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LPT: If you want to be remembered for being good in bed, please do this.

This is especially for the young guys.
Encourage your sex partner to rub her own clitoris while you are penetrating her if you want to exponentially increase the odds of her having an orgasm/orgasms.
During the deed tell her to play with it, or move her hand to it.
She knows (Or may discover with you there!) the perfect level of pressure and motion to get there, and your dick, fingers, tongue or toy is there to make it significantly more intense.
This would change the entire game for guys and gals if you all started doing this from the first time you start having sexual encounters.

I am a 36 year old lady. I've had a lot of partners. Please, heed my advice.
I was too shy to do it when I was young, and then I encountered incredibly uninformed men in person and online who felt insecure about a woman needing to touch herself during the act to get off, as if the penis should be all it takes.
It usually isn't and it has zero reflection on your abilities.
Feeling that way is like if a chick felt that you should be able to cum just from her sucking on your balls, and her feeling like she isn't good enough if you have to also jack off while shes doing it. Don't be silly. (Not to say some people won't get off on ball sucking alone, but it's rare.)
The statistical studies vary over the years, but it looks like, generally, more than 75% of women need clitoral stimulation to cum.
So be awesome and try to make her comfortable with doing it.

Edit: May not be a preferred method for every woman in every situation!
**Communication is key! KEY!!!**


YSK - TurboTax is not free

Why YSK: TurboTax will very likely charge you for your return, and if they do, they will wait until you’re done with all the work to tell you so you either have to pay or start from the VERY BEGINNING again.

So no, they’re not free free free free free [Turbotax had to pay millions for this misleading advertisement](

Instead, see if you qualify to use any one of the IRS’s [MANY]( convenient services - usually if you make under $73,000/year, you can qualify. I’ll be using TaxAct for the second year in a row this year.

Or, just file your taxes. It’s not that hard, and it is good to learn yourself what you actually have to pay and why.

This happened yo a couple of my friends last year, and I don’t want to see anyone else fall for QucikenLoans’ traps. Stay smart and save money this tax season my fellow Americans.


LPT: You know that unmarked bag, box, or container you think you'll remember the contents of, months or years out? You won't. Label *everything.*

This is a life Pro tip that has served me extremely well. If you decant something into an unmarked container, put a box away for storage, or collect something in a ziplock bag that you think will be marked by some indelible experience that you're *absolutely sure you won't forget or lose track of*: guess what? Odds are you're going to come across that thing at some point in the future and wonder when it was from, what it contains, all so you can figure out what to do with it.

To avoid this future confusion: grab a marker or pen and clearly label whatever it is, on the box or container or with a little paper slipped inside. Future you will thank you.


YSK the difference between "dermatologist tested" and "dermatologist approved" when buying skincare products

Why ysk, it seems really obvious but it's not and most people don't check when buying skincare products, especially if its budget friendly but in my experience of trying so many products over the years and wasting my money etc i finally concluded my search for something that didn't ruin my skin when i started using products that are "dermatologist approved", the term "dermatologist tested" is misleading and usually the product with that slapped on the side of it will do more harm than good.


LPT: If you have a chore that you’ve been putting off doing, put in headphones, call an especially talkative family member, and do the chore while you’re on the phone with them.

This works especially well if the person you’re talking to carries most of the conversation themselves. This also works best with a quieter chore, such as folding laundry, that the person you’re talking to can’t hear through the phone.


YSK There are approximately 1100 laws that benefit marriage.

Why YSK: This is important to know because a lot of people don't realize these benefits and how much it hurts people who don't have them. Even some people who consider themselves progressive might scoff at the idea of all of these groups getting the same benefits.

There are more than 1,100 Federal US laws that benefit marriage. It goes without saying that all consenting adults should be able to get those benefits. However the problem also comes when very close friends, queer relationships, asexual/platonic partners, polyamorous relationships, widows etc should have and need the same benefits but are often left out in the rain because of all of the outdated laws and language based off the assumption of amatonormative relationships.,is%20seeking%20such%20a%20relationship.


LPT - If you're expecting a newborn, you're best to get good quality second hand stuff, rather than brand new low quality stuff. It will last longer and it is better for the environment.

We have 2-year old twinnies and we were blessed with so much free stuff from clothing to big ticket items such as cots, change tables, outdoor slides, high chairs. We even managed to score 5 free cots (spread across grandparents' houses and our own).

I just gave a way a decent quality baby change table to a very stressed out father who is expecting a newborn in 1 month. I ended up driving the change table to his house as it wouldn't fit in his car. People love giving away their stuff to others. It makes them feel good knowing that another person will get to enjoy it, it also stops it from going into landfill and it means they don't have to look at it anymore. Contrary to what you think, the clothing you give away to charities or put in those clothing, bins (depending on where you are based) - in many cases - end up in landfill. Only 1-10% of it actually get recycled or reused. With fast fashion and furniture being so abundant these days (like Shein, H&M, Primark, Ikea, Aldi) it's really important that we try to reuse good quality stuff, instead of buying cheap new stuff.


YSK: foraging skills, especially for mushrooms, don't apply to other regions/continents

Why YSK: tourists and immigrants are killed or sickened due to eating plants and mushrooms they thought they foraged safely. The identification guidelines that work in Europe and Asia do not apply to North America, leading experienced foragers to accidentally harvest and collect the aptly named Death Caps.

It appears that, in North America, Southeast Asian immigrants and tourists face the highest risks, followed by those from Eastern Europe.

Edit to add: this is also a problem among migrants to Europe, resulting in deaths of Afghan and other refugees. Especially tragic considering the hardships they have already faced.


LPT: When you set a goal, ask the question "Why?" a few times over. Explore WHY you really want WHAT you want. That will help you make a connection to the goal and increase your odds for success.

Too often, there’s a disconnect between the goals we want and why we really want to achieve them. Until we connect the dots between our WHAT and our WHY, we’ll always struggle to finish what we start. Barriers will appear in our way, challenges will materialize, and boredom will set in. Our goals will all die if we aren’t mentally locked in on the WHY behind our WHAT. Here are two examples…

**GOAL 1: Earn one million dollars.**

I’ve heard this before, and I even said it at one time. “I want to earn one million dollars.” But today, as I’m coaching people and having conversations about goals, one question immediately pops into my head. “Why?” When it comes to a financial goal like this, it’s never about the number. Instead, the number represents something else. For some, one million dollars would open the door to their version of freedom or not having to worry about money in their later years of life. For others, it represents the ability to travel or create experiences in their life. And for others, it can open the door to starting a business or chasing a new opportunity.

Let’s take this one step further. In my coaching, I’ve asked people to explore their answers to “Why?” a little further. For example, if they say that one million dollars represent the ability to travel or create experiences in their life, I’ll ask them why those things matter to them. They’ll often tell me that those trips and experiences are a way to create deeper connections with their spouse, kids, or friends.

At the end of the day, their goal was something other than the money. The money was simply a tool they could use to create connections. When they focus on the experiences they want and the connections they desire rather than the dollar amount, doing the hard work to achieve the goal feels more worthwhile and is easier to stick with through the challenges. That’s why knowing the WHY behind the WHAT is so important. That emotional connection to the WHY is your secret weapon.


YSK that scams are on the rise.

Why YSK: I have heard countless stories from friends and family lately of them either being scammed or almost being scammed until someone stepped in to stop it in its tracks.

Just in this week I’ve gotten at least 2 scammers attempting to scam me and 1 nearly get my family member before I jumped in. The scam was so good that my loved one was convinced I was wrong and just trying to prevent them from something good happening to them…

Phishing emails, scam calls, in person scams are getting more and more elaborate and it’s your responsibility to educate yourself in preventing them. Better yet, educate your loved ones too. There’s a good chance you or someone you know will fall into a scammers web. Stay vigilant


LPT: When sending professional emails, the To: field is for the recipients who need to do something or respond to the email. The Cc: field is for recipients who should be aware of the exchange.

If you have a bunch of recipients in the To: field, it may not be clear who should be the one acting/responding.

If you address the email to Bob, but Cc: his supervisor, Bob knows he needs to act and the supervisor is aware of the exchange.


YSK Just because some company state they will not accept any responsibility for damaged or lost items doesn’t mean they can’t be held responsible

Why YSK: these disclaimers are just an easy way to prevent consumers or clients pursuing compensation from the company. And sadly, many people don’t take action because of it.


YSK: using a dishwasher gets dishes cleaner and is more efficient than handwashing in the sink.

Why YSK: so you don’t feel guilty as I did thinking I was wasting water by using a dishwasher.

I used to avoid putting dishes in the dishwasher because I thought it wasted water, especially since a cycle can last over two hours. I knew it would leave dishes cleaner but I always thought it was inefficient in terms of water and electricity usage. But doing a little research revealed that a dishwasher is way more efficient overall.

[Here’s a good article that breaks down the benefits of using a dishwasher.](


YSK that tetanus has nothing to do with rust. It's an anaerobic bacteria that lives in soil and especially in horse manure

Every time there's a photo of some big rusty thing posted, especially shipwrecks and such, there's a highly popular comment about tetanus shots, "tetanus speedrun" etc.

I can only guess where this comes from, perhaps from warnings about stepping on rusty nails, but it's wrong. The reason why rusty nails are dangerous is because they typically lie on the ground and stepping on one can mean transferring bits of soil and soil bacteria into the wound. And because, being anaerobic, tetanus is more likely to survive in a puncture wound where there's often no oxygen.

**edit:** As has been explained below, rust may help because the small bits of un-rusted iron on it could pull out some oxygen if they're also in the wound. So there may be a point to this claim, but it's too often misunderstood, the culprit is soil.

Stepping on a dirty thorn with your bare foot or getting a dirty splinter is just as risky as stepping on a rusty nail. That said, getting tetanus from either is not *that* common. And shipwrecks in the sea are likely to be tetanus-free (still don't go there) - unless the ship is called The Tetanic, in that case be careful.

The highest risk comes not from stepping on stuff but from working with manure, especially horse manure. If you work with horses, tell your doctor, it may be prudent to get more frequent tetanus shots than the general population, just like big animal vets do.

**Why YSK:** Because tetanus is deadly (even if uncommon) and it's important to know where it really lives.

**source:** [Wikipedia page on Tetanus]( is the most accessible source.


LPT: When you start to get frustrated at someone or something, play Devil’s advocate with yourself. Talk yourself out of the frustration. Yeah, getting cut in line sucks, but maybe they’re late to pick up their kid. Do this and you’ll naturally be more calm and understanding of yourself and others.


YSK: You should know about Take It Down, a anonymous new resource to remove online nudes taken of people under 18 years old.

Why YSK: Sextortion is the fastest growing crime that not enough people know about. Predators target kids/teens online, convince them to share incriminating photos, and then threaten to share them publicly if the kids or teens don’t share even more explicit photos or videos. These children and teens often feel too ashamed to let someone know, and their risk of self harm, depression and anxiety, and suicide goes way up.

Take It Down:

How does it work? You don’t have to show anyone the image or send it anywhere to get it taken down. Take It Down assigns a unique digital fingerprint, called a hash value, to photos that you select. Online platforms that have agreed to participate use these values to detect and remove this content from their services. The image/video never leaves your device and no one has to view it.

This service works anywhere in the world.

If your pictures were taken when you were over 18, you can get help at

Report any type of online child sexual exploitation to the Cyber Tipline at or call 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678)

New documentary film about a US Navy officer convicted of sextortion, to help you understand the extent of the issue, the impact on people, and to start the conversation with your kids and friends: Sextortion at


LPT: When giving advice it helps to replace "should" with "could". This makes it a suggestion rather than an instruction. Making your advice more palatable.


YSK, if you're from a colder climate, visiting southeast asia or any other tropical country, you need to shower twice a day to better cope with the humidity.

It always seemed like an obvious thing to me as a SE asian but I was surprised to learn many foreigners don't figure this out sooner. They'll complain so much about the heat, sweat buckets, hog the fans, "cool down" with iced drinks, but it doesn't occur to them to take a shower.

Why YSK: Sweat, dirt and oils from our body trap heat, and with humid weather it doesn't dry out as much as you're used to especially if you're from a colder climate, so it traps even more heat, leading to that sticky uncomfortable hot feeling. Plus us locals can smell if you're "unwashed" even from a few feet away so consider it as a courtesy to us as well. Lol.


LPT: Fathers of daughters, always carry a spare hair tie in your wallet.

She'll love you for it when she hasn't brought one and it's needed.

Of course, the same applies to anyone with a long-haired loved one in their life.


YSK that the word 'it's' always means 'it is'. The word that means 'belonging to it', like in the phrase 'the cat licks its paw', does not have an apostrophe.

Why YSK: This error is really easy to make, and is one of the most common errors made by people who are otherwise competent at written English. People often make this mistake because apostrophes are used to indicate possession when the subject is a noun, like 'the dog's nose' or 'Alice's restaurant', so it's easy to get into the habit of going for an apostrophe whenever possession is involved.

However, possessive pronouns do not take apostrophes. Consider how words like 'hers', 'his', 'ours', 'yours', and 'theirs' do not have apostrophes. 'Its' is no exception.

As a bonus, 'who's' means 'who is', as in 'Who's there?'. The word meaning 'belonging to whom' is 'whose', as in 'the cat, whose paw we mentioned earlier, is wagging its tail'.

Edit: Someone made a great point, which is that 'it's' can also mean 'it has', as in 'it's been a long day', so my title is incorrect. I should have said 'it's' is always a contraction and is never possessive, which is the general point I was trying to get at. Unfortunately I can't edit the title.


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