Strategies to overcome procrastination:
1. Concentrate on forming habits by taking small steps forward everyday.
-- for example ; if you want to finish a 500 page book. Start by reading 10 pages daily, not 100 pages daily.
2. Just start working
--Force yourself to start and to make the first step. The hardest step is always the first step. Once you take the first step you forget about procrastination and the job gets done.
3. Consider your energy levels
--Take regular breaks throughout the day (walk, stretch, eat, water, nap, etc.). Find your peak productive hours and push yourself. When your energy is getting low take those breaks.
4. Find ways to have more energy
--Get enough rest (7 – 8 hours), eat a healthy diet, exercise a few times a week, drink enough water, etc. Low energy typically leads to procrastination.
5. Overcome the fear of failure
--The fear of failure can lead to procrastination. Don't be afraid of failures. Learn from them and thrive.
6. Make sure perfectionism isn't holding you back
--Trying to get it perfect will lead to procrastination, and understanding that nothing will ever be perfect will help you beat procrastination. By breaking the habit you will go to places you would have never imagined before.
7. Create a to-do list
--Lists will help you feel like you're doing something, and crossing something off as "DONE" will keep you motivated. Making a list will reduce the risk that you forget to do something.
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