Репост из: Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida )
Breivik Death Sentence Part 3
Philip Manshaus (22) has been sentenced to detention for 21 years with a minimum term of 14 years after killing his stepsister Johanne Ihle-Hansen, before he went to the Al-Noor mosque on 10 August 2019. He is also sentenced to pay compensation to the next of kin https://perma.cc/HWX8-VS45
So this dude got the SAME sentence like Breivik! NO SENSE! even if he killed much less people. Don't forget suicide in Breivik case ... https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/586
5: how Breivik got the sentence is just ridiculous
and we don't need to forget how he acted
6: related to 4-5
«I en slik vurdering må det tillegges vekt at særlig kvalifiserte tilfeller av finansiering av terrorhandling også vil kunne bli ansett som medvirkning til selve handlingen med en høyere strafferamme på 21 år.»
"In such an assessment, weight must be added to the fact that particularly qualified cases of financing a terrorist act will also be considered complicity in the act itself with a higher penalty of 21 years."
Dreier det seg ikke bare om rene finansieringshandlinger, men om medvirkning til terrorisme, kommer § 147 a med en strafferamme på inntil 21 års fengsel til anvendelse. Paragraf 147 b vil ikke kunne anvendes i konkurrens med § 147 a.
If it is not just about purely financing actions, but about complicity in terrorism, Section 147 a with a penalty of up to 21 years' imprisonment is applied. Paragraph 147 b will not be able to be used in competition with § 147 a. https://perma.cc/2X5W-27PS
Philip Manshaus (22) has been sentenced to detention for 21 years with a minimum term of 14 years after killing his stepsister Johanne Ihle-Hansen, before he went to the Al-Noor mosque on 10 August 2019. He is also sentenced to pay compensation to the next of kin https://perma.cc/HWX8-VS45
So this dude got the SAME sentence like Breivik! NO SENSE! even if he killed much less people. Don't forget suicide in Breivik case ... https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/586
5: how Breivik got the sentence is just ridiculous
and we don't need to forget how he acted
6: related to 4-5
«I en slik vurdering må det tillegges vekt at særlig kvalifiserte tilfeller av finansiering av terrorhandling også vil kunne bli ansett som medvirkning til selve handlingen med en høyere strafferamme på 21 år.»
"In such an assessment, weight must be added to the fact that particularly qualified cases of financing a terrorist act will also be considered complicity in the act itself with a higher penalty of 21 years."
Dreier det seg ikke bare om rene finansieringshandlinger, men om medvirkning til terrorisme, kommer § 147 a med en strafferamme på inntil 21 års fengsel til anvendelse. Paragraf 147 b vil ikke kunne anvendes i konkurrens med § 147 a.
If it is not just about purely financing actions, but about complicity in terrorism, Section 147 a with a penalty of up to 21 years' imprisonment is applied. Paragraph 147 b will not be able to be used in competition with § 147 a. https://perma.cc/2X5W-27PS