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- Speaking yaxshimas, gapirayotib tutilib qolaman🙎🏻‍♂

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Shu kabi muammolar sizni ham qiynayaptimi? Endi bularning barchasini yechimi
Ted Talks kanalida. Ushbu loyiha o'zida barcha sohalardagi mavzularni qamrab olgani uchun endi sizda writing uchun ham bir talay idealar bo'ladi.

👉 @daily_ted_talks

🏃‍♂P/S: Foydasini 1 minutda sezasiz😎


👍So true
👍I agree
👍 Precisely!
👍Quite right
👍Damn right!
👍You're right
👍Fair enough
👍I think so too
👍I second that
👍I feel the same way
😀 You can say that again!

#learn #English #phrases

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Bright/smart - intelligent (aqlli)

✨ Buy - purchase (xarid qilmoq)

✨ Build - construct (qurmoq)

✨ But - however (ammo)

✨ Bad - negative (yomon)

✨ Break out - erupt (boshlanib ketmoq)

✨ Block - undermine (to'sqinlik qilmoq)

✨ Blow up - explode (portlamoq)

✨ Boss - employer (ish boshlig'i)

✨ Brave - courageous (jasur)

✨ Better - improved (yaxshiroq)

✨ Big - enormous (ulkan)

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So'z boyligimizni oshiramiz👇

"Go" fe'li so'z birikmalari haqida sozlaymiz

📕 go abroad - chet elga chiqish
📕 go astray - adashib qolish
📕 go bad - buzilib qolish, aynib qolish
📕 go bald - kal bo'lish
📕 go bankrupt - bankrot bo'lish
📕 go blind - ko'r bo'lish / sezmay qolish
📕 go crazy - jinni bo'lish
📕 go dark - qorong'ulashish
📕 go deaf - kar bo'lish
📕 go fishing - baliq ovlash
📕 go mad - jahli chiqish
📕 go missing - yo'qolish
📕 go on foot - piyoda yurish
📕 go online - aloqaga chiqish
📕 go overseas - okeandan o'tish
📕 go quiet - jim bo'lib qolish
📕 go sailing - suzish / qayiqda suzish
📕 go to war - urush boshlash
📕 go yellow - sariq bo'lish

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Difference Between "IN" or "ON"

Usually, you should use in when you're taking about a small vehicle or a personal vehicle. Use on when you're taking about a large vehicle or a public vehicle. An exception to this is when you are talking about a bicycle or motorcycle, For small vehicles like those use on.

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#learnenglish #grammar #prepositions

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Chet elga chiquvchilar yod olishi kerak bo'lgan iboralar 2:


🔸What time is it? – Soat necha?
🔸This food is amazing! – Taom juda ajoyib ekan!
🔸Need to go now – Men endi ketishim kerak
🔸Today/Yesterday/Tomorrow – Bugun/Kecha/ Ertaga
🔸Can you give me an example? – Menga bir misol ayta olasizmi?
🔸Please wait a moment – Bir daqiqa kuting iltimos

E'tiborni Tortish:

🔸Excuse me! – Кechirasiz! (E'tiborni tortish uchun ishlatiladi)
🔸I am sorry to bother you. – Bezovta qilayotganim uchun uzr so'rayman
🔸Does anybody here speak Russian? – Bu yerda kimdir rus tilida gapirmadimi?
🔸I dont speak English very well — Men ingliz tilida uncha yaxshi gapira olmayman
🔸I speak English a little bit. – Men ingliz tilida biroz gaplasha olaman!

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🎧 #listen_audio

⚡️10 advanced synonyms for the most common verbs.

📌Common 📌Advanced

◾️to begin to commence
◾️to end to terminate
◾️to ask to inquire of
◾️to answer to respond
◾️to help to assist
◾️to explain to elaborate
◾️to do to execute
◾️to make to construct
◾️to get to acquire
◾️to put to establish

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1) time - marta
🔖 I have been to London three times.
2) time - vaqt
🔖 She has no time to meet with you.
1) noise - ovoz
🔖 Bobur heard a strange noise in the street.
2) noise - shovqin
🔖 Do not make noise.
1) light - chiroq
🔖 There is a light in the room.
2) light - yorug'lik
🔖 Light is shining my eyes.
1) paper - gazeta/ yozma ish
🔖 Jack reads a paper every day.
2) paper - qog'oz
🔖 Paper is made from wood.
1) work - asar
🔖 I mainly read the works of A.Navoi.
2) work - ish
🔖 I found work to support my family.

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🥝Informal & 🍋Formal

🍏 It’s about ➖ It concerns, It’s in regards to
🍏 need to ➖ required
🍏 think about ➖ consider
🍏 get ➖ obtain
🍏 put up ➖ tolerate
🍏 deal with ➖ handle
🍏 seem ➖ appear
🍏 show ➖ demonstrate, illustrate, portray
🍏 start ➖ commence
🍏 keep ➖ retain
🍏 free ➖ release
🍏 get on someone’s nerves ➖
🍏 ring up ➖ call
🍏 show up ➖ arrive
🍏 let ➖ permit
🍏 fill in ➖ substitute, inform
🍏 block ➖ undermine
🍏 give the go ahead, greenlight ➖ authorize, authorise

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📹 How to think in English | No more translating in your head! →
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📹 Learn English with SHREK — Donkey Meets Shrek
🇬🇧 Language : English
🌟 Reyting : 7.0
💌Subtitle : Yes
✅ Channel : @English_Subtitle_movies

📌 Like fe'li bilan ishlatilinadigan eng ommaviy 10 ta iboralar

💥 Sleep like a log - Chuqur va qattiq uyquga ketmoq

💥 Sell like hotcakes - Tez va yaxshi darajada biror narsa sotmoq

💥 Like a fish out of water - Batamom begona bo'lgan joyda bo'lish

💥 Feel like a million - Juda baxtli his qilmoq

💥 Like a bump on a log - Atrofidagi narsalarga foydali yoki kerakli deb qaramaslik

💥 Read someone like a book - So'ramasdan biror kim nima haqida o'ylayotganini o'qiy bilish

💥 Watch someone like a Hawk - Kimnidir ehtiyotkorlik bilan kuzatish, ayniqsa xato qilishini kutgan holda

💥 Know someone or something like the back of one’s hand - Biror kimni yoki narsani har tomondan to'laqonli bilish

💥 Fit like a glove - Juda mos/to'g'ri keladi

💥 Eat like a bird - Juda kam miqdorda nimadir yeyish

Guruhlarga ulashamiz!!!🙂🙂

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▶️ Film nomi: Kalmar oʻyini 2-fasl 1-qism

Shu videodagi film oʻzbek tilida botimizga joylandi.

✅ Film kodi: 3️⃣5️⃣7️⃣ [357]

Filmni yuklab olish uchun
Botimizga kiring va  kodni yuboring.

🤔 Bot manzili👉 🔂@KinoUzFilmlar_Bot

Barcha kinolar Bizning kanalda.

Band 7+ Vocabulary for IELTS 🔥🔥🔥

Informal           Formal

❌ Ask for           ✅Request (so'ramoq) 

❌Look into        ✅ Investigate (taftish qilmoq)

❌ Hungry           ✅ Famished (och qolgan)

❌ But                  ✅ However (ammo)

❌ Mad                ✅ Insane (aqldan ozgan)

❌ Let                  ✅ Allow (ruxsat bermoq)

❌ Worse            ✅ Inferior (yomonroq)

❌ Keep              ✅ Preserve (saqlamoq)

❌ Dim                ✅ Indistinct (noaniq)

❌ Death             ✅ Demise (o'lim)

❌ Job                 ✅ Occupation (kasb)

❌ Dad                ✅ Father (ota)

❌ Hopeless      ✅ Futile (behuda)

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• compassion • sorrow
• commiseration • regret
• condolence • sadness
• distress • sympathy
• fellow feeling • rue
• understanding • ruth
• feeling • emotion

Example of use: He expressed his sorrow at my father’s death.

Don’t do anything you might regret. #vocabulary #Synonyms

🤝Do'stlaringizga ham ulashing zero ilm ulashmoq ham ehsondir!

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What / Which / How

🔰Narsalarni rangi, razmeri, sana va soat vaqtlari, poytaxtlarga o'xshash (tanlash varianti yo'q) bitta bo'ladigan narsalar, nima qilyapdi, nimani yoqtiradi, nima bo'lyapdi, nomi nima, nomeri nechchi kabi so'roqlarda "What" ishlatiladi.
• What colour is your car? - Sizning mashinangiz rangi qanaqa?
• What size is this shirt? - Bu ko'ylakning razmeri qanaqa?
• What time is it? - Soat nechchi bo'ldi?
• What is your telephone number? - Sizning telefon nomeringiz nechchi?
• What kind of music do you like? - Siz qanaqa musiqani yoqtirasiz?
• What is the capital of Uzbekistan? - O'zbekiston poytaxti qayer?

🔰Tanlash imkoni bor holatlarda "Which" ishlatiladi. Bu bilan savol berilganda bir nechta javob varianti bo'lishi kerak.
• There are four umbrellas here. Which is yours? - U yerda to'rtta soyabon turibdi. Qaysi biri sizniki?
• Which is bigger - Canada or Australia? - Qaysi biri katta, Kanada yoki Avstraliya?

🔰Agar variantlar odam bo'lsa "Which" o'rnida "Who" ishlatiladi.
• Who is taller - Bobur or Akmal? - Qaysi biri uzun, Bibur yoki Akmal?

🔰Qancha degan so'roqning ko'p turlarida "How" ishlatiladi. Yoshi nechchida, masofa qancha, qanchalik tez, qanchalik katta, qanchalik og'ir, qanday bo'ldi so'roqlarida ishlatiladi.
• How old are you? - Yoshingiz nechchida?
• How tall is your father? - Siznig otangizni bo'yi qancha?
• How often do you go on holiday? - Siz dam olishga qanchada bir chiqib turasiz?
• How was the party last night? - O'tgan kechadagi bayram qanday bo'ldi?
• How do you usually go to work? - Siz doim ishga qanday ketasiz?
• How far is it from Paris to Moskow? - Parijdan Moskvagacha qancha masofa bor?
• How big is the house? - Uy qanchalik katta?
• How heavy is it box? - Bu qutining og'irligi qancha?
• How fast can this plane fly? - Bu samalyot qanchalik tez uchadi?

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📹 Learn English with Disney Movies | The Incredibles 2

🇬🇧 Language : English
🌟 Reyting : 7.0
💌Subtitle : Yes
✅ Channel : @English_Subtitle_movies


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🎥 Learn English with Beauty And The Beast & Emma Watson

👍 Defenition : Beauty and the Beast is a 2017 American musical romantic fantasy film directed by Bill Condon from a screenplay by Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos. Produced by Walt Disney Pictures with Mandeville Films,[1][6] it is a live-action/animated remake of Disney's 1991 animated film Beauty and the Beast, itself an adaptation of Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont's version of the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast".[7] Starring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens as the titular characters, the film features a supporting ensemble and choir cast including Luke Evans, Kevin Kline, Josh Gad, Ewan McGregor, Stanley Tucci, Audra McDonald, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Ian McKellen and Emma Thompson.[8]

📆 Release date
February 23, 2017
⏰ Running time 129 minutes
🇬🇧 Country United States
✅ Language English
💵Budget $160–255 million
💵Box office $1.266 billion[2]

🍿 English movies | 📺 @Eng_moviesss

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