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Hey-hello! #zonegirls & boys 👀🤎.
This duplicate Jueun feeling lonely t__t please give me a friends or fam(ily)..
i need talkactive person and ofc i'm cheerful person =] i like to send 3++ bbc and fpap. aku juga punya segudang topik untuk kita berbincang nantinya ⭐️__⭐️
if u're interested for being my friends, just knock ma room-chat!

hello! #zonegirls n boys this is Kylie’s duplicate lookin' for someone who will accompany me in all my daily activities, i also emphasize that i’m looking for a friend and family, text me.

hi #zonegirls & boys! hari ini aku mauu mencari banyak teman ya.. yang banyak.. jutaan jugaa boleh. i really like people who are enthusiastic and passionate and have affection. aku butuh keluarga seperti kakak laki-laki dan kakak perempuan. i would love to read about your daily life if you want! jadi yang berminat bisa hubungi aku ya!

#zonegirls gusy, yay or nay temenan sama fasyal choi san yang imup dan baik seperti anomali pembaik enih (AK BETULAN FASYAL CHOI SAN YG TAMPFAN ITU)

Hi #zoneboys & girls. This Haechan yang sedang menyamar menjadi Jeno currently searching forra new pals and FWA partner. I'm up for any gender as switch. Fyi, i like send more than 3++ bbc, i use "gua-lu" and "aku-kamu" for daily convo, i like to do love-hate relationship but sometimes can do lovey-dovey relation. I pref someone who's talkactv, convobuild, clingy and can respond to my text well, jadi kalo lu termasuk orang yang drytext tolong jauh jauh dari gua yak. Shoot me a hi if u're interested 🪬

HIHOY!1!1 this duplicated chuu! ajakinn bertemaann dongg, i swear i’ll be a great partner for our chit chat😋🤩🤞🏻 #zonegirls

Hi #zonegirls n boys! Let's make long term friendship with dupe Winter or anything? talkactive person get free pass. Random talk di anon juga ayo, Hmu! Convokiller and ghost person Dni.

Rise and Shine, #Zoneboys & girls. This Lee Jaehyun dupe is looking for a lot of friends. Send me your best hi!

Hi, i’m here ready to expand my social circle. if you need someone to talk to or share your burden just count me in. #zonegirls

tmanan sama aku yukKK, aku mau punya temen yang bnyaap =P... or
fam(ily)?? especially adek
i also looking for fwa

&& i love sending 3++ bbc too. text me if you interested, knock my rc
tbz, nct, muse west rp-ers get a free kiss

i promised im a talkactive person, ghosting-ers, dry text, stuck diperkenalan dni ya
💌 : #zonegirls

Hola folks, this Park Jisung is looking for a bunch of friends, and fams. If you are ghostingers, convokiller, please strictly do not interact. Toss me a hi #zoneboys

ngobrol di anon ? kita bisa bahas tentang nsfw atau dirty talk. ghosting,ilangan,slr DNI! #zoneboys

Hi #zoneboys & girls! This is dupe Jeong Yoon-oh looking for fwa partner, there are no specific criteria. If you are interested please contact me immediately. Yap everyone’s is allowed.

hELLOU! * 👋🏻👋🏻 * #zonegirls & boys!. leeseo duplicate here. i'm l👀king forrA many fwiends, big bro, or anything. imma talkactive person n like send 3+++ bbc for u >33!. i can be good fwiends! go go be fwiends with me >____0! 🍓⭐️

#zonegirls , dup ziyoung this looking for some new pals any gender && fwa patner 🆙🆙 i'm talkactice person and i like send 3++ bbc, fpap 🥸🥸 or lets talk on anon if u shy 👀
seonghwa n mingi rp-ers get free pass 🫨💞

hmu if u interested! 🫷🏻see u in my rc
drytexter, convokiller, ghostinger please DNI.

hi #zonegirls and boys! this go younjung best dupe is seeking for pals to talk with. send me your best pap or send me your best hi if you're interested.

tmanan sama aku yukKK, aku mau punya temen yang bnyaap =P... or
fam(ily)?? especially adek
i also looking for fwa

&& i love sending 3++ bbc too. text me if you interested, knock my rc
tbz, nct, muse west rp-ers get a free kiss

i promised im a talkactive person, ghosting-ers, dry text, stuck diperkenalan dni ya
💌 : #zoneboys

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