Results indicated an age effect: the younger the age at licensure, the higher the risk during the first year of licensed driving (Figure 10).
The evidence demonstrates consistently that teenage drivers have dramatically higher crash rates than older drivers, particularly drivers older than 25, after controlling for length of licensure.
Five Canadian studies examined 16- to 19-year-old drivers but did not control for exposure. Four of the studies found that novice 16-year-old drivers had higher crash rates than older novice teenage drivers.
Although in aggregate 18- to 19-year-old drivers are more mature than 16- or 17-year-old drivers, the episodic matu- ration process is far from complete by ages 18 and 19. Further, the effects of aging are mediated not only through increased maturity but also through dramatic changes in lifestyle, social, and economic factors. Thus, it is possible that increased matu- rity among older teenage drivers may be offset to some degree by an increased opportunity to engage in risk-taking behaviors (e.g., driving after drinking) and/or increased high-risk driving (e.g., nighttime travel).
Car Accident Statistics For 2023
Teen Drivers and Passengers: Get the Facts
The risk of motor vehicle crashes is higher among teens ages 16–19 than among any other age group. Teen drivers in this age group have a fatal crash rate almost three times as high as drivers ages 20 and older per mile driven
Fatality Facts 2021
So again Captain Blazer, alias Samuele Matteini, tell less bullshit if you don't know facts ...
What we can now conclude with that. Maybe it's time to start changing minimal age for driving supercars, since even driving at 50km/h a Lamborghini is not the same like driving a Fiat at 50km/h ... As we previously reported, different countries / services are only allowing that after 30+ years.
The evidence demonstrates consistently that teenage drivers have dramatically higher crash rates than older drivers, particularly drivers older than 25, after controlling for length of licensure.
Five Canadian studies examined 16- to 19-year-old drivers but did not control for exposure. Four of the studies found that novice 16-year-old drivers had higher crash rates than older novice teenage drivers.
Although in aggregate 18- to 19-year-old drivers are more mature than 16- or 17-year-old drivers, the episodic matu- ration process is far from complete by ages 18 and 19. Further, the effects of aging are mediated not only through increased maturity but also through dramatic changes in lifestyle, social, and economic factors. Thus, it is possible that increased matu- rity among older teenage drivers may be offset to some degree by an increased opportunity to engage in risk-taking behaviors (e.g., driving after drinking) and/or increased high-risk driving (e.g., nighttime travel).
Car Accident Statistics For 2023
Teen Drivers and Passengers: Get the Facts
The risk of motor vehicle crashes is higher among teens ages 16–19 than among any other age group. Teen drivers in this age group have a fatal crash rate almost three times as high as drivers ages 20 and older per mile driven
Fatality Facts 2021
So again Captain Blazer, alias Samuele Matteini, tell less bullshit if you don't know facts ...
What we can now conclude with that. Maybe it's time to start changing minimal age for driving supercars, since even driving at 50km/h a Lamborghini is not the same like driving a Fiat at 50km/h ... As we previously reported, different countries / services are only allowing that after 30+ years.