Channel's geo and language: Tajikistan, Uzbek
Category: Linguistics

The best way to improve your English is to learn phrasal verbs idioms and collocation inshaallah we will help you to do that
💬 For any kinda inquiries: @Sadi_Sheroziy
Second channel: @english_advise
Ads: @Rek_Info

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Dangasalik tufayli speaking ni oshira olmayapsizmi? Intizom yoʻqligidan self study oʻxshamayaptimi? Unda bu kanal aynan siz uchun 😉👇

Bu kanalda sample answer larni audio & transcript va pronunciation exercises orqali speaking dan 7+ oling

🇺🇸 Something came
🇺🇿 Ishim chiqib qoldi

➪︎ I apologize, but something came up unexpectedly, so I won't be able to attend the meeting

➪︎ Uzur so'rayman kutilmaganda ishim chiqib qoldi shuning uchun majlisga borolmayman

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Bugun 21:00 dagi darsimizga qoʻshilib olish uchun maxsus link 👇

Ertaga va indin multilevel imtixonga kiradiganlar uchun maxsus kanal🔥

Bu kanalda siz topa oladigan narsalar:
➖ Writing qaysi mavzu va qanaqa turlari tushadi task 1 va 2
➖ Reading va listening tushadigan savollar joylab qoʻyilgan
➖ Bugun kanalda jonli darsga kirganlarga oʻzimning maxsus kitoblarimni beraman pullik kitoblarimni

Tezda qoʻshilish soʻrovini yuboring!

🇺🇸 Get of my back
🇺🇿 Meni tinch qo'y
🇷🇺 Оставь меня в покое

➪︎ My parents are always on my case about my grades I wish they would get off my back sometimes

➪︎ Ota-onam mening baholarim haqida doim meni tanqid qilishadi Qaniydi ular ba'zan meni tinch qo'yishsa

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5.9k 0 103 6 26

Joke time

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🇺🇸 As stubborn as a mule
🇺🇿 Xachirdek qaysar
🇷🇺 упрямый как осел

➪︎ The rusty door was as stubborn as a mule, refusing to open without a fight

➪︎ Zanglagan eshik xachirdek o‘jarligidan, urmasdan ochilmay qo'ydi

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🇺🇸 In regard to
🇺🇿 Kelsak, borasida, haqida

➪︎ In regard to the movie we're watching, I think you'll enjoy it

➪︎ Biz tomosha qilayotgan filmga kelsak, o'ylaymanki, bu sizga yoqadi

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7.3k 0 156 11 29

🇺🇸 I take your point
🇺🇿 Men seni tushundim

➪︎ I hadn't thought of it that way before. I take your point

➪︎ Men oldin bunday deb o'ylamas edim, sizni tushundim

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8.5k 1 168 1 45

🇺🇸 I'm down
🇺🇿 Men roziman

➪︎ We are planning to have a picnic in Rudaki park. Are you in?
Yes, I'm down

➪︎ Biz keyingi hafta Rudaki parkida piknik qilmoqchimiz qo'shilasanmi? Ha, men roziman

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9.6k 1 153 4 52

🇺🇸 This and that
🇺🇿 U - bu, uyog'dan buyog'dan, xar xil mayda chuyda

➪︎ What have you been doing since I last saw you? Oh, this and that nothing very special

➪︎ Sizni ohirgi marta ko'rganimdan beri nimalar bilan bandsiz? Xar xil mayda chuyda narsalar, unchalik muhimmas

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🇺🇸 You've got a point
🇺🇿 Gapingda jon bor
🇷🇺 В твоей речи есть душа

➪︎ I disagree with most of what you said, but on that issue, you've got a point

➪︎ Men siz aytgan gaplarning ko'piga qo'shilmayman, lekin bu masalada gapingizda jon bor

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🇺🇸 Social butterfly
🇺🇿 Xush muomila, kirishimli

➪︎ He's such a social butterfly, he's probably already made friends with Simon

➪︎ U shunday kirishimli insonki, manimcha allaqachon Simon bilan do'stlashib oldi

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🇺🇸 Take it easy
🇺🇿 Tinchlan, o'zingni bos
🇷🇺 Успокоиться

➪︎ Take it easy and don't stress about the upcoming exam you've prepared well

➪︎ O'zingizni xotirjam tuting va yaqinlashib kelayotgan imtihon haqida qayg'urmang yaxshi tayyorgarlik ko'rgansiz

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🇺🇸 Good call
🇺🇿 Yaxshi tanlov

➪︎ Good call for choosing this restaurant. The food is amazing

➪︎ Bu restoranni tanlab yaxshi tanlov qilibsiz. Ovqatlari juda ajoyib

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🇺🇸 Out of the blue
🇺🇿 Kutulmaganda
🇷🇺 Неожиданно

➪︎ Out of the blue, he decided to travel to a foreign country without much planning

➪︎ Kutulmaganda, hech qanday rejalarsiz u chet davlatga sayohat qilishga qaror qildi

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13k 1 196 13 49
20 last posts shown.