Pavel Durov broke his silence 🐶 today, describing his vision 👁 of the situation. I agree with him. It’s illogical to judge the inventor of any item or service for its illegal use. It makes sense to start investigations with the company, the legal entity. After all, there are fines to start the dialogue 🙊.
The price of TON 🪙 slightly increased after Pavel Durov's post. However, I don't think the price will stabilize. I am confident that the price needs to drop below $3.5 to maximize the exit of early investors. At the current price, this is easily achievable. I see many posts on Telegram debating whether to sell now if not sold at $6-8. I wouldn't sell now unless using leverage. But that's my philosophy, based on my own vision and experience 🤔.
Bitcoin’s price 🪙 touched $55,280 today. I have a feeling it might drop back to $49,000-$51,000. But that's just a feeling. Trading should be based on logic. I have set two buy orders around $49,000-$53,000. Let's see if these orders will be executed or not 📉🧐.
With a sharp rise in BTC to $65,000, the volume of liquidated short positions could reach $8,000,000,000. This is the potential fuel for rapid growth. I am sure that sooner or later, we will see a sharp rise from the lowest price by 20-25%. The big question is how much lower Bitcoin will go 🚀📈.
Wishing everyone a crypto-positive day 🤑!
🟠 Binance Registration Bonus 600💲
💬@CryptoHylos ⚡️ Boost
Pavel Durov broke his silence 🐶 today, describing his vision 👁 of the situation. I agree with him. It’s illogical to judge the inventor of any item or service for its illegal use. It makes sense to start investigations with the company, the legal entity. After all, there are fines to start the dialogue 🙊.
The price of TON 🪙 slightly increased after Pavel Durov's post. However, I don't think the price will stabilize. I am confident that the price needs to drop below $3.5 to maximize the exit of early investors. At the current price, this is easily achievable. I see many posts on Telegram debating whether to sell now if not sold at $6-8. I wouldn't sell now unless using leverage. But that's my philosophy, based on my own vision and experience 🤔.
Bitcoin’s price 🪙 touched $55,280 today. I have a feeling it might drop back to $49,000-$51,000. But that's just a feeling. Trading should be based on logic. I have set two buy orders around $49,000-$53,000. Let's see if these orders will be executed or not 📉🧐.
With a sharp rise in BTC to $65,000, the volume of liquidated short positions could reach $8,000,000,000. This is the potential fuel for rapid growth. I am sure that sooner or later, we will see a sharp rise from the lowest price by 20-25%. The big question is how much lower Bitcoin will go 🚀📈.
Wishing everyone a crypto-positive day 🤑!
🟠 Binance Registration Bonus 600💲
💬@CryptoHylos ⚡️ Boost