🎩 New prestige objects in CITY Holder!LOADING_PRESTIGE...100%
🔑 Prestige in simulation keeps growing. An additional 20 buildings now have the opportunity for upgrades, unlocking new levels of profit, efficiency, and status.
🏡 Residential Buildings Igloo, Commune, Orphanage, Round House, Festive Cottage.
🛍 Commercial BuildingsMarket Stalls, Fast Food Restaurant, Antique Shop, Golf Club, Souvenir Shop.
⚙️ Industrial Buildings Greenhouse, Toy Factory, Confectionery Factory, Dairy Factory, Weaving Factory.
🏛 City Buildings Zoo, Ski Resort, Ancient Ruins, Playground, Lighthouse.
🔮 Need more Prestige Keys?Purchase them with coins 🪙, Telegram stars ⭐️, or find in the mystical chests in CITY Market.
🏗 Increase your city's prestige to collect even more taxes!
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