Breivik is Asperger Part 1
Før Storrvik starter, ønsker Breivik å presisere noen poenger. Blant annet vil han gå i rette med diagnosene psykologspesialist Inni Rein har satt på ham; han er for tida under utredning for Aspergers syndrom, og er diagnostisert med dyssosial, narsissistisk og dramatisk personlighetsforstyrrelse.
Before Storrvik starts, Breivik wants to clarify a few points. Among other things, he will deal with the diagnoses psychologist specialist Inni Rein has given him; he is currently under investigation for Asperger's syndrome, and has been diagnosed with dyssocial, narcissistic and dramatic personality disorder.
Now, the topic Asperger is now completed, showing exactly how this Asperger syndrome is just ABUSED! and not just related to Breivik
Det er et forsøk fra Rein på å diskreditere meg, sier terroristen - som mener psykiatere og psykologer generelt prøver å sykeliggjøre høyreekstreme. Han understreker likevel at han er svært interessert i lidelsen og har lest mye om den.
It is an attempt by Rein to discredit me, says the terrorist - who believes that psychiatrists and psychologists in general are trying to sicken the far right. He nevertheless emphasizes that he is very interested in the disorder and has read a lot about it.
From this point of view, we agree with Breivik! Psychologists are talking bullshit!
So we don't support Breivik, like we said multiple times
but we still defend facts and rights! even of criminals!
Like we said with AfD
the problem is that "right wing" is getting considered as black sheep in some way, even if NOT ALL WHAT THEY SAY IS BULLSHIT! (but obviously not from AfD, which is bullshit per default! acting like Breivik).
Før Storrvik starter, ønsker Breivik å presisere noen poenger. Blant annet vil han gå i rette med diagnosene psykologspesialist Inni Rein har satt på ham; han er for tida under utredning for Aspergers syndrom, og er diagnostisert med dyssosial, narsissistisk og dramatisk personlighetsforstyrrelse.
Before Storrvik starts, Breivik wants to clarify a few points. Among other things, he will deal with the diagnoses psychologist specialist Inni Rein has given him; he is currently under investigation for Asperger's syndrome, and has been diagnosed with dyssocial, narcissistic and dramatic personality disorder.
Now, the topic Asperger is now completed, showing exactly how this Asperger syndrome is just ABUSED! and not just related to Breivik
Det er et forsøk fra Rein på å diskreditere meg, sier terroristen - som mener psykiatere og psykologer generelt prøver å sykeliggjøre høyreekstreme. Han understreker likevel at han er svært interessert i lidelsen og har lest mye om den.
It is an attempt by Rein to discredit me, says the terrorist - who believes that psychiatrists and psychologists in general are trying to sicken the far right. He nevertheless emphasizes that he is very interested in the disorder and has read a lot about it.
From this point of view, we agree with Breivik! Psychologists are talking bullshit!
So we don't support Breivik, like we said multiple times
but we still defend facts and rights! even of criminals!
Like we said with AfD
the problem is that "right wing" is getting considered as black sheep in some way, even if NOT ALL WHAT THEY SAY IS BULLSHIT! (but obviously not from AfD, which is bullshit per default! acting like Breivik).