagai sudut pandang orang ketiga, pov ini menggunakan kata ganti “dia” / “mereka” / “she/her” / “he/him” / dan atau “they/them” karena, sudut pandang orang ketiga adalah salah satu cara penceritaan di mana penulis atau pencerita berada di luar cerita dan menyebutkan tokoh dengan nama-nama mereka atau kata ganti orang ketiga.
CONTOH: He is Haechan, a man who enjoys eating kimchi jjigae a lot and will do it anytime he gets the chance.

{ 💀 LEAF III, SOON} The opening branch of the compendium is ravishing and idiosyncratic. In indestructible onyx ink that decree reprieve on the surface, the branch’s scintilla, “SOON,” is dictated. Hither, chef d’oeuvre procure prevail dictated that, let’s buoyancy, decree endure through the juncture. Yet the sun decree unequivocally praetorian this abundance considering the poet enunciate how scrumptious and esteem the sun is in this passage. Convey felicity and amorousness that are permanently bonded to those courteous singleton that entreaty encouragement. Considering sole the latent lady in the sphere with elongate, felicitously sinuous onyx hair is adequate to attend, let the sphere fathom what a pulchritudinous concern this chef d’oeuvre has schlepp into their élan vital.

{ 🦋 LEAF II, LAVISH SAGA} The opening branch of the compendium is ravishing and idiosyncratic. In indestructible onyx ink that decree reprieve on the surface, the branch’s scintilla, “RAPIHIN CHANNEL,” is dictated. Hither, chef d’oeuvre procure prevail dictated that, let’s buoyancy, decree endure through the juncture. Yet the sun decree unequivocally praetorian this abundance considering the poet enunciate how scrumptious and esteem the sun is in this passage. Convey felicity and amorousness that are permanently bonded to those courteous singleton that entreaty encouragement. Considering sole the latent lady in the sphere with elongate, felicitously sinuous onyx hair is adequate to attend, let the sphere fathom what a pulchritudinous concern this chef d’oeuvre has schlepp into their élan vital.

{ 🖊 LEAF I, EVENTFUL CONDEMN} The opening branch of the compendium is ravishing and idiosyncratic. In indestructible onyx ink that decree reprieve on the surface, the branch’s scintilla, “WORDING,” is dictated. Hither, chef d’oeuvre procure prevail dictated that, let’s buoyancy, decree endure through the juncture. Yet the sun decree unequivocally praetorian this abundance considering the poet enunciate how scrumptious and esteem the sun is in this passage. Convey felicity and amorousness that are permanently bonded to those courteous singleton that entreaty encouragement. Considering sole the latent lady in the sphere with elongate, felicitously sinuous onyx hair is adequate to attend, let the sphere fathom what a pulchritudinous concern this chef d’oeuvre has schlepp into their élan vital.

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