Azazel News

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Azazel: appears as a fallen angel responsible for introducing humans to forbidden knowledge. This channel is dedicated to sharing actionable intelligence/knowledge regarding COVID19/Coronavirus

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Репост из: Coreen
FYI from a friend
The CDC had a meeting and my sister just now reported to us they are planning on wanting to close down the country for a month. They told my sister and other CDC members to prepare to stock up while you can because they are serious about doing this. My sister coming home soon to do family meeting as we plan to get necessary materials. Again, I know my sister rarely talks of work and I know when she mentions stuff, she isn’t kidding and is 100% convinced by what she is told they plan to take action. I understand if people may not believe or take it seriously until it’s public news, but I want you all to know to be prepared.


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THIS JUST IN!!!!!! Leak saying America to go under Quarantine for 4 week!!!! SHARE!!!!!!!

Maps are published in the Daily Mail

Who talked to the leaker and leaker verifies the father’s friendship with Nancy using Facebook

Tik Tok Leak posted on February 15th, 1000 cases in 32 states. They are lying 🤥 also this was verified by a member of our channel.

TikTok leak from February 13th is real and contradicts the CDC and White House. Stay vigilant

I know it’s way worst then they are telling the public

Although I’m posting the maps with CDC figures in America I do not take them seriously

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Meanwhile in Russia

Throwing away spoiled food due to mismanagement of resources, nice job CCP

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